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For the interest of 39 lb t, less 12 d, that
Robet owed on the remainder of his loan
that he paid in sterling and in other coin, and of the
12 lb t that Estienes the Clerk paid out, 100 s t.

For the expenditures made since the death of the count
by my lord Hugh of Augerant and Robet, and their
retinue, and for the other small things purchased outside of
these expenses, 28 lb less 12 d t.

And this is the accounting of the expenditures of my lord Hugue
and the retinue, from the week of the feast of Saint-Michel
until Sunday, and what remains to
my lord Hugue, from the payments in tournois currency,
54 lb t.

And these 54 lb t my lord Hugue had for his
passage, for himself and for Robet, and the retinue
he had signed on.

These accounts were made the feast day of Saint-Michel
in the year 1266, and from the tournois and the bezants
mentioned here according to this account, it was paid, for
the spicer who recouperated the heart of the count, to put it in ice, and
for the things he placed there, and for his pains, 6.
The total of all the bezants of this written reciept,
not including the pay for the Temple and for Boçu and for Brother
Estiene de Sissy, and my lord Erart of Valery, 1941 b, worth 647 lb t.


Likewise, The pay of the Knights.

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