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The sum of all the bezants, 3,718 and 10 quarrobles.

3. Likewise, the receipt of the things the Count sold
5171 bezants 9 quarrolbes, and 19 lb t 9 s tournois
for which the accounts were made the day after the feast of the Holy Cross in September.
The total of all the bezants, 8,969
bezants and one half, 7 quarrobles.

4. Likewise, in addition to this total, for 4 silver
spoons sold for 2 bezants and 6 bezants for the
remnant of cloth for the coverlet, and 33 s tournois
for 11 rings from Pui.
In this way the total is 8897 bezants
and one half, and 7 quarrobles and 87 lb t
less 12 d.
The total therefore, 8897 and one half b,
is worth, in tournois currency, 2965 lb, at a rate of
6 s 8 d per bezant.

5. Likewise 500 marks sterling were
brought, which the Duke of Burgundy sent to
the count by way of the Temple, in the August passage,
which were worth, on that day, in Acre 1,387 lb t
10 s t.

6. The total receipts of all these these mentioned above,
at the given rate of tournois, is 4440 lb t and 5 s t
and 8 d tournois, in the hands of my

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