St. Paul Accounts book 1865-1882

This half of the record book is meant to be a ledger, but there are many kinds of accounts recorded with different information recorded. Because of this, we've set up document transcription rather than spreadsheet transcription. Please transcribe what you see line by line, there is no need to imitate the column spacing or encode any tables. If the two page spread has different information on each page, transcribe the left hand side page first, then hit enter twice. Use "Second Page" as the heading for the right hand side page transcription.


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Second Page 1865 Expenses paid for School-house

To Charles Byrne for masonry $ 57.60 Daniel Feeley brick laying 48.40 Tharp Young & Co Carpenters 435.00 Daniel Carter (Colored) painting 13.00 BH. Hall plastering 135.90 John Foley labor 6.00 $ 725.90 balance due D. Carter pd 12.00 737.90

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1865 Receipts for the church Recieved of Mr. Thomas O'Brion for house rent from the to the $20.85 Item from Mr. Harkins 25.00 Donation from Rev. Chasal 15.00 ~ ~ T.R 10.00 ~ ~ A. [S]. 10.00 Recd of Mr. Thomas OBrion for house rent from date to 20.85 for brick sold to M. 12.00 block blacksmith shop 45 for glazing & painting to Dan Carter 25.00 Rent of Mr. James Harkins $25.00 house rent up to the 25.00 1500 sold brick 21.00 sold old iron 10.00 500 brick sold to Mr O'Day 7.00 800 ~ James Oneil 11.20 old iron to Mr Franklin 4.00 Rent of James Harkins twenty five dollars for house rent up to the $25.00 Rent of Thomas O'Brion for house rent from date to the -- $20.85 Brick sold to John Franklin 20.00

Second Page Epenses paid for the church For linen 0.50 for labor to Coylan & Hollaran 6.00 to Mr. Picket & Son for plas & extra work 102.40 John Foley labor 5.00 for labor .75 whitewashing of blacksmith shops 3.50 for labor 5.00 whitewashing of blacksmith shops 10.50 labor Jon Foley 12.00 paid Dan Carter for glazing and painting 25.00 balance due D. Carter glazing and painting 14.50 Paid John Foley for labor 10.00 Gas Co putting in gas etc 100.00 John Shay for watching at night 5.00 Shapp Young & Co 130.00 Mr Picket for Plan (balance) 250.00 payment for stable 810.00 Digging Foundation [Missus] Shannon 287.50 County & State tax 49.00 Mr. Picket 21.80 Nov. 3d Mr. McNickle for laying rock 200.00 Gas bill for the Fair 4.00

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1865 Recd through M Mulligan from Th Gormely 10.00 for stable rent 2.00 Recd of James Harkins for house rent up to the $ 25.00 Recd of Thomas O'Brion for house rent up to the 20.85 Collection at laying of Corner Stone 382.00 Donation of Henry F Blaze for buying brick 16.00 Recd of Thomas O'Brion for houserent up to the 20.85 Recd of James Harkins for houserent up to the 25.00 Stable rent 13 00

1866 Recd for Hall - rent 20.00 John Franklin for [buckets] of [Fennie] 5.00 From Dennis O'Driscol 200.00 Recd of Mr. James Harkins for houserent up to $ 25.00 Recd of Thomas O'Brion $ 20.85 for houserent up to Recd of James Harkins for houserent up to the $ 25.00 Recd of Thomas O'Brion for houserent up to the $20.85

Second Page 1865 Expenses paid for the new church to Young & King for shutters to the house $ 93.00 To Rt Rev Bp traveling expenses 25.00 To Mr Turner for making a cellar - door at the old house 7.00 To Mr Picket Archebert 21.60 To Mr McNickle 100.00 For hacks at laying Corner Stones 10.00 To Mr Burk - carpenter work done at old Schoolh 8.95 To D. Carter for painting shutters 22.00 Mr McNickle for stone work 200.00 300.00 Mr Picket 26.60 Mr McNickle Stone work at church 200.00 Mr Thomson for lumber in Hall & shutters 20.10 Paid for Caton's used at laying of Corner Stone 2.75 Mr McNickle (no receipt) 70.1000 To Wm Monahan for John McNickle 400.00 Paid for repairs of pump at old house 0.75 Expense for plans 54 [Merfn] Shannon balance for digging 60.00 Insurance company 25.00 --- --- for old school house [ode] 16.00 Mr McNickle for foundation work 500.30

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