


Status: Page Status Transcribed

1865 Recd through M Mulligan from Th Gormely 10.00
for stable rent 2.00
Recd of James Harkins for house rent
up to the $ 25.00
Recd of Thomas O'Brion for
house rent up to the 20.85
Collection at laying of Corner Stone 382.00
Donation of Henry F Blaze for buying brick 16.00
Recd of Thomas O'Brion for houserent
up to the 20.85
Recd of James Harkins for houserent up
to the 25.00
Stable rent 13 00

Recd for Hall - rent 20.00
John Franklin for [buckets] of [Fennie] 5.00
From Dennis O'Driscol 200.00
Recd of Mr. James Harkins for houserent
up to $ 25.00
Recd of Thomas O'Brion $ 20.85
for houserent up to
Recd of James Harkins for houserent
up to the $ 25.00
Recd of Thomas O'Brion for houserent
up to the $20.85

Second Page
1865 Expenses paid for the new church
to Young & King for shutters to the house $ 93.00
To Rt Rev Bp traveling expenses 25.00
To Mr Turner for making a cellar - door at the
old house 7.00
To Mr Picket Archebert 21.60
To Mr McNickle 100.00
For hacks at laying Corner Stones 10.00
To Mr Burk - carpenter work done at old Schoolh 8.95
To D. Carter for painting shutters 22.00
Mr McNickle for stone work 200.00
Mr Picket 26.60
Mr McNickle Stone work at church 200.00
Mr Thomson for lumber in Hall & shutters 20.10
Paid for Caton's used at laying of Corner Stone 2.75
Mr McNickle (no receipt) 70.1000
To Wm Monahan for John McNickle 400.00
Paid for repairs of pump at old house 0.75
Expense for plans 54
[Merfn] Shannon balance for digging 60.00
Insurance company 25.00
--- --- for old school house [ode] 16.00
Mr McNickle for foundation work 500.30

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