Status: Complete
$ 40 Recd Lexington of
Rev J H. Bekkers forty dollars
for plastering & & frame house
Luke McGauran
$ 20 Recd Lexington
of Rev J H Bekkers for plastering
house twenty dollars
Luke McGauran
$ 21.60 Recd Lexington
Rev J H Bekkers twenty one dollars,
& 60/100 for plastering house: ~
receipt in full.
Luke McGaurin
$ 200 Recd Lexington of
Rev J H Bekkers for painting etc
two hundred dollars
[C.W. Faushee]
100 Rec Lexington of
Rev J H Bekkers for moving the
organ into the new church one
hundred dollars
A. Prante
$ 40 Rec Lexington
of Rev J H Bekkers for two
statues forty dollars
S. Bonfanti
$ 100 Rec Lexington
of Rev J H Bekkers for painting at
church one hundred dollars
[C.W. Faushee]
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