


Status: Complete

Hennesy Mrs. John √ 50¢ pd.
Hillenmeyer Hector √ 5.00 5.00 pd.
Henry John 5.00 5.00 pd.

J. Joyeun Prof. √ 1 + 5.00 1+5.00 pd.

Second Page
Kelly Hugh 2.00 2.00 pd
K. Keating James 50.00 - pd. 25.00 pd. 25.00/100
Kearns Henry pd. 5.00 pd. 3.00 2.00 pd.
Kelly John 2.00
Keller John 2.00 1.00 pd.
King Charles (Cin.) √ 10.00 pd. 10.00
Keller Ferd. Prof √ 3.00 3.00 pd.
Kearney James √ 2.50 pd.
Kearney John √ 5.00 pd.
Kearney Pat √ 2.00 2.00 pd.
Kachly Mrs. 5.00 5.00 pd
L. Lintyard 5.00
Lamphear Pat. 1.00 1.00 pd
Luby Michael 5.00 pd. 5.00
Lamphear John 10.00 10.00 pd.
Logan Mike √ 12.00 10.00 pd 2.00 pd
Lyons Thom. √ 5.00 5.00 pd
Lynch Mrs. √ 1.50 50¢ pd. 1.00 pd
Laws Mrs. & Louis √ 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Logan Mrs. Bridget √ 5.00 pd. 5.00
Leary Corn. √ 2.00 pd. 2.00

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