St. Paul Accounts book 1865-1882

This half of the record book is meant to be a ledger, but there are many kinds of accounts recorded with different information recorded. Because of this, we've set up document transcription rather than spreadsheet transcription. Please transcribe what you see line by line, there is no need to imitate the column spacing or encode any tables. If the two page spread has different information on each page, transcribe the left hand side page first, then hit enter twice. Use "Second Page" as the heading for the right hand side page transcription.




$ 180.50 Recd Lexington of J H Bekkers for paving in front and around church one hundred and eighty dollars 50/ G.D. Wilgus

1876 $ 159~ Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for stonework at St Paul's and St Peter's churches and Schoolhouse one hundred and fifty nine dollars W. J. Houlihan

$ 69.75 Recd Lexington of J H Bekkers for carpenter's work etc sixty nine dollars 75/ William Farley

$ 20 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for repairing organ twenty dollars Henry Pilchers

$ 50 Recd Lexington of J H. Bekkers for plan specifications etc of front steps and fence of St Paul's church fifty dollars C. Shryrock.

Second page Paid Wm Houlihan $ 96.80 balance due him

Last edit 3 months ago by elainelamb


Subscription for the Repairs of St. Peter's. . --

A. Anglin Timothy √ 25.00 5.00 20 00/100 pd. Aljaur Mrs. √ 3.00 3.00 pd Adams Mrs. Josie √ 1.25 1.25¢ Ahem Mrs. √ 5.00 5 00/ pd. Bryne James 1.00 Blake Edm. √ 50¢. - Byrnes James √ 1.00 Bradly Barny √ 1/00 Bonneman √ 1.00 pd Bradly J. J. √ 2.00 Bradly Dan √ 1.00 B Benz Bernard 5.00 5.00 pd. Buckley Dan J. √ 5.00 5.00 pd Boyle Joe 10.00 10.00 pd √ Burkhardt 3.00 Byrne Christ. 5.00 5.00 pd. Dec 23d per Fr. Brossart (Albrom) Burke Michael & Mrs 10.00 1.00 10.00 Burns Charles 2.00 Buelimani Eug. √ 5.00 5.00 pd trans of. Gribbins Mrs. (Larber) √ 3.00 3.00 pd Burke James √ 5.00 5.00 pd Burns Mr. √ 1.00 pd Banahan √ 1.00 50¢

Second Page Clarke Ang & George 10.00 10.00 pd. Conlin Paul 50.00 25.00 pd. - Clohessy David (50.00) 10.00 pd, pd 5.00 [hys] he [subscribed] no more. Caden Owen 7.50 5.00 pd (2.25/100/per Brossart.) Croughlan Frank √ 2.00 2.00 pd Carroll Pat. √ 10.00 10.00 pd. Cushing Mrs. 2.00 Cavanaugh Pat. √ 1.00 Coughlan Mike √ 10.00 5.00 pd 5.00 pd. Conlon Mary & Elyri √ 1.00 1.00 [Clmis] Mrs Mayjri √ 50¢ Collins John √ 1.00 pd. D. Dinelli Jos. 5.00 5.00 pd. Dougherty T. Sr. √ 5.50 5.50 pd. Doyle John √ 5.00 5.00 pd. Daugherty Michael 10.00 10.00 pd. Donlan √ 10.00 5.00 pd. 5.00 pd Day Wm 10.00 5.00 pd Dockery Maria 1.00 Doyle J. B. √ 5.00 5.00 Daily Mrs. Mary √ 3.00 2.00 pd. 1.00 pd. Driscoll John √ 2.00 Darrien Tim. √ 10.00 5.00 pd. 5.00 pd. Doyle Kate √ 3.00 3.00 pd. Douglass John √ 1.00 Douglas Frank √ 1.00 (D -- Continued)

Last edit 3 months ago by elainelamb


E. blank

Franklin John 5.00 5.00 pd Fister John 25.00 25.00 pd. Feeny Tom 1.00 1.00 pd. Farrell Hugh 5.00 5.00 pd. Falconer D. G. √ 20.00 20.00 pd. Fitz John √ 1.00 pd 1.00 Fitzgerald Martin √ 3.00 3.00 pd. Foley Dan. √ 5.00 5.00 pd. Fealy John √ 5.00 5.00 pd 2.00 pd. F. Foley Mike √ 6.00 pd. 1.00 pd. 500 Feely John (gasstove) 50 Foley Tim √ 20.00 20.00/100 pad in full F. Foley Mike 6.00 pd. 1.00 pd. 5.00 Finley Mike √ 5.00 5.00 pd 1.00 Foley M. T. 2.50 Fitzgerald J. C. (toll-gate) 5.00 2.00 pd. 3.00 pd. Fitzgerald David 2.50 Feeny Pat √ 5.00 5.00 pd. Foll Mrs √ 1.00 pd P. F. Farrell (Co.) √ 5.00 5.00 pd. Farrell Pat. City & [?] √ 10.00 1.00 1.00 & 8.00 pd. Freed V. √ 1.00 pd. 1.00 Feeny Mike √ 2.00 2.00 pd.

Second Page G. Gleason Edward √ 5.00 5.00 pd [Grizo] 5.00 Gilroy James 5.00 Graham B. N. 2.50 Gormley Charles 5.00 5.00 pd [See B ]- Gribbons -- pd. Gingh Rob. √ 10.00 10.00 pd Geary John √ 2.00 2.00 pd Gribbons John √ 1.00 pd Gormely Phil √ 7.50 2.50 pd 5.00 Griffin John √ 1.00 Gill Mich. √ 7.00 7.00 pd. G. Continued. H. Hollenkamp Mrs Jos. √ 25.00 pd 25.00/100 Houlihan & Bro. √ 50.00 1.00 50.00 pd. Hannibal And. √ 4.00 5.00 pd. Hegarty John √ 2.50 2.50 pd Hays John 2.00 pd. Hillenmeyer Mrs M. √ 5.00 5.00 pd Hillenmeyer Carrie √ 5.00 5.00 pd 1.00 Hays M.T. Mrs. 1.00 Haggan (Taylor) √ 5.00 5.00 Hartnett James & Mary √ 1.00. 1.00 Hargan Mary √ 10.00 10.00 pd Henry Frank √ 2.00 pd Herlihy Mrs √ 2.50 50¢ pd 1.00 1.00 Hafey Mrs P H - Cont 1.00 pd

Last edit 3 months ago by LJMynatt


Hennesy Mrs. John √ 50¢ pd. Hillenmeyer Hector √ 5.00 5.00 pd. Henry John 5.00 5.00 pd.

J. Joyeun Prof. √ 1 + 5.00 1+5.00 pd.

Second Page Kelly Hugh 2.00 2.00 pd K. Keating James 50.00 - pd. 25.00 pd. 25.00/100 Kearns Henry pd. 5.00 pd. 3.00 2.00 pd. Kelly John 2.00 Keller John 2.00 1.00 pd. King Charles (Cin.) √ 10.00 pd. 10.00 Keller Ferd. Prof √ 3.00 3.00 pd. Kearney James √ 2.50 pd. Kearney John √ 5.00 pd. Kearney Pat √ 2.00 2.00 pd. Kachly Mrs. 5.00 5.00 pd L. Lintyard 5.00 Lamphear Pat. 1.00 1.00 pd Luby Michael 5.00 pd. 5.00 Lamphear John 10.00 10.00 pd. Logan Mike √ 12.00 10.00 pd 2.00 pd Lyons Thom. √ 5.00 5.00 pd Lynch Mrs. √ 1.50 50¢ pd. 1.00 pd Laws Mrs. & Louis √ 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Logan Mrs. Bridget √ 5.00 pd. 5.00 Leary Corn. √ 2.00 pd. 2.00

Last edit 3 months ago by elainelamb


McMulligan √ 20.00 20.00 pd. Mc Keon √ 1.00 1.00 pd. McCrystall Charles √ 2.00 2.00 pd. McGlone Robert √ 5.00 2.00 pd. 5.00 pd. McKenna James 5.00 McHenna H. 5.00 Monaghan Mrs. √ 10.00 10.00 pd. Melvin John √ 5.00 1.00 pd. 4.00/100 pd. Marshall Mrs. 1.00 Meigher Martin √ 10.00 5.00 M. Namara P.H. (old Sul.) 5.00 1.00 pd. pd 5.00 N. McFadden John 5.00 Murphy James 5.00 McCloskey John √ 1.00 1.00 pd. Mahony Dennis √ 5.00 5.00 pd McWilliams John √ 1.00 1.00 pd Maguire Phil √ 10.00 10.00 pd. New William √ 5.00 5.00 pd. McNamara Thom. √ 5.00 meijh5.00 pd. Meyher Tim. √ 1.00 1.00 McNamee Andy √ 1.00 McCaron John & Mrs. √ 50¢. 50¢. Mullins Thom. √ 5.00 5.00 pd. Maloney John √ 3.00 3.00 McAllister James √ 1.00 Mullany James √ 1.00 (M- Cont. at end)

O'Heam Denis √ 1.00 1.00. pd O. O'Neil James pd √ 50.00 pd. 50.00 in full O'Neil Jas. Jr. 5.00 O'Neil Peter 2.50 2.50 pd. O'Neil John √ 5.00 25¢ pd. 5.00 pd. O'Garn Hugh √ 5.00/100 pd. O'Brian Mrs. Kate √ 1.00 O'Rourke Mike √ 1.00 O'Donnell May √ 50¢. O'Neil Owen √ 2.00 2.00 pd O'Neil May √ 1.00 1.00 pd. O'Day Kale Mrs. √ 50¢ pd. P. Penn Louis √ 5.00 5.00 pd Penn Mrs. 5.00 Piatt C. √ 5.00 5.00 pd. Pray Pat √ 1.00. --

O'Neil Dennis √ 5.00 5.00 pd.

Last edit 3 months ago by
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