St. Paul Accounts book 1865-1882

This half of the record book is meant to be a ledger, but there are many kinds of accounts recorded with different information recorded. Because of this, we've set up document transcription rather than spreadsheet transcription. Please transcribe what you see line by line, there is no need to imitate the column spacing or encode any tables. If the two page spread has different information on each page, transcribe the left hand side page first, then hit enter twice. Use "Second Page" as the heading for the right hand side page transcription.


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C. Carns J. F. 50 ¢. pd. √ Collins Tom 2.00. pd. √ Caroll James 5.00 pd. √ Corden Annie 5.00 pd. √ Connell Mrs. 1.00 pd √ Clarke Mrs. 2.00 pd. √ Collin Con. 2.00 pd. √ Cahill David 5.00 pd. √ Cavanaugh John 2.00 pd. √ Clarke Tim. 2.00 pd. √ Carnnig Ella 1.00 pd. √ Clarke James 1.00 pd. √ Coffee Eva 2.00 pd. √ Collins Dan. 1.00 pd. √ Conners Mrs. Thom. 3.00 pd √ Collins Cvnr Jr. 1.00 pd. √ Clementi F. L. 1.00 pd. Chevalier Joe. 1.00 Cadin Mrs. 2.00 pd.

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G. - Gibbles Francis 1.00 pd. √ Grant Annie 1.00 pd. √ Gannen Rogers 1.00 pd. √ Grant John (asyle) 5.00 pd. Gormely John W. 10.00 (carriage shop) Gormely Pat. 1.00 pd.

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Expended on Repairs of St. Peter's: - Press - advertising. 4.00 '' '' '' McMurtry 15.00 ' 29 '' Transcript advert. 4.00 '' 30 '' Riley Painting 50.00 73.00 Oct. 10 Riley '' 14.75 " 30 McGovern, plastering 60.40 75.15 Nov. 17 Houlihan trim - work 175.00 " " Shryock 5.00 " " Riley paint. 10.00 " 18 Wilgus - 24.00 " " Riley 9.50 " " Riley 35.75 " 25 Riley 40.00 299.25 " 1 Williamson & Bro. 275.00 11 Riley 30 00 604.25 Dec. 2 Riley 40.00 3 Riley 25.00 17 Riley 25.00 18 Riley 30.00 30 Riley 25.00 145.00 897.40

Second Page Expended on Repairs of St. Peter's 897.40 , Riley painting -- 100.00 13 " Houlihan 300.00 400.00 February 11 " McMurtry 10.00 15 " Coulters & Son (glass) 438.00 24 " Riley 30.00 478.00 March 2 " McMurtry in full 15.00 3 " Riley 40.00 55.00 = 1830.40 10 " Riley 25.00 17 " McMurtry (allowance) 25.00 17 " Riley 60.00 17 " L. McGovern Plastering 3.75 26 " Barnes for Riley 119.55 26 " Williamson & Bro. 160.00 31 " Riley 20.45 413.75 April 1 Murray Altar 1.00 1 Williamson & Bro. 66.95 7 Davidson, gas fixtures 63.48 13 Riley 15.00 13 Williamson & Bro in full 60.00 21 Riley 20.00 25 " in full 20.00 28 Reynolds numbering [fur] 3.50 May 13 Scrubbing & brooms 3.00 13 Piatt & Jones Carpets 156.72 429.65

Last edit 3 months ago by elainelamb
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Aug. 3 1882 - Wilgno brick [wuh] 10.85 May Davidson 18.60 [Snecfring] - 1.25

Last edit 3 months ago by elainelamb
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Contributions for Tower-Clock at St. Paul's: Wm. Scame pd 5.00 John Lamphear " 5.00 Willie Welsh " 1.00 Mr. Irwine " 1.00 Mrs. Mich. Savage " 2.00 Rose Henessy " 1.00 Pat. McManus " 5.00 Pat. Herin " 5.00 Hugh Farrell " 2.00 Roy Cluke " 10.00 Michael Burke (for Riley) " 5.00

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