St. Paul Accounts book 1865-1882

This half of the record book is meant to be a ledger, but there are many kinds of accounts recorded with different information recorded. Because of this, we've set up document transcription rather than spreadsheet transcription. Please transcribe what you see line by line, there is no need to imitate the column spacing or encode any tables. If the two page spread has different information on each page, transcribe the left hand side page first, then hit enter twice. Use "Second Page" as the heading for the right hand side page transcription.




1866 Receipts Collections St Pat $ 36.90 Recd of Thomas O'Brion for houserent up to the 20.85 Recd of James Harkens for houserent up to the 25.00 Recd of Colored [fair] 95.00 ' ' ' 50.00 Recd of Thomas OBrion for houserent up to the 20.85 Recd of James Harkens for houserent up to 25.00 Recd through Mr Mulligan rent 86.25 -- ---- 5.00 Recd of James Harkens for houserent paid up to the 25.00 Recd of Thomas O'Brion for houserent up to 20.85 Recd of James Harkens for houserent paid up to the 25.00 Recd of Thomas O'Brion for houserent up to the 20.85 Recd of Thomas O'Brion for houserent up to $ 20.85 Recd of Thomas O'Brion houserent up to $ 21.00

Second Page 1866 Expenses Paid Mr Picket 16.80 for advertising 11.50 Writing contracts for church etc 15.45 Paid Mr Franklin for digging 80.75 For advertising Pic-nic 3.20 For digging to John Franklin 7.00 Work done at old School-house [ch] 15.00 For labor to Mr Brady 12.25 Mr Picket 23.00 Mr Picket 20.00 For Genter [shbls] and labor 40.65 paid Mr Picket 34.00 paid for repair of [pump] Priest Old house 10.25 To [Merfs] Dougerty for Genter horseshoeing etc. 8.00 To Mr Picket -- -- 18.60 To Robert McGlown for labor 15.50 to Mr Picket 18.60 Dan Carter priming & glazing 19.40 20 to [Grented] & Co interest 79.40 To John Franklin for digging etc 19.00 Robert McGlown for labor 15.00

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1866 Receipts Mr Harkens for houserent up to $ 25.00 U. S. Government for houserent up to 58.00 -- - --- ---- - --- - --- -- up to 58.00 -- -- - -- -- -- - -- - -- - 58.00 Thomas O'Brion houserent up to 20.85 Thomas OB houserent up 20.85

Blank Second Page

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1866 Catholic Church an with M Welgers Dr

Second Page 1866 Cr Catholic church acc with Mr Wilgus for painting contract & stamps $ 5.10

$1000 Recd Lexington of Rev. J. H. Bekkers Treasurer in past payment for brickwork at the Catholic church one thousand dollars G. D. Wilgus

$600.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers Treasurer for brick-work done at Cath church Six hundred dollars through Grinstead & Bradley. G. D. Wilgus

$735.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for brickwork at the Cath Church seven hundred thirty five dollars G. D. Wilgus

200.00 Recd of Rev J H. Bekkers Treasurer for brick-work done at the Catholic church two hundred and thirty dollars Lexington G. D. Wilgus

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1866 [Dr] Catholic Church acc with Hoagland Farrel & Co Carpenters $15,975

Second Page 1866 Cr Catholic Church acc with Hoagland Farley & Co Carpenters for writing contract & stamps, pd $ 5.10

$2000 Recd Lexington of Rev J H [Bekkers] on account of materials delivered and Carpenter's work done at the Catholic church two thousand dollars Hoagland Farley & Co

$600.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers on account of materials and Carpenter's work at Catholic church six hundred dollars. Hoagland Farley & Co

$1000,00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers on account of materials delivered and work done at catholic church one thousand dollars Hoagland Farley & Co

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$ 900.00 Recd Lexington of Rev. J H Bekkers nine hundred dollars on account of Carpenter work and materials at the catholic church. Hoagland Farley & Co

$450.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for account of materials and carpenter's work at catholic church four hundred and fifty dollars -- Hoagland Farley & Co

$150.00 Rec Lexington Rev. J. H. Bekkers on account of materials and Carpenter's work at Catholic church hundred & fifty dollars Hoagland Farley & Co.

$250.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers on account of materials delivered and work done at Catholic Church two hundred and fifty dollars Hoagland Farley & Co

$200 Recd Lexington of Rev H Bekkers for materials & work at Catholic church two hundred dollars Hoagland Farley & Co

Second Page $ 75 Recd Lexington Rev J H Bekkers for Carpenters work etc at Catholic Church seventy five dollars --- Hoagland Farley & Co

$ 200 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for materials & Carpenters work at the Catholic Church two hundred dollars -- Hoagland Farley & Co

$ 2200.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for materials & work at the Catholic church twenty two hundred dollars Hoagland Farley & Co

$50.00 Recd Lexington of Rev H Bekkers for materials & work at Cath church fifty dollars Hoagland Farley & Co

$215.00 Recd Lexington of J. H Bekkers for materials and work at Catholic church two hundred & fifteen dollars Hoagland Farley & Co

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Displaying pages 6 - 10 of 60 in total