St. Paul Accounts book 1865-1882

This half of the record book is meant to be a ledger, but there are many kinds of accounts recorded with different information recorded. Because of this, we've set up document transcription rather than spreadsheet transcription. Please transcribe what you see line by line, there is no need to imitate the column spacing or encode any tables. If the two page spread has different information on each page, transcribe the left hand side page first, then hit enter twice. Use "Second Page" as the heading for the right hand side page transcription.




$ 150.00 Recd Lexington of [Rev] J H Bekkers one hundred & fifty dollars -- stonework at Catholic Church. John O,Toole

$ 100 Recd Lexington Rev J H. Bekkers for Stonework at the [Cat]holic Church one hundred dollars John O,Toole

$ 220.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for stonework at the [Ca]tholic church two hundred and twenty dollars. John O,Toole

$ 250.00 Recd Lexington of Rev: J H. Bekkers for stonework at the atholic church two hundred and fifty dollars -- John O,Toole

$ 500.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for stonework at the catholic church five hundred dollars John O,Toole

Second Page $ 67.75 Recd Lexington of Rev Bekkers for stonework at the catholic church [y] seven dollars 75/100 John O,Toole

$ 50.00 Recd Lexington of J H Bekkers for stonework at the [cat]holic church fifty dollars -- John O,Toole

$ 140.00 Recd Lexington Rev J H Bekkers for stone-work at the [ca] tholic church one hundred & forty dollars -- John O,Toole

$ 155.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for stonework at the catholic church one hundred & fifty five dollars John O,Toole

$ 250.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for stonework at the catholic church two hundred & fifty dollars John O,Toole

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50.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for stonework at the Catholic church fifty dollars-- John O,Toole

$ 270.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for stonework at the Catholic Church for two hundred & seventy dollars-- John O,Toole

$ 350 Recd Lexingon of Rev JH Bekkers for stonework at the Catholic Church three hundred and fify dollars -- John O, Toole

$ 320.00 Recd Lexingon of Rev J H. Bekkers for stonework at the Catholic Church three hundred twenty dollars John O, Toole

$ 6.80 Red Lexington of Rev [J] H Bekkers for stonework at Catholic Church six dollars 80/100 - John O, Toole

100 Recd Lexington of Rev J H. Bekkers for stonework at Catholic Church one hundred dollars John O,Toole

Second Page $ 720.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for brick-work at the Catholic Church seven hundred and twenty dollars G.D. Wilgus

$ 550 Recd Lexington of Rev J H. Bekkers for brick-work at the Catholic Church five hundred and fifty dollars -- G.D. Wilgus

$ 80 Recd of Rev J. H. Bekkers Lexington for brickwork at the Catholic Church eighty dollars G.D. Wilgus

$ 520 Recd of Rev J H. Bekkers Lexington for brickwork at the Catholic Church five hundred and twenty dollars -- G.D. Wilgus

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$600 Recd Lexington for brick-work done at the Catholic Church six hundred dollars-- G.D. Wilgus

$400 Recd of Rev J H Bekkers Lexington for work done at the Catholic Church four hundred dollars-- G. D. Wilgus

400.00 Recd Lexingon of Rev J H Bekkers for brick-work at the Catholic Church four hundred dollars -- G.D. Wilgus

$ 375 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for brick-work at the Catholic church three hundred & seventy five dollars -- G.D. Wilgus

Second Page $ 100.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H.Bekkers for brick work at Catholic Church one hundred dollars

G.D. Wilgus

$ 400.00 Recd Lexingon of Rev J H Bekkers for brickwork at the Catholic Church four hundred dollars -- G.D. Wilgus

$ 200 Recd Lexingon of Rev J H Bekkers for brick work at the Catholic Church two hundred dollars-- G. D. Wilgus

$ 140 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for brick-work at the Catholic Church one hundred & fifty dollars -- G. D. Wilgus

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$ 100.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for brick-work at the catholic church one hundred dollars -- G. D. Wilgus

$ 104.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H. Bekkers one hundred and four dollars for brick-work at the catholic church

G D Wilgus

$ 200 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers two hundred dollars for brick-work done at the Catholic church

G. D Wilgus

$ 40.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for brick work at the catholic church forty dollars G D Wilgus

Second Page $ 3000 Recd Lex of Rev J H Bekkers for brick-work at the catholic church three thousand dollars by notes payable 1st three months after date at the First National Bank of $ 1000 2d Four months after date at the City National Bank of $ 1000 and the 3d at Tilford Proctor & Co's four months after date of [Han] Land dollars I paying the interest of 6 perct on the two first notes & Mr. G. D. Wilgus on the third. -- G. D. Wilgus

$ 127.25 Recd Lex: . of Rev J H Bekkers for brick-work done at the catholic church one hundred and twenty seven dollars 25/100. by order of H. A. Wessels. ---

$ 40 Recd Lexington [of] Rev. J H Bekkers for brickwork at the Catholic church forty dollars, thirty nine of which are for the receipts of the china teaset and one dollar for the paper

$ 25.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for brickwork at the Catholic church twenty five dollars (strawberry festival)

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$ 250.00 Recd Lexington Rev J H Bekkers for carpenter's work [and] materials at the catholic church two hundred & fifty dollars --- Hoagland Farley & Co

$ 50.00 Recd Lexington [o]f Rev J H Bekkers for materials & carpenters [wo]rk at the Catholic church fifty dollars Hoagland Farley

150.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for materials & carpenter's work at the Catholic church one hundred fifty dollars Hoagland Farley & Co. By G. W. Searcy

$ 100.00 Recd Lexington of of Rev J H Bekkers for materials & carpenter's work done at the Cath Church one hundred dollars Hoagland Farley & co

Second Page $ 100.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for materials & carpenter's work at the Catholic Church one hundred dollars --- Hoagland Farley & co

$ 200 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for materials & carpen ter's work at the catholic church two hundred dollars -- Hoagland Farley & co

$ 200 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for materials & carpenter's work at the Catholic church two hundred dollars --- Hoagland & Farley & co

$ 650 Recd Lexington of Rev J H. Bekkers for materials & carpenter's work at the Catholic church Six hundred & fifty dollars Hoagland Farley & Co per Shryock

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Displaying pages 16 - 20 of 60 in total