$ 150.00 Recd Lexington of [Rev] J H Bekkers one hundred & fifty dollars -- stonework at Catholic Church. John O,Toole
$ 100 Recd Lexington Rev J H. Bekkers for Stonework at the [Cat]holic Church one hundred dollars John O,Toole
$ 220.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for stonework at the [Ca]tholic church two hundred and twenty dollars. John O,Toole
$ 250.00 Recd Lexington of Rev: J H. Bekkers for stonework at the atholic church two hundred and fifty dollars -- John O,Toole
$ 500.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for stonework at the catholic church five hundred dollars John O,Toole
Second Page $ 67.75 Recd Lexington of Rev Bekkers for stonework at the catholic church [y] seven dollars 75/100 John O,Toole
$ 50.00 Recd Lexington of J H Bekkers for stonework at the [cat]holic church fifty dollars -- John O,Toole
$ 140.00 Recd Lexington Rev J H Bekkers for stone-work at the [ca] tholic church one hundred & forty dollars -- John O,Toole
$ 155.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for stonework at the catholic church one hundred & fifty five dollars John O,Toole
$ 250.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for stonework at the catholic church two hundred & fifty dollars John O,Toole
50.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for stonework at the Catholic church fifty dollars-- John O,Toole
$ 270.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for stonework at the Catholic Church for two hundred & seventy dollars-- John O,Toole
$ 350 Recd Lexingon of Rev JH Bekkers for stonework at the Catholic Church three hundred and fify dollars -- John O, Toole
$ 320.00 Recd Lexingon of Rev J H. Bekkers for stonework at the Catholic Church three hundred twenty dollars John O, Toole
$ 6.80 Red Lexington of Rev [J] H Bekkers for stonework at Catholic Church six dollars 80/100 - John O, Toole
100 Recd Lexington of Rev J H. Bekkers for stonework at Catholic Church one hundred dollars John O,Toole
Second Page $ 720.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for brick-work at the Catholic Church seven hundred and twenty dollars G.D. Wilgus
$ 550 Recd Lexington of Rev J H. Bekkers for brick-work at the Catholic Church five hundred and fifty dollars -- G.D. Wilgus
$ 80 Recd of Rev J. H. Bekkers Lexington for brickwork at the Catholic Church eighty dollars G.D. Wilgus
$ 520 Recd of Rev J H. Bekkers Lexington for brickwork at the Catholic Church five hundred and twenty dollars -- G.D. Wilgus
$600 Recd Lexington for brick-work done at the Catholic Church six hundred dollars-- G.D. Wilgus
$400 Recd of Rev J H Bekkers Lexington for work done at the Catholic Church four hundred dollars-- G. D. Wilgus
400.00 Recd Lexingon of Rev J H Bekkers for brick-work at the Catholic Church four hundred dollars -- G.D. Wilgus
$ 375 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for brick-work at the Catholic church three hundred & seventy five dollars -- G.D. Wilgus
Second Page $ 100.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H.Bekkers for brick work at Catholic Church one hundred dollars
G.D. Wilgus
$ 400.00 Recd Lexingon of Rev J H Bekkers for brickwork at the Catholic Church four hundred dollars -- G.D. Wilgus
$ 200 Recd Lexingon of Rev J H Bekkers for brick work at the Catholic Church two hundred dollars-- G. D. Wilgus
$ 140 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for brick-work at the Catholic Church one hundred & fifty dollars -- G. D. Wilgus
$ 100.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for brick-work at the catholic church one hundred dollars -- G. D. Wilgus
$ 104.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H. Bekkers one hundred and four dollars for brick-work at the catholic church
G D Wilgus
$ 200 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers two hundred dollars for brick-work done at the Catholic church
G. D Wilgus
$ 40.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for brick work at the catholic church forty dollars G D Wilgus
Second Page $ 3000 Recd Lex of Rev J H Bekkers for brick-work at the catholic church three thousand dollars by notes payable 1st three months after date at the First National Bank of $ 1000 2d Four months after date at the City National Bank of $ 1000 and the 3d at Tilford Proctor & Co's four months after date of [Han] Land dollars I paying the interest of 6 perct on the two first notes & Mr. G. D. Wilgus on the third. -- G. D. Wilgus
$ 127.25 Recd Lex: . of Rev J H Bekkers for brick-work done at the catholic church one hundred and twenty seven dollars 25/100. by order of H. A. Wessels. ---
$ 40 Recd Lexington [of] Rev. J H Bekkers for brickwork at the Catholic church forty dollars, thirty nine of which are for the receipts of the china teaset and one dollar for the paper
$ 25.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for brickwork at the Catholic church twenty five dollars (strawberry festival)
$ 250.00 Recd Lexington Rev J H Bekkers for carpenter's work [and] materials at the catholic church two hundred & fifty dollars --- Hoagland Farley & Co
$ 50.00 Recd Lexington [o]f Rev J H Bekkers for materials & carpenters [wo]rk at the Catholic church fifty dollars Hoagland Farley
150.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for materials & carpenter's work at the Catholic church one hundred fifty dollars Hoagland Farley & Co. By G. W. Searcy
$ 100.00 Recd Lexington of of Rev J H Bekkers for materials & carpenter's work done at the Cath Church one hundred dollars Hoagland Farley & co
Second Page $ 100.00 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for materials & carpenter's work at the Catholic Church one hundred dollars --- Hoagland Farley & co
$ 200 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for materials & carpen ter's work at the catholic church two hundred dollars -- Hoagland Farley & co
$ 200 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for materials & carpenter's work at the Catholic church two hundred dollars --- Hoagland & Farley & co
$ 650 Recd Lexington of Rev J H. Bekkers for materials & carpenter's work at the Catholic church Six hundred & fifty dollars Hoagland Farley & Co per Shryock