St. Paul Accounts book 1865-1882

This half of the record book is meant to be a ledger, but there are many kinds of accounts recorded with different information recorded. Because of this, we've set up document transcription rather than spreadsheet transcription. Please transcribe what you see line by line, there is no need to imitate the column spacing or encode any tables. If the two page spread has different information on each page, transcribe the left hand side page first, then hit enter twice. Use "Second Page" as the heading for the right hand side page transcription.


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First page-blank

Second page Account with Mr Samuel Tosi

$12~ Recd Lexington of Rev J. H. Bekkers for frescoing chapel twleve dollars S. Tosi

$16 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for frescoing etc sixteen dollars Samuel Tosi

$20 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for frescoing etc twenty dollars Samuele Tosi

$30~Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for frescoing etc thirty dollars S. Tosi

$25~Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for frescoing chapel twenty five dollars. S Tosi

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$ 30 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for frescoing etc thirty dollars Samuele Tosi

$ 7~ Received of Rev J H. Bekkers seven dollars which is a receipt in full of any demands for any work done so far Samuel Tosi

Second page 1874 $ 25~ Recd Lexington of Rev J.H. Bekkers twenty five dollars for work done at St Paul's church W. Biermann

$ 60~ Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers sixty dollars for work done at St Paul's church W. Biermann

$ 50~ Recd Lexington of Rev J H. Bekkers fifty dollars for work done at St Paul's church W. Biermann

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$ 20~ Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for putting up front steps according to contract twenty dollars A.J. Hogarty

$ 158.35 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for putting up front steps according to contract one hundred fifty eight dollars 35/100 A.J. Hogarty

$ 35~ Recd Lexington of Rev J H. Bekkers for steps etc as above thirty five dollars A.J. Hogarty

$ 25 Recd Lexington of Rev J H. Bekkers for steps etc twenty five dollars A.J. Hogarty

35~ Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for steps etc as above thirty five dollars A.J. Hogarty

Second page $ 175~ Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for materials and putting up stone steps etc one hundred & seventy five dollars A.J. Hogarty

$ 35~ Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for materials & work for steps thirty five dollars A.J. Hogarty

$ 45~ Recd Lexington of J H Bekkers forty five dollars for stone work in front of church A.J. Hogarty

$ 35 Recd Lexington of Rev J H. Bekkers thirty five dollars for front steps etc. A.J. Hogarty

$ 25~ Recd Lexington of J H Bekkers twenty five dollars for freight of stone A J Hogarty

$ 20 Recd Lexington of J H Bekkers twenty dollars for stonework in front of church A.J. Hogarty

Last edit 3 months ago by elainelamb
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$35 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers thirty five dollars on account of steps etc in front of church A.J. Hogarty

$200~ Recd Lexington of Rev J H. Bekkers two hundred dollars for steps in front of church A.J. Hogarty

$45 Recd Lexington of J H Bekkers forty five dollars for stone work in front of church A.J. Hogarty

$35 Recd Lexington of J H Bekkers thirty five dollars for stone work in front of church A.J. Hogarty

$120 Recd Lexington of J H Bekkers for stone work in front of church one hundred and twenty dollars A.J. Hogarty

Second page

$35 Recd Lexington of J.H. Bekkers thirty five dollars for stone work in front of church A.J. Hogarty

$35 Recd Lexington of J H Bekkers Thirty five dollars for stone work in front of church A.J. Hogarty

$60 Recd Lexington of J H. Bekkers sixty dollars for stone work in front of church A.J Hogarty

$400 Recd Lexington of J H Bekkers by order of Sister Lissy four hundred dollars for stone work in front of church A J Hogarty

$150 Recd Lexington of J H Bekkers one hundred and fifty dollars for stone work in front of church A. J. Hogarty

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$ 23 Recd Lexington of J H Bekkers twenty three dollars for work done at the catholic church A. J. Hogarty

$ 57 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers fifty seven dollars for work & materials in front of church A. J. Hogarty

$ 50 Recd Lexington of Rev J. H. Bekkers fifty dollars for stone work in front of church A. J. Hogarty

$ 35 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers thirty five dollars for stone work in front of church A. J. Hogarty

$ 25~ Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers for stone work in front of church twenty five dollars A. J. Hogarty

Second Page $ 25 Recd Lexington of J H. Bekkers twenty five dollars for work done in front of church A. J. Hogarty

$ 25 Recd Lexington of Rev J H Bekkers twenty five dollars for stone work in front of church A.J. Hogarty

$ 51.60 Recd Lexington of J H Bekkers fifty one dollars 60/ for stone work in front of church A.J. Hogarty

$ 60~ Recd Lexington of J H Bekkers sixty dollars for stone work in front of church A.J. Hogarty

$ 200 Recd Lexington of J H Bekkers two hundred dollars for stone work in front of church A.J. Hogarty

$ 44 Received payment in full for stone work in front of church A.J. Hogarty

$308 For iron fence to Merz & Co Louisville Ky

Last edit 3 months ago by elainelamb
Displaying pages 41 - 45 of 60 in total