


Status: Complete


[left column]

--Entendard--New, amaranth... 20.
--Falcon De Neige--New, white... 20.
--Hazel Kirke--Rich purple crimson.
--Henry Cannell--Brilliant scarlet.
--J. H. Klippert--Brilliant dark scarlet.
--James A. Garfield--Clear pink.
--Jewell--Full double, bright red.
--Mad. Baltet--White, changing to pink.
--Masterpiece--Dark crimson.
--Mons. Lowagie--Scarlet shaded orange.
--Mrs. Chas. Pease--Bright pink.
--Mad. Thibaut--Rose shaded carmine violet.
--Mad. Brabaut--Delicate flesh color.
--M. Pasteur--Red shaded orange.
--M. Hardy--New, rosy pearl color.
--Naomie--Bluish pink, white center.
--Wonderful--Orange scarlet.


--Hollywreath--Leaves marked creamy white... 15.
--Anna Pfitzer--Double, flowers clear rose... 20.
--Le Elegant--Leaves margined white... 20.
--Lucy Lemoine--Flowers violet rose, double... 20.
--M. Daubus--Carmine red flowers, double... 20.
--Vice Pres. Joly--Double, rosy lilac... 20.
--Candeur--Double pure white... 20.
--Dolly Varden--Single flowers... 10.


--Black Prince, Black Douglas, McMahon, Prince Bismark, Coles Hill, and Crystal Palace Gem-- Each... 15.
--Mt. of Snow... 15.
--Mad. Palloc, Sunset, and Lady Cullum-- Each... 25.
--Happy Thought and Distinction-- Each... 15.
--Freak of Nature--New... 20.
--Mad. Salleroi--New, silver, variagated [variegated]... 20.


--Nutmeg, Lemon, Rose, Skeleton Rose, Oak, and Mrs. Taylor--Each... 15.

Gazania Splendens--A low growing plant with large, showy, yellow flowers... 15.
Gladiolus--Of all our summer blooming bulbs the Gladiolus stands eminently at the head as the most varied and beautiful class. Mixed, all colors, and mixed shades of red, doz., 50c; each... 5.
Mixed, light shades, per doz., $1; each... 10.
Gloxinia--Beautiful summer blooming greenhouse plants, require partial shade and a liberal supply of water when growing... 40.
Goldfussia Anisophylla--A free bloom- [blooming] plant for winter, flowers pale lilac... 15.
Hibiscus--Greenhouse shrubs suitable for bedding out in summer or as pot plants in the house in winter... 20.
Hydrangeas--Beautiful blooming plants bearing large clusters of flowers resembling the snow-ball. They like a rather shady location.
--Thos. Hogg--White... 20.
--Hortensis--Pink... 20.
--Paniculata Grandiflora--The best of all the Hydrangeas. Immense trusses of pure white flowers, perfectly hardy... 25.
Large plants, by express only... 75.
Honeysuckle, Japanese Golden-- Suitable for house culture, young plants... 15.
Habrothemus Elegans--Winter blooming plants, bright carmine flowers, borne in drooping panicles... 15.

[right column]

Heliotrope--Universal favorites on account of their delightful fragrance. Equally good as pot plants in the house or bedding out in summer; doz., $1; each... 10.
--Mad Blonay--White.
--Star--Very dark.
--Occulata--Dark blue with distinct white eye.
Hoya Carnosa (Wax plant)--A climbing plant with thick fleshy leaves, bearing beautiful wax like, flesh colored, star shaped flowers; one of the best plants for house culture... 20.
Iberis Sempervirens (Perennial Candy Tuft)--Fine for winter blooming, white flowers; hardy... 10.
Ivies, English--Young plants... 10.
--German or Parlor--Two varieties, each 10.
--Kenilworth. (Linnaria Cymballaria)--A fine basket plant... 10.
Jasminum--Favorite green house plants everywhere.
--Grandiflorum, (Cataloniam Jessamine)-- Fragrant, white, star shaped flowers... 15.
--Revolutum--Bright yellow flowers... 20.
--Afficinalis--Hardy, white flower... 20.
--Nudiflorum--Hardy, yellow flowers... 20.
Justicea, Carnea--Has spikes of rosy pink flowers... 15.
--Purpurea--Flowers purplish rose... 15.
Lillium. (Lillies)--The Lily has always been a favorite flower. They are all hardy; can be planted in the Fall or Spring; plant eight inches deep, cover in winter with straw or coarse manure:
--Auratum--Gold banded Japan Lily.... 50.
--Candidum--Large white flowers, fragrant... 25.
--Longiflorum--Trumpet shape, white... 25.
--Tigrinum. fl. pl.--Double tiger lily... 30.
--Lancifolium, Album--Japan Lily, pure white... 50.
Lily of the Valley; (Convalvilaria)--One of the best Spring flowering plants, producing delicate, bell-shaped, fragrant, white flowers perfectly hardy. Per doz. $1... 10.
Lantana--Valuable plants for bedding out in summer; they thrive in dry hot sunny weather, when many of our plants suffer... 15.
--Alba Grandiflora--white.
--Aurantica--Orange red.
--Delicatissima--Pink Lilac, trailing habit.
--Harkets Perfection--Leaves yellow; blotched with green; flowers, orange scarlet.
--Janus--Yellow, changing to rosy purple.
--Jaun, D. Orr.--Yellow.
Lobelia--A valuable plant for hanging baskets, or for bedding out; blue flowers... 10.
Lycopodium--Well adapted to wardian cases and ferneries; requires partial shade and moisture... 15.
Libonia--A neat greenhouse shrub flowering through the winter, each... 15.
--Floribunda--Tubular, flowers about an inch in length, scarlet, orange and yellow.
--Penrhosienses--Similar to above, maroon, orange and yellow...
Lygodium Scandens (Climbing Japanese Fern)--It is of a graceful twining habit, and will attain a height or 6 or 8 ft., is of easy culture, grown either climbing or drooping... 35.
Lopesia Rosea--Free growing plants blooming constantly from December till May; red flowers... 15.
Lophospermum Scandens--A rapid climber with rose colored flowers... 15.
Laurustinus--An elegant evergreen shrub, winter flowering, suitable for greenhouse or conservatory; white flowers... 25.
Mesembryanthemum (Ice Plant)--Splendid for baskets... 10.

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