



64. Seed Catalogue And Garden Guide.

[left column]

Fullerton, Cal., Nov. 16, 1888. I received three potatoes of the Iowa Beauty variety by mail, and planted them on the 9th day of April. They blossomed in five weeks; were dug the middle of June, and yielded thirty pounds of nice potatoes. These results have been attained without rain or irrigation after planting. A. McDermont.

Henry County, Iowa, Dec. 5, 1888. I have seen and tested the new seedling potato called the Early Iowa Beauty. It is at least from ten days to two weeks earlier than the Early Ohio; a much handsomer potato, more prolific, and of very fine quality. Market gardeners and farmers cannot afford to be without it. O. R. Sensibaugh.

New Eyeless-(See illustration on cover of Catalogue)- Introduced by Iowa Seed Co. in 1889- Was originated in 1884 by John Kurtzweil, of Madison county, Iowa, from seed taken from Wall's Orange, fertilized by Mammoth Pearl. Out of a large plat of seedlings some fifteen varieties were selected, all of which were discarded the third year excepting the Eyeless. In color it is white, slightly russeted; shape, oval, somewhat flattened; perfectly smooth, with very few eyes; the scarcity of eyes suggesting the name, and giving the potato a peculiar appearance. It is fine grained and mealy, and is, by all odds, the best baking potato on the list. Strong, vigorous vine, dark colored with purple blossom, and is the nearest bug proof of any variety we have ever tested. Tubers grow compactly in the hill, medium to large in size, quality unexcelled, always cooking evenly throughout; per lb., by mail, 40c; by express or freight per pk. $1.00.

Early White Beauty of Hebron-(See illustration on back cover of Catalogue)-Introduced by Iowa Seed Co. in 1889- The above is a sport of Thorburn's Beauty of Hebron and retains the shape and good qualities of its parent, but in color it is entirely different, being a clear, pure white. It is one of the handsomest potatoes we have ever seen. It becomes fit for use earlier than the Beauty of Hebron, and is more uniform in size. It is very dry and mealy and a splendid keeper, and is the best potato for late spring and early summer use, as it does not become watery, like other sorts. Mr. Kurtzweil, of Greenfield, says of it: "It is the best yielder, the best keeper, sells the best (especially as an extra early) on account of it being pure white and remarkably dry, and gives the best satisfaction to my customers the year round. So convinced am I of its superiority that I grow it for my main crop of potatoes, both for early and late." Be sure and try the White Beauty of Hebron; per lb., by mail, 35c; by express or freight, per pk., 75c; per bu. $2.50; per bbl. $5.50. One pound each of the above three varieties by mail postpaid for $1.

New Wide Awake- A Novelty of 1888. Introduced by the Iowa Seed Co. As early if not earlier than the Early Maine, which makes it specially desirable for market gardeners. They are smooth, of oblong shape, somewhat flattened; dry weather does not seem to affect them as much as most other kinds; per lb. 25c.; by express or freight, per pk. 50c; bu. $1.50; per bbl. $3.50.

Early Ohio- Tubers medium size and very even; color nearly white, tinged with purple; oval form; flesh pure white, unusually fine quality. Matures at least ten days in advance of the Early Rose and keeps till July if wanted. We have an exceptionally choice stock of these this year, having grown them on our farm, and can answer for their purity. Note the low price: per lb. 25c; per pk. 40c; bu. $1; bbl. $2.50; 10 bu. or more at 80c. per bu.

Early Gem- This is the earliest variety we have ever grown, with the exception of our Early Iowa Beauty. It is medium size, oval, oblong in form, very smooth, the eyes being shallow and few in number, very light pink or fiesh color, flesh white, fine grained and of excellent quality, cooks very mealy. Is an excellent yielder and

[right column]

bids fair to take the lead among early potatoes; per lb. 25c; by freight or express, per pk. 50c; bu. $1.50; bbl. $3.50.

Pearl of Savoy- This new variety is a cross of Clark's No.1 and Extra Early Vermont. Quite as early as the Early Rose, very productive, the vines being very vigorous in growth. The tubers are oblong, fair size, the flesh is pearly white and very mealy; per lb. 25c.; by express or freight per pk. 40c; bu. $1.25; bbl. $3.

Early Amber- A splendid early potato for second early. About ten days later than the Early Ohio, coming in about the same time as the Beauty of Hebron, but is a much better yielder. The tubers are of good size, white, slightly tinged with purple, oblong and of excellent quality. This will be found an exceeding useful potato for the market gardener; per lb. 25c; by express or freight, per pk. 50c; bu. $1.50; bbl. $3.50.

Beauty of Hebron, Early- Ten days earlier than the Early Rose; yields well, tubers lying very close together in the hill. Its mealy qualities and rich delicate flavor are the highest recommends; per lb. 25c.; by express or freight, per pk. 40c; bu. $1.25; bbl. $3.

Clark's No. 1- This variety reminds us of the Early Rose in its palmiest days, which it very closely resembles, is a much better cropper, ripens about the same time, cooks mealy, flavor excellent; per lb. 25c; by express or freight; per pk. 40c; bu. $1.25; bbl. $3.

Vick's White Rose- A new variety possessing all the qualities of the Early Rose except color. One of the best for either home use or the market. Tubers grow compactly in hill and do not need "hilling up" to keep them in the ground deep enough to prevent sunburning; per lb. 25c; by express or freight, per pk. 40c; bu. $1.25; bbl. $3.

Early Rose- Old standard early sort; per lb. 25c; by express or freight, pk. 40c; bu. $1.25; bbl. $3.

Magnum Bonum- Medium early, and in some crops have been known to average one pound each in weight. Very solid and fine grained, resembling the Peachblow in character and quality. Good keeper. Our stock is extra choice; per lb. 25c; by express or freight, per pk.50c; bu. $1.50; bbl. $3.50.

Parson's Prolific- An Iowa seedling. The vines are vigorous and rank, with strong roots extending deep into the soil; dark green foliage; tubers medium large the best market size, (not overly large) and very uniform; skin pure white and smooth, oval form, slightly flattened on the sides; eyes very near the surface. They grow compact in the hill; have very few small ones. The yield is among the best. Flesh pure white, fine grained and splendid flavor; a first-class cooking potato. We have never found a hollow one; per lb. 25c; by express or freight, per pk. 40c; bu. $1.25; bbl. $3.

Potentate- Originated in Iowa. One of the best medium early potatoes with which we are acquainted. Grows large, heavy cropper and is the best keeper on the list. Have been kept sound and good as late as July. The tubers are large, round, very shallow eyes and in quality is excellent. From our own experiments we do not hesitate to recommend the Potentate as first class. Per lb. 25c; by express or freight, per pk, 50c; bu. $1.50; bbl. $3.50.

Burbank Seedling- Produces a large crop of handsome tubers, almost uniform in size, and which always commands a high price in the market; per lb. 25c; by express or freight, per pk. 40c; bu. $1.25; bbl. $3.

Almo- Grows even in size, white, slightly russeted, smooth, nearly round, fine quality, medium late, a heavy cropper and excellent keeper. Per lb. 25c.; by express or freight, per pk., 40c; bu. $1.25; bbl. $3.

Bonanza- This magnificent new variety which we introduced in 1887 is a medium late, and is sure to become one of the leading market var-ket [error] varieties for a main crop. Tubers are large, oblong, somewhat flattened, skin smooth, flesh firm, white and fine-grained. Its perfect shape, great productiveness, superior quality, freedom [continued next page]

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Iowa Seed Company, Des Moines, Iowa. 65. [top third of page] [left column] [continued from previous page] from rot and blight, and its not being affected by draught, makes it in every respect a first class potato. Its strong, robust growth renders less liable to be affected by bugs, and its upright, stocky habit makes it possible to plant closer than most kinds. Quality the very best equal, and by some considered superior, to the Peachblow and Snowflake. Cooks dry and mealy, either boiled or baked. Per lb. 25c; by express or freight, pk., 50c; bu. $1.50; bbl. $3.50.

Special Offer. We will send by express or freight at purchaser's expense one pound each of ten varieties (the purchaser's selection), for only $1.25; or one pound each of the eighteen varieties for only $1.80. When you consider that this will include each of our three potato novelties you must conclude that this is the best offer ever made on seed potatoes. Be sure and take advantage of this offer.

[right column] Sweet Potatoes. We desire to call especial attention to our facilities for supplying our customers with sweet potatoes for bedding. From long experience we have learned that extreme care in keeping, handling and packing is absolutely necessary to insure their safe arrival at destination. Our facilities for strictly observing these requisites are not surpassed, and, we think, not equalled in this part of the country. Orders should be sent in early and we will ship potatoes as soon as weather permits. The Yellow Nansemond and Early Yellow Jersey are most popular, but we can also furnish the Red Nansemond and White Southern Queen, sometimes termed Yams; per pk. 60c; bu. $1.50; bbl. $3.25.

Use Slug Shot for potato bugs.

[Lower two-thirds of page]

Tools and Implements.

We handle a good assortment of the best gardening implements and tools, and as we are not bound to any firm or manufacturer to push their goods exclusively, our customers can depend on our opinion as here given, being unbiased and founded on our own experience, and that of the best gardeners near this City.

A good wheel hoe is as much superior to the common hoe for cultivating a garden, as is the mowing-machine to the sickle in the hay-field. All of the following tools have been thoroughly tested, and for their own particular class of work have given splendid satisfaction. The soil on which they are intended to be used, as well as the use to which you intend to put them, must be well considered.

All in all the Planet Jr. Implements are the most popular with Iowa gardeners. If you want a tool both for drilling your seed, and tending the crop, either the Planet Jr. or Comstock Combined Drill and Wheel Hoe will answer the purpose. The Planet Jr. consists of the largest number of combinations, and can be used for a greater variety of work. The Comstock has the advantage of extreme lightness (if that is an object with you) and with the addition of the Scuffle Hoe attathment [attachment] does almost all varieties of work.

The Planet Jr. No. 2 Drill, and the Planet Jr. Double Wheel Hoe, are undoubtedly the two best machines for market gardeners on the list, and when customers can afford to buy two machines we would strongly recommend these. As a cultivator for rather heavy ground, there is no tool which will equal the Ruhlman Wheel Hoe. It does as thorough and complete work as any tool on the list, and exterminates all weeds between the rows. No gardener or farmer should be without a Planet Jr. Combined Horse Hoe and Cultivator. It is conceded by all who have tried it to be the Best Horse Cultivator in Existance.

All of the tools named in this list are good in their respective classes, and we refer you to the description of them given herewith, and to the descriptive circulars of any of them, which will be mailed on application. All tools are packed ready for shipment, and will be delivered at express or freight offices at prices named.

Five per cent discount on any two tools shipped together. Ten per cent discount on any three or more shipped together.

"Planet Jr." and "Firefly" Farm and Garden Implements.

The "Planet Jr." goods combine lightness with strength, adjustability with firmness, simplicity with perfection of work, and thorough practical value with beauty of design.

Owing to lack of space in this catalogue we give only a condensed description of these implements. A complete descriptive catalogue of these goods, illustrated with over forty engravings, showing the tools at work, and containing practical instruction in the cultivation of garden and field crops, invaluable to beginners and useful to every tiller of the soil, will be mailed free on application to us.

[Image: Drawing/scratchboard illustration of Planet Jr. Combined Drill, Wheel Hoe, Cultivator and Plow and various attachments.]

The Planet Jr, Combined Drill, Wheel Hoe, Cultivator and Plow.

This is the most popular tool we have ever sold. As a drill it is exactly similar and equal to the No. 2, except in size. It holds one quart. As a Plow it opens furrows, covers them, hills, plows to and from, etc. As a Hoe it works safely to and from both sides of the row at once at the critical time when plants are small and weeds abundant, or between rows as plants grow larger, working all rows from eight to sixteen inches wide at one passage. As a Cultivator it is admirably adapted to deep mellowing of the soil. It sows all garden seed accurately at the desired thickness or depth, opening, dropping, covering, rolling down and marking the next row all at one passage, in the most reliable and perfect manner. Each machine is sent out with the tools shown in the cut. Be sure you get the latest style machine, having the rakes for cultivating; price. $12 each, boxed.

The Planet Jr. No. 2 Drill. A seed drill to insure satisfactory results must possess a number of important qualities. [continued next page]

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66. Seed Catalogue And Garden Guide. [continued from previous page] important qualities. The seed must be discharged regularly and without injury, the adjustability of the dropping device must be simple and positive, the index reliable, the seed deposited in a straight line and covered the desired depth with exactness, and the ground thoroughly firmed over the seed. It should have a good marker and cleaner for foul ground. All these we have in the "Planet Jr." to perfection. It holds two and one half quarts, and will sow with equal accuracy a single paper of seed or a full hopper; with the greatest exactness it will cover, roll down, and mark the next row at a single passage; price, $9 boxed.

[Image: Drawing/scratchboard illustration of the Planet Jr. Double Wheel Hoe, Cultivator and Plow with a selection of attachments. Copyrighted.]

The "Planet Jr." Double Wheel Hoe, Cultivator and Plow. Will do the work of from six to ten men with the common hand hoe among market garden aud [and] root crops, nursery stock etc., and is especially adapted to onion culture. It is light, firm, strong, quickly set and easily managed. Each one is sent out with all the tools shown in the cut; all the blades are tempered and polished steel. Nothing can exceed the perfection and variety of work it performs. The hoes cut from six to sixteen inches wide, and can be used to throw to or from the row, working both sides of the row at once. The two cultivator teeth work beautifully among larger plants, mellowing the soil thoroughly. The new rakes are an invaluable addition for leveling and fining the ground, and for cultivating, etc. The detachable leaf guards are of value in late tendings of wide spreading crops. This tool has been considerably improved for 1889, by the addition of a pair of sweeps, which will be found of great utility in cultivating. The plows are useful in weedy crops, in opening furrows and covering, and in hilling large plants. The wheels are adjustable in height, and can be set seven to ten inches apart, or for working between crops as a Single Wheel Hoe at four inches apart. Price, $8 boxed.

"Planet Jr." Plain Double Wheel Hoe- Precisely like the above, except that it has only one pair of hoes for cultivation, thus making it much cheaper, and accommodating those who wish a hoe only. The hoes are the most useful of all the attachments belonging to the tool. The other parts can be added at any time, and will be found to fit; though persons contemplating the use of all the parts, will find it cheaper to get them at one time, thereby saving both in price and express charges. This will make a very effective and cheap tool for parties who have limited work. Price, $4.50.

The "Planet Jr." Single Wheel Hoe, Cultivator and Plow Combined- Combines extreme lightness, strength, variety of tools, and great adjustability. It has one pair of exchaugable [exchangeable] hoes, one pair of cultivating rakes, one broad cultivating tooth, one large garden plow, one detachable leaf guard, and there has been added this year a pair of four-inch sweeps. The frame allows every desirable adjustment, is quickly raised or lowered to regular depth, and the wheel can be attached centrally or to either side of the machine, giving the operator the important advantage of hoeing both sides of the row at one passage, when desired. Price, $6 boxed.

The "Fire Fly" Single Wheel Hoe, Cultivator and Plow Combined- Combines lightness and strength with the greatest adjustibility. The tools are all made after the most perfect models, and are first, a pair of hoes which can be set to work to and from the row and to any desired depth. Next a set of three reversible cultivator teeth. Third, a large excellent garden plow. Price $5, or with an iron handle, $4.50.

The "Fire Fly" Wheel Garden Plow- Makes the care of a vegetable garden a pleasure, and 10,000 families who could not find time to keep a garden, if attempting its cultivation with an ordinary hand hoe, can raise their own vegetables successfully with the "Fire Fly." It takes the place of the horse and plow, or cultivator, requiring no wide headlands to turn on, and is invaluable during all the garden season. The price is reduced to $2.50.

The "Planet Jr." Hollow Steel Standard Horse Hoe and Cultivator Combined- No tool which has ever been offered to the American public has so rapidly gained its favor as the "Planet Jr." Hollow Steel Standard Horse Hoe and Cultivator. This is due to the fact that for the cultivation of all farm crops, none equals it in ease of handling, variety and quality of work done and lightness of draft.

For the season of 1889 it is made almost entirely of steel, and has an expanding frame, which can be closed to five inches or opened to twenty-four, and is provided with such a variety of adjustable teeth as enables it to do all kinds of one horse cultivation.

[Image: Drawing/Scratchboard illustration of a Planet Jr. Single Wheel Hoe, Cultivator and Plow.]

For all crops that are hoed by hand it is valuable, preceding the hand hoe, and saving three-fourths of the work. For all crops that are hilled, and very few are not, nothing can exceed the perfection and ease with which this tool performs the work, breaking up the soil perfectly, and hilling the crop much or little as desired. For "level culture," so desirable for some soils, it is equally well adapted.

As an opening plow it is invaluable for making furrows for potatoes, corn and other crops. As a coverer it has no equal for corn, broom corn, potatoes, and in fact every kind of covering, as it covers and rolls down the ground at one operation, in ordinary field work, or fits for setting out plants or for using the garden seed drill and wheel hoe. Every complete machine has a set of eight attachments adapted to all kinds of work. Price complete as above with wheel, $11; same without wheel, $10. "Planet Jr." Plain Cultivator (with five cultivator teeth) $6.

Extra Attachments. Set of Five, One and One-Fourth Inch Cultivator Steels- A very important addition to the Horse Hoe, and as they are inexpensive all should have them; per set, 60 cents. Furrowing Steel- $1.75. Marking Attachment- $2, Sweeps- 8 inch, 35c; 10 inch, 40c; 12 inch, 45c; 15 inch, 50c. Roller- For covering and thoroughly; firming the soil over seed or potatoes; each, $2. Attachment for Earthing Celery--$4. Send for Illustrated Catalogue of "Planet Jr." Tools.

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Iowa Seed Company, Des Moines, Iowa. 67.

Comstock's Horticultural Implements. Send for Illustrated Circular fully describing them and their uses.

Comstock's Seed Sower- Will give perfect satisfaction in sowing any garden seed, from the smallest size up to Peas and Beans. It sows Beet, Parsnip and other difficult seeds to sow, with the greatest regularity, and is especially adapted to sowing Onion seed, either three, four, five or six pounds to the acre. A revolving disk which is held in place by a spring, regulates the quantity of seed sown. It can be changed instantly to sow either thick or thin. Price reduced to onIy $7.00.

[Image, left side of page: Drawing/scratchboard illustration of Comstock's Seed Sower, Caption- As a Seed Sower.]

[Image, right side of page; Drawing/scratchboard illustration of Comstock's Hand Cultivator, Caption- Cultivating Both Sides of a Row.]

Comstock's Hand Cultivater and Weeder Combined- In the cultivation of all small drill crops this will do the work of six men with hoes, and do it with ease. Its great superiority over other weeders consists in the two adjustable rakes, with sharp angular teeth set at an acute angle to the rows, in the shape of the slotted iron cultivator frame, and of the three cast steel cultivator teeth, used in combination, with which the operator cuts close to the rows and takes away all the weeds as fast as he can walk and shove the machine, which leaves the ground as even and fine as a flower garden. Reduced to $6.

Comstock's Combined Seed Sower, Cultivator and Weeder- This consists of the seed sower mentioned above, and the attachments which go to make up the Cultivator and Weeder, the same frame, wheel and handles being used for both. Price reduced to $10.00.

Extra Attachments. Hopper and Coverer to make a Seed Sower of a Cultivator. ... $ 4.00. Set of two rakes and three teeth to make a Cultivator and Weeder of a Seed Sower. ... 3.00. Extra Steel Plates, for replating teeth when worn, each. ... .17. Scuffle Hoe- This is by far the most important of any of the extra attachments. It thoroughly clears the ground of weeds and loosens up the soil. ... 1.25.

Ruhlman's Wheel Hoe- No tool that we have ever sold has given better satisfaction than this. Extremely simple in construction, it is compact, firm, strong and durable, doing to perfection the work for which it is designed. The handles can be raised to suit, knife-blades set to any pitch and from seven to sixteen inches in width; can be run within half an inch of the row without injury to the plants. One man with this implement will do more and better work than eight men with common hoes. It is particularly valuable on hard ground, where it takes hold of the weeds better than most other wheel hoes. Price is $5.50, but as we have a large number for our trade this season we will make the special price of $4.25 delivered on cars here.

The Genuine Matthews Seed Drill- Beware of cheap imitations under similar names. This is a very popular drill among market gardeners, and is claimed by many to be the best in the world. We are using it quite largely on our own seed farms and it gives perfect satisfaction. When in operation it opens the furrow, drops the seed accurately at the desired depth, covers it and lightly rolls the earth down over it, and at the same time marks the next row. In this way it sows, with an evenness and rapidity impossible for the most skillful hand to do, all the different varieties of seed. Price $12.00.

Impoved Strowbridge Broadcast Sower. If you desire it we will send you a pamphlet containing testimonials from farmers, dealers and agricultural colleges in all parts of the country, which will thoroughly convince you that the Strowbridge is the only perfect broadcast sower made, and just the machine you want. It sows all grains, grass seeds and everything requiring broadcasting - any quantity per acre, better and faster than any other method. Saves seed by sowing perfectly even, is not affected by wind, as the seed is not thrown upwards. Sows half or full cast, on either or both sides of wagon. Readily attached to any wagon or cart without injury, and used wherever they can be driven. Lasts a lifetime. Sows eighty acres of wheat per day, crop one-fourth larger than when drilled.

If you sow any seed broadcast it will pay you to have one. Write us for a pamphlet describing it, and perhaps, if you live at a distance from Des Moines, we can help you some on freights, as we want to introduce them into every section of the country. If you want to occupy leisure time with some profitable employment, canvass the sale of these seeders among the farmers of your locality, and we will give you special prices in lots of two or more to be shipped together. This is the latest improved sower for 1889. Price reduced to $20.

Granger Hand Broadcast Seed Sower- An improvement on the Cahoon- Is among the Hand Broadcast Seeders what the Improved Strowbridge is among Power Seeders. With it you can sow all kinds of grain and seed to your perfect satisfaction. It is a good, substantial and nice little machine, cheap and durable, light itself, and runs lightly, and can be used equally well by a man or boy. Price, $5.

Little Giant Hand Broadcast Seed Sower- The best of the fiddle bow sowers. Does good work, and is the cheapest hand sower made. Price $4.

Centennial Fanning Mills- Pronounced by all the best in the market. We use several of these mills for cleaning seeds, and they do perfect work. Every farmer who raises grain or grass seeds should have a No. 1 Farm Mill. Price, $30, but we are now making special price of $22.50.

Right Speedy Hand Corn Sheller- Price $3.

New Improved Western Washer- Is the simplest and most perfect washing machine made. Is a household necessity. It will save clothes, time, labor, soap and fuel, and that means it will save you money. We guarantee them to give satisfaction. Price, No. 1, $6.50; No. 2, $7.

Michigan Washing Machine- A large round tub washer, working on the same principle as the Improved Western and by many considered a great improvement on that style. Price, only $7.

Superior Wringer- Has patent adhesive rolls, best steel springs and malleable iron crank that will not break. They are "Superior" in quality, workmanship and finish, and in manner of doing work. Price, only $2.75.

Churns- The best makes at low prices.

Rochester Wheelbarrow Sower- First-class, 14 feet long; $9. If you want anything in the implement line it will pay you to write for prices.

Last edit over 1 year ago by lelfrank


68. Seed Catalogue And Garden Guide.


[Image: Drawing, three hands showing weeding process. Text- Lang's Weeder. Patt Applied For]

Lang's Hand Weeder- Is, in our opinion, the best weeder made. Its special advantage over all other weeders of this class is, that it has a band which passes over the fingers, which, when the tool is not in use, gives full use to the hand for pulling weeds and thinning out plants without laying down the tool. It is neatly and strongly made. Price, 25c; $2.60 per dozen, or postpaid, for 30c. each.

Excelsior Weeding Hook - This instrument can be used to great advantage among small and tender plants. It is warranted to give entire satisfaction when used among rows of seedlings among ornamental plants, or in any place where absolute freedom from weeds is desired. Price, 25c; $2.25 per dozen, or postpaid for 30c. each.

Haseltine's Weeder- One hour's use will repay its cost, and in any vegetable or flower garden it is simply indispensible. Its price, 35c., prepaid, is not one-tenth its value for one season's use. Blade is solid steel, oil tempered, and has five sharp edges. Price, 30c; $3.25 per dozen, or postpaid, 35c. each.

Garden Trowels- Five inch, each 20c; six inch, each 25c.

Lawn Trimmer- A new invention offered this year for the first time and it should be used by everyone who has a lawn. Very convenient for trimming the edges, cutting border strips, and all lawn trimming which requires close cutting. Work is done rapidly and operator remains standing while at work, and consequently gets along faster. Price, $2.50.

Water's Tree Pruners- Best in the market; 6 ft. $2; 8 ft. $2.25; 10 ft. $2.50.

The Concave and Curved Seed Potato Knife- Is thin and right shape to cut 1, 2 or 3 eye pieces, fast, and not crack the tuber or injure the germs. Price 35 cts. each, postpaid.

Flower Pot Brackets- Each 25 cents to $2.

Bird Cage Hooks- Each 10 cents to 75 cents.

Wire Plant Stands- Our wire stands are of superior strength and extra finish; very attractive and ornamental. They are monnted [mounted] on substantial castors [casters] for convenience in moving about the house. Prices low; send for list.

Swiss Moss Baskets- Each 5 cents to 30 cents.

Ornamental Straw Baskets- Each 25 cents to $2.50. Dried Grasses, Everlasting Flowers, Winter Bouquets, Pampas Plumes, etc. Prices on application.

French Green Moss- Large size packages by mail, each 25 cents.

Fancy Wooden Trellises- Light and strong, all sizes for pots and out-door climbers; each 10 cents to $2.

Hammond's Slug Shot- Hammond's Slug Shot is a combination of the most potent insecticides and soluble plant food, not harmful to either beast or fowl, but probably the most effective and economical article in use for the destruction of the various insects that prey upon cultivated vegetation. When you order your seeds, if you have not tried Hammoud's Slug Shot, order a five or ten pound package, and use it as per directions given with each package. Put up in packages, not prepaid, 5 pounds 35 cents; 10 pounds 65 cents; 50 pounds $3; 100 pounds $5.50; by mail postpaid, 1 pound 25 cents; 5 pounds $1.

Tin Foil- Pound by mail 40 cents.

Wire Designs- For cut flowers. Of these we have a good assortment. Price of any kind of design given on application.

Lawn Mowers- We can furnish any of the best and leading styles. Write for circulars.

Flower Pots- We carry a full line of Plain and Fancy Flower Pots, Hanging Baskets and Terra Cotta, Iron and Rustic Lawn Vases, and request correspondence from all desiring anything in this line.

Scolley's Plant Sprinkler- The best; indispensable for floral work. Price by mail postpaid $1.15.

Berry Boxes- They are put up flat to ship, but they are all ready to put together, which can be done very rapidly. Price per 100, 60 cts; 1,000, $3.50. Annealed tacks for putting together boxes, per oz. 10 cts; per lb. 75 cts.

Bowker's Food For Flowers- A fertilizer made especially for plants grown in the house or conservatory; clean, free from offensive odor, largely soluble in water, and producing healthy plants, free from vermin, and early and abundant blossoms, to which it imparts a rich and brilliant color. Large size package for 35 cts; postpaid for 45 cts.

Florist's Plant Food- A composition somewhat similar to the above, which is sold in bulk at 10 cents per pound, or by mail 30 cents per pound.

Lawn Fertilizer- Per pound 10 cents; 25 pounds or over at rate of $6 per 100 pounds.

Pure Bone Dust- This is the best pulverized raw bone dust in the market, and makes a splendid fertilizer for lawns and gardens. Price per pound 10 cts; 10 pounds 75 cts; 100 pounds $6.

Pure Bone Meal- Per 100 pounds $4.

Perfection Bouquet Holder- Very convenient for holding corsage or button-hole bouquets; easily adjusted, and holds bouquet firmly and gracefully; 15 cents each postpaid.

Also- Pruning Knives, Horse-Radish Graters, Syringes, Garden Tools, Measures, Feed Cutters, Tree Lables, Rubber Hose, Roffea, Trellises, Plant Stakes, Gardener's Florists and Nurserymens supplies; and in fact almost everything for the Farm, Lawn, Garden, Greenhouse or Nursery. Write for prices.

Iowa Seed Company, Des Moines.

Popular Gardening and Fruit Growing. We take pleasure in informing our readers that we are authorized to receive subscriptions for this superior Dollar Horticultural monthly, both new and old, at the regular price of $1 a year. New subscriptions must in all cases be marked "new," and renewals "old." Transfers in the same family cannot count as new, they must be marked "old." Subscriptions may begin with any month. As a special inducement for new subscribers we will send, your choice of either Flower or Vegetable Seeds (in packets only) to the amount of 40 cents at regular Catalogue prices, Free, to each person who sends their subscription to us. This offer is to new subscribers only, and you may select seeds desired. Or we will send the paper free to anyone who orders Vegetable or Flower Seeds in packets to the amount of $2 at Catalogue prices, and does not ask for any other discount or premium.

Register Print, Des Moines.

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