


Status: Complete

Iowa Seed Company, Des Moines, Iowa.


It will pay you well to change your seed this year. The following are the most desirable varieties we have found for this State, and most of them will doubtless be highly satisfactory to our customers elsewhere. Order as early as possible, stating whether you desire them shipped by express or freight, and we will ship as soon as the weather permits. At prices named we make no charge for boxes, barrels or drayage. Special prices on large lots given on application.
When to be shipped over more than one line of railroad, purchasers should make arrangements to have them go prepaid, so as to save delay.
POUND PRICES.—All varieties of potatoes 30 cts. per lb; 3 lbs. for 75 cts., by mail postpaid, except the Columbian Peachblow, Freeman and Eyeless.
The Concave and Curved Seed Potato Knife. Is thin and right shape to cut 1, 2 and 3 eye pieces fast, and not crack the tuber or injure the germs. Price, 35 cts. each, postpaid.
All of the following varieties will be found worthy of a place in any garden. At the pound price we will send them by mail prepaid; at the peck or bushel rate, they are to be sent by express or freight, at expense of purchaser.
COLUMBIAN PEACHBLOW—Novelty 1893. See illustration and description on colored plate, and don’t fail to try it. Per lb., 50 cts., or 3 lbs. $1.25. By express, 3 lbs. for $1.
EARLY SUNRISE.—Has produced potatoes fit for table eight weeks from time of planting. Tubers are large, uniform and handsome; flesh white. fine grained and dry, cooking well even when first dug. Earlier than Early Ohio. Per pk., $1; bush., $3.
FREEMAN—(New.) The tuber is oval in shape, russet in color; flesh very white, both raw and when cooked; very fine grain and very best flavor. The greatest merits of the variety are its extreme earliness and long keeping qualities. From the time they are as large as hen’s eggs until new potatoes come in the next year they burst open when boiled with their jackets on, appearing snow-white and floury. Has matured in 39 days from planting. A good yielder, Per lb, 40 cts., 3 lbs., $1; pk. $1.25; bu., $3.50.
EARLY EVERITT—Tubers very large and uniform in size, grow compactly in the hill, with few eyes, which are mostly flush with the surface; skin slightly russetted. The table qualities are excellent, cooking through evenly and quickly; flesh dry and mealy either baked or boiled; an excellent keeper that retains its good qualities all through the season. Per peck, 75 cts.; bushel, $2 25.
EARLY IOWA BEAUTY—Introduced by Iowa Seed Co.—Has taken two first premiums at the Iowa State Fair as the best new potato and the best early potato, though not then named. In a number of tests it has proven to be earlier than the Early Ohio, and has in every case proven itself a better yielder and of better quality; tubers medium to large, growing very compactly in hill; color white, slightly tinged with russet; shape, oblong oval, somewhat flattened, very rarely pronged, never hollow, eyes shallow, slightly sunken at seed end, but the potato is very smooth. Per pk., 75 cts.; bu. $2.25.
POLARIS-—This new early potato has created quite a sensation. It is of long oval shape, creamy white in color, cooking white as finest flour. Is hardy, prolific, handsome, early, a good keeper; has yielded 600 bushels to acre. Per pk., 75 cts.; bu., $2.
EYELESS—Introduced by Iowa Seed Co. in 1889—White, slightly russeted; shape oval; perfectly smooth, with very few eyes, the scarcity of eyes suggesting the name; fine grained, mealy, and by all odds the best baking potato on the list. Per lb., 40 cts.; 3 lbs., $1; pk., $1.25.
EARLY BEAUTY OF HEBRON—Per pk., 75 cts.; bu., $2.
VAN ORNAM’S EARLIEST—This magnificent novelty of 1891 originated with Van Ornam Bros., of Cass county, Ia.. Smooth, of excellent shape, and resembles the Early Rose in color before ripe, but turning to a creamy white. Size is large to very large, with very few small ones. Skin thick and tough, resisting scabs and worms much better than other early varieties. In table qualities one of the very best. Yields an immense crop during dry seasons. Has ripened its whole crop 1 to 3 weeks earller [earlier] than other extra early varieties. Per lb., 35 cts.; 3 lbs. 90 cts., postpaid; pk., $1; bu., $3.
EARLY OHIO—This standard extra early sort, maturing about 10 days to 2 weeks before the Early Rose. Is deservedly popular in all parts of our country. Our seed is strictly pure and will please you. Per pk., 75 cts.; bu., $2.
POTENTATE—Grows large, a heavy cropper and good keeper. The tubers are large, round, very shallow eyes; quality is excellent. Per pk., 75 cts.; bu., $2.
PARSON’S PROLIFIC—D. W. Faulkner, the largest grower of potatoes, and by some called the “Potato King of Iowa,” calls the Parson’s Prolific by far the best main crop potato in cultivation for Iowa growers. Per pk., 75 cts.; bu., $2.
BONANZA—This magnificent variety, which we introduced in 1887, is a medium late; has become one of the leading varieties for main crop. Tubers large, oblong, somewat [somewhat] flattened; skin smooth, flesh firm, white and fine grained. Productive and of superior quality. Per pk., 75 cts.; bu., $2.
ALEXANDER’S PROLIFIC—Skin white, well covered with rough netting; eyes few and lie even with the surface; flesh pure white, with finest flavor; fine grained, dry and floury. Being long, large and white it brings the highest market price. Per pk., 75 cts.; bu., $2.25.
CHATAUQUA—A medium late potato, quite popular in the east; has done well on our grounds. Per pk., 75 cts.; bu., $2.25.
PEOPLE’S—In shape a beautiful, oval, oblong to round; skin a russet white or tan color; eyes shallow, flesh white; fine flavor; tubers large to very large. Per pk., $1; bu., $2.75.
COLLECTION—For those who wish to test all sorts we offer one pound each of the above sixteen varieties, by express, for $2.00, all properly labeled.

Potato Seed from the Flower Seed Ball.

We have a small quantity of very choice potato seed from the flower ball (the true seed), which we are pleased to offer to our customers who would try to raise new kinds of potatoes. Plant ’n [in] fairly rich soil; give them good cultivation. Per pkt., 20 cts.

[image caption: EARLY OHIO.]

[image caption: FREEMAN.]

[image caption: EARLY IOWA BEAUTY.]

[text in image: Van Ornam’s Earliest.]
[text in image: An 1891 Novelty]

[image caption: BONANZA.]

[image caption: PARSON’S PROLIFIC.]

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