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apb at Jun 27, 2021 11:57 PM


Seed Catalogue and Garden Guide.

MOONFLOWER—A very handsome climber, growing 25 to 40 feet high and covered nightly and on dull days with beautiful white, moon-like flowers from five to six inches in diameter. It has a rich Jessamine-like odor. Pkt. 10c.

NICOTIANA, Affinis—A night blooming plant, about two feet high blooming throughout the season. The flowers are tubular white, profusely borne, and delightfully fragrant. We know of no garden flower yielding a more agreeable odor, A few plants will perfume the whole yard garden. Pkt. 8c.

NIGELLA— (Love in a Mist)—Hardy annuals, about one foot in height, finely cut leaves and handsome flowers; blooms early. Mixed colors. Pkt. 4c.
CENOTHERA— (Evening Prim rose)—An interesting half-hardy annual, opening its flowers to ward evening with a snap that is sure to attract attention, especially [especially] of the children. Mixed colors. Pkt. 8c.
OXALIS—Handsome basket plant, summer or winter; fine for rockeries. Pkt. 10c.
PLHOX DRUMMONDI.—If we could have but one flower for our garden, that one would be the Phlox. Its brilliant shades of color, ranging from clear white to brilliant scarlet make an almost dazzling show; continually in bloom.
Cuspidata or Star.—See Novelties. Per pkt. 15c.
Double Pearl.—See Novelties. Per pkt. 10c.
Grandiflora Alba.—Pure white. Per pkt. 5c.
Grandiflora Coccinea,—Brilliant scarlet. Per pkt. 5c.
Grandiflora Stellata Carminea.—Very handsome carmine flowers, with pure, white, star-like eye. Per pkt. 7c.
Jubilee.—A decided novelty, being an entirely new color in Phlox, a bright yellow. Attracted much attention on our grounds. They are of strong, bushy, erect habit, each plant presenting a mass of dazzling flowers, each of which is nearly the size of a twenty dollar gold coin and of perfect form. Per. pkt. 10c.
Nana Compacta Mixed.—Dwarf, compact growing class; very fine for borders and ribbons. Per pkt. 8c.
Fireball.—Brilliant, dazzling scarlet. Per pkt. 10c.
Snowball.—Delicate, pure white. Per pkt. 10c.
Graf Gero.—A distinct class of Phlox. Habit upright and compact. growing 4 to 6 inches high. Densely covered with many bright colored flowers and is sure to attract attention on account of its dwarf habit and free flowering. Very suitable for pot culture. Everyone will be pleased with it. Per pkt. 10c.
Perennial Mixed.—Splendid hardy plants which bloom continuously after the second year. Pkt. 5c.
Grandiflora Mixed.—Has a much larger flower than the common and preferable in every way. All colors. Per pkt. 5c.
Phlox Collection.—One packet each of the above eleven varieties making a grand assortment for only 75c.



Surely there is no garden complete without a bed of elegant Petunias or a few fine specimen plants of it for the center of beds, or for growing in pots. For outdoor decoration or house culture, few plants are equal to this class. They commence flowering early, throughout the whole season until killed by frost; easily cultivated, requiring rich soil and a sunny situation. Of late years the single striped, mottled and double varieties have been greatly improved, and the above cut gives but a faint idea of their great variety and beauty. The double varieties require more care and should be started in the house.
Nana Compacta Multiflora.—Forms dense little bushes 5 to 8 inches high, studded with regularly striped flowers. Very effective either in masses or in pots. Pkt. 10c.
Grandiflora Mixed.—Very large, elegant flowers; the largest and handsomest of all. Fully twice the size of the old sorts, with the most beautiful shades of crimson, white, rose maroon, etc., blotched, striped, veined, bordered, marked and fringed. Per pkt. 20c.
Hybrida Choice Mixed.—The best of the older sorts, carefully mixed. Contains some extra fine striped and blotched varieties. Per pkt. 10c.
Fine Mixed Colors.—Per pkt. 5c.
Double Inimitable.—A splendid mixture; our seed is Benary’s best and will produce a large percentage of fine double-flowering plants. Per pkt. 25c.
Single Fringed.—A choice mixture of the handsome fringed sorts. Pkt. 10c.

PRIMULA SINENSIS—(Chinese Primrose)—Well known and popular winter bloomers. Splendid mixed colors. Pkt. 25c.
Best Double Mixed.—Pkt. 50c,
Fimbriata Mixed.—Fringed, Pkt. 40c.
Elatior (Polyanthus)—Pkt. 10c.
PASSION FLOWER.—See Novelties. Pkt. 10c.

PERILLA NANKINENSIS.—A very fine and dark ornamental leaved annual. It has a broad, serrated leaf, of a purplish mulberry color, and eighteen inches or more in height. Very desirable for the center of a bed of ornamental-leaved plants, and also for a low screen or hedge. Pkt. 8c.
PORTULACA, Grandiflora Single Mixed.—This old favorite is brightest in the hot, dry weather when other flowers are drooping. They are of almost every conceivable shade of color, and will make one of the brightest spots in the garden. Large flowered. A splendid mixture. Per pkt. 4c.

[text in image: A.BLANC.PHILA.]
Double Mized.—Very handsome, double as a rose, and contains a color and shading unknown in the single. Our seed is extra choice and will produce 60 to 75 percent of flowers as double as the most perfect rose. pk 0c [?]


Seed Catalogue and Garden Guide.

MOONFLOWER—A very handsome climber, growing 25 to 40 feet high and covered nightly and on dull days with beautiful white, moon-like flowers from five to six inches in diameter. It has a rich Jessamine-like odor. Pkt. 10c.

NICOTIANA, Affinis—A night blooming plant, about two feet high blooming throughout the season. The flowers are tubular white, profusely borne, and delightfully fragrant. We know of no garden flower yielding a more agreeable odor, A few plants will perfume the whole yard garden. Pkt. 8c.

NIGELLA— (Love in a Mist)—Hardy annuals, about one foot in height, finely cut leaves and handsome flowers; blooms early. Mixed colors. Pkt. 4c.
CENOTHERA— (Evening Prim rose)—An interesting half-hardy annual, opening its flowers to ward evening with a snap that is sure to attract attention, especially [especially] of the children. Mixed colors. Pkt. 8c.
OXALIS—Handsome basket plant, summer or winter; fine for rockeries. Pkt. 10c.
PLHOX DRUMMONDI.—If we could have but one flower for our garden, that one would be the Phlox. Its brilliant shades of color, ranging from clear white to brilliant scarlet make an almost dazzling show; continually in bloom.
Cuspidata or Star.—See Novelties. Per pkt. 15c.
Double Pearl.—See Novelties. Per pkt. 10c.
Grandiflora Alba.—Pure white. Per pkt. 5c.
Grandiflora Coccinea,—Brilliant scarlet. Per pkt. 5c.
Grandiflora Stellata Carminea.—Very handsome carmine flowers, with pure, white, star-like eye. Per pkt. 7c.
Jubilee.—A decided novelty, being an entirely new color in Phlox, a bright yellow. Attracted much attention on our grounds. They are of strong, bushy, erect habit, each plant presenting a mass of dazzling flowers, each of which is nearly the size of a twenty dollar gold coin and of perfect form. Per. pkt. 10c.
Nana Compacta Mixed.—Dwarf, compact growing class; very fine for borders and ribbons. Per pkt. 8c.
Fireball.—Brilliant, dazzling scarlet. Per pkt. 10c.
Snowball.—Delicate, pure white. Per pkt. 10c.
Graf Gero.—A distinct class of Phlox. Habit upright and compact. growing 4 to 6 inches high. Densely covered with many bright colored flowers and is sure to attract attention on account of its dwarf habit and free flowering. Very suitable for pot culture. Everyone will be pleased with it. Per pkt. 10c.
Perennial Mixed.—Splendid hardy plants which bloom continuously after the second year. Pkt. 5c.
Grandiflora Mixed.—Has a much larger flower than the common and preferable in every way. All colors. Per pkt. 5c.
Phlox Collection.—One packet each of the above eleven varieties making a grand assortment for only 75c.



Surely there is no garden complete without a bed of elegant Petunias or a few fine specimen plants of it for the center of beds, or for growing in pots. For outdoor decoration or house culture, few plants are equal to this class. They commence flowering early, throughout the whole season until killed by frost; easily cultivated, requiring rich soil and a sunny situation. Of late years the single striped, mottled and double varieties have been greatly improved, and the above cut gives but a faint idea of their great variety and beauty. The double varieties require more care and should be started in the house.
Nana Compacta Multiflora.—Forms dense little bushes 5 to 8 inches high, studded with regularly striped flowers. Very effective either in masses or in pots. Pkt. 10c.
Grandiflora Mixed.—Very large, elegant flowers; the largest and handsomest of all. Fully twice the size of the old sorts, with the most beautiful shades of crimson, white, rose maroon, etc., blotched, striped, veined, bordered, marked and fringed. Per pkt. 20c.
Hybrida Choice Mixed.—The best of the older sorts, carefully mixed. Contains some extra fine striped and blotched varieties. Per pkt. 10c.
Fine Mixed Colors.—Per pkt. 5c.
Double Inimitable.—A splendid mixture; our seed is Benary’s best and will produce a large percentage of fine double-flowering plants. Per pkt. 25c.
Single Fringed.—A choice mixture of the handsome fringed sorts. Pkt. 10c.

PRIMULA SINENSIS—(Chinese Primrose)—Well known and popular winter bloomers. Splendid mixed colors. Pkt. 25c.
Best Double Mixed.—Pkt. 50c,
Fimbriata Mixed.—Fringed, Pkt. 40c.
Elatior (Polyanthus)—Pkt. 10c.
PASSION FLOWER.—See Novelties. Pkt. 10c.

PERILLA NANKINENSIS.—A very fine and dark ornamental leaved annual. It has a broad, serrated leaf, of a purplish mulberry color, and eighteen inches or more in height. Very desirable for the center of a bed of ornamental-leaved plants, and also for a low screen or hedge. Pkt. 8c.
PORTULACA, Grandiflora Single Mixed.—This old favorite is brightest in the hot, dry weather when other flowers are drooping. They are of almost every conceivable shade of color, and will make one of the brightest spots in the garden. Large flowered. A splendid mixture. Per pkt. 4c.

[text in image: A.BLANC.PHILA.]
Double Mized.—Very handsome, double as a rose, and contains a color and shading unknown in the single. Our seed is extra choice and will produce 60 to 75 percent of flowers as double as the most perfect rose. pk 0c [?]