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apb at Jun 27, 2021 11:58 PM


Seed Catalogue and Garden Guide.


These are a specialty with us, and our fields devoted to them make a most magnificent sight each year, appearing at a distance a mass of bright colors. We grow the largest number and the largest variety to be found in this part of the country. It is the most desirable of all bulbs, and claimed by many who are well acquainted with their varied beauty to be the flower of all flowers. Our bulbs will produce immense spikes of bloom. Gladiolus are of very easy culture, and to have a constant succession of flowers the bulbs should be planted at intervals from the middle of April until the first of July. We have greatly reduced our price this year, to induce all to try our superb varieties.
NAMED GLADIOLUS—Prices on many of these usually are 15 to 35 cents each, but we have a good supply this year, and have made low prices.
Royal Queen—A splendid novelty and the best Gladioli extant. See illustration and description on colored plate. Each, 25c.
Africain—Darkest crimson black, with pure white blotch in the throat. The darkest and one of the finest colors; large flower and spike. Each, 15c; 3 for 35c.
Arsince—Fine satiny rose with bright carmine. Each, 10c; 3 for 25c.
Brenchleyensis—Deep vermillion scarlet. Each 5c; 3 for 10c.
Carnation—Large flowers of a fleshy white color, tinged at the edges with rich carmine, the lower petals blotched purplish carmine Each, 10c; 3 for 25c.
Ceres—Large, strong spikes of bloom well laden with flowers of a beautiful blush white, marbled and striped with rose and carmine; one of the handsomest varieties grown. Each, 5c; 3 for 12c
Eugene Scribe—Light Pink, glazed with carmine; flowers very large and perfect. This is one of the most beautiful of the Gladioli, and cannot be praised too highly; all should try it. Each, 10c; 3 for 20c.
Figaro—Light orange-red, flamed red; large pure white blotch. Each, 10c; 3 for 25c.
Isaac Buchanan—Best of the yellow varieties. Each, 10c; 3 for 20c.
La Candeur—White, lightly striped with carmine violet. Each, 10c; 3 for 25c.
Princess of Wales—White, blazed with carmine and rose, stained with deep carmine. Each, 10c; 3 for 25c.
Pepita—Bright golden yellow flowers, slightly striped carmine at the edges of the petals toward the end of the flowering season. Each, 10c; 3 for 25c.
Phidias—Very brilliant purple ground, slightly tinged with violet; large, pure white blotch, feathered with carmine-cherry. Each, 15c; 3 for 35c.
Rosita—Delicate satiny creamy-rose, blotched and marbled cherry-carmine. Each, 15c; 3 for 35c.
Van Dyck—Crimson-amaranth, striped with white. Each, 10c; 3 for 25c.
Lemoine’s Hybrids—A new class of Gladioli, and for vivid and rich orchid-like coloring, this beautiful, half-hardy class of Gladioli has no equal. Emblazoned with the most intense and rich shades, they are truly wonderful. The magnificent spikes of bloom are very long, and the individual flowers are of unusual size and splendid form. Mixed colors. Each, 5c; doz. 50c.
Choicest Mixture—Made up mainly from best named varieties. Per doz. 75c; each, 8c.
Fine Mixed—Contains a nice assortment. Per doz. 35c; each, 4c.
Choice Yellow Varieties Mixed—Per doz. 60c; each. 6c.
Light and White Varieties Mixed—Per doz. 75c; each, 7c.
Red Varieties Mixed—Per doz. 40c; each, 5c
Pink, Striped and Variegated Varieties—Per doz. 75c; each, 7c.
Seedlings—A splendid assortment grown from the best hybrid mixed seed. There are sure to be a number of choice new varieties among these. Per 100, by express, $3.00; each, 5c; per doz. 50.
Le Poussin—Light red, white ground; very pretty. Each, 10c; 3 for 25c.
Martha Washington—Light yellow, lower petals slightly tinged rose; large flowers and fine spikes Each, 10c; 3 for 25c.
Meyerbeer—Rose scarlet, amaranth, red blotch. Each, 10c; 3 for 25c.
Napoleon III—Bright scarlet, white stripe. Each, 5c; 3 for 12c.
Ophir—Dark yellow, mottled with purple. Each, 5c; 3 for 12c.

[image caption: LEMOIN GLADIOLUS.]


When well grown the Dahlia is one of the most handsome flowers in the whole list, and especially those of the newer varieties, such as we offer. They are of sturdy growth and covered with hundreds of flowers. The secret of success in growing them lies in having a good, deep, mellow soil, deeply spaded and thoroughly enriched with well-rotted manure. During hot, dry weather we always give them an abundance of water, on the plant as well as at the roots. Sprinkling the foliage daily tends to a vigorous, healthy growth. Always put a strong stake by each plant and tie the plant. They well repay a little care and each plant will be a specimen to be proud of. Don’t fail to try a few. There is such an endless variety that we think it best to describe only a few sorts. Our mixture contains about 100 choice varieties. We have a l large collection of these ex ceedingly showy and grand fall flowers, and can furnish almost any color desired. They comprise all the most gorgeous shades imagin able. At prices named we send strong, dry roots, as we do not think the young pot plants at all desirable for sending by mail, though they can be grown at one-fourth the cost.
Yellow Beauty—A clear double yellow flower of beautiful shape and is greatly admired on our grounds. Each, 25c; per doz. $2.25.
White Dove—Flowers are extra fine, double, pure white, petals beautifully toothed, stems very long; height 3½ feet. The cut-flowers of this variety are more sought for by florists than any other, and it is the best of all the whites. Each 30c; doz. $3.00.
Crimson King—A very handsome, rich dark crimson, very double. Everyone should have one or more of these. Each, 20c; doz. $2.00.
Scarlet—A mixture of the best double scarlet varieties. Each, 20c; doz. $2.00.
White—A mixture of the best double white varieties. Each, 20c; doz. $2.00.
Pink—A mixture of the best double pink and rose color sorts. Each, 20c; doz. $2.00.
Constance—The best pure white double Cactus Dahlia. Of elegant shape, and one of the finest blooming sorts. Each, 25c; doz. $2.50.
Juarezi—A grand and distinct variety of the Cactus Dahlia. The large flowers are of a rich glowing crimson-scarlet color. Each, 25c; doz. $2.25.
Mixed Cactus—A good assortment of colors of this popular class. Each, 20c; doz. $2.00.
Double Mixed Varieties—Contains a good proportion of the best scarlet, yellow and white varieties, besides the many other shades which are most popular. Each, 15c; doz. $1.50.
Fancy Double Mixed—The handsome tipped, striped, spotted and variegated sorts in a splendid mixture. Each, 25c; doz. $2.25.
Fancy Single Mixed—The single dahlias are rapidly growing in favor, on account of their freedom of bloom and handsome colors and markings. Vastly different from the old single sorts; nice table or corsage bouquets. Each, 15c; doz. $1.50.

[image caption: DOUBLE DAHLIA.]

[image caption: SINGLE DAHLIA.]


Seed Catalogue and Garden Guide.


These are a specialty with us, and our fields devoted to them make a most magnificent sight each year, appearing at a distance a mass of bright colors. We grow the largest number and the largest variety to be found in this part of the country. It is the most desirable of all bulbs, and claimed by many who are well acquainted with their varied beauty to be the flower of all flowers. Our bulbs will produce immense spikes of bloom. Gladiolus are of very easy culture, and to have a constant succession of flowers the bulbs should be planted at intervals from the middle of April until the first of July. We have greatly reduced our price this year, to induce all to try our superb varieties.
NAMED GLADIOLUS—Prices on many of these usually are 15 to 35 cents each, but we have a good supply this year, and have made low prices.
Royal Queen—A splendid novelty and the best Gladioli extant. See illustration and description on colored plate. Each, 25c.
Africain—Darkest crimson black, with pure white blotch in the throat. The darkest and one of the finest colors; large flower and spike. Each, 15c; 3 for 35c.
Arsince—Fine satiny rose with bright carmine. Each, 10c; 3 for 25c.
Brenchleyensis—Deep vermillion scarlet. Each 5c; 3 for 10c.
Carnation—Large flowers of a fleshy white color, tinged at the edges with rich carmine, the lower petals blotched purplish carmine Each, 10c; 3 for 25c.
Ceres—Large, strong spikes of bloom well laden with flowers of a beautiful blush white, marbled and striped with rose and carmine; one of the handsomest varieties grown. Each, 5c; 3 for 12c
Eugene Scribe—Light Pink, glazed with carmine; flowers very large and perfect. This is one of the most beautiful of the Gladioli, and cannot be praised too highly; all should try it. Each, 10c; 3 for 20c.
Figaro—Light orange-red, flamed red; large pure white blotch. Each, 10c; 3 for 25c.
Isaac Buchanan—Best of the yellow varieties. Each, 10c; 3 for 20c.
La Candeur—White, lightly striped with carmine violet. Each, 10c; 3 for 25c.
Princess of Wales—White, blazed with carmine and rose, stained with deep carmine. Each, 10c; 3 for 25c.
Pepita—Bright golden yellow flowers, slightly striped carmine at the edges of the petals toward the end of the flowering season. Each, 10c; 3 for 25c.
Phidias—Very brilliant purple ground, slightly tinged with violet; large, pure white blotch, feathered with carmine-cherry. Each, 15c; 3 for 35c.
Rosita—Delicate satiny creamy-rose, blotched and marbled cherry-carmine. Each, 15c; 3 for 35c.
Van Dyck—Crimson-amaranth, striped with white. Each, 10c; 3 for 25c.
Lemoine’s Hybrids—A new class of Gladioli, and for vivid and rich orchid-like coloring, this beautiful, half-hardy class of Gladioli has no equal. Emblazoned with the most intense and rich shades, they are truly wonderful. The magnificent spikes of bloom are very long, and the individual flowers are of unusual size and splendid form. Mixed colors. Each, 5c; doz. 50c.
Choicest Mixture—Made up mainly from best named varieties. Per doz. 75c; each, 8c.
Fine Mixed—Contains a nice assortment. Per doz. 35c; each, 4c.
Choice Yellow Varieties Mixed—Per doz. 60c; each. 6c.
Light and White Varieties Mixed—Per doz. 75c; each, 7c.
Red Varieties Mixed—Per doz. 40c; each, 5c
Pink, Striped and Variegated Varieties—Per doz. 75c; each, 7c.
Seedlings—A splendid assortment grown from the best hybrid mixed seed. There are sure to be a number of choice new varieties among these. Per 100, by express, $3.00; each, 5c; per doz. 50.
Le Poussin—Light red, white ground; very pretty. Each, 10c; 3 for 25c.
Martha Washington—Light yellow, lower petals slightly tinged rose; large flowers and fine spikes Each, 10c; 3 for 25c.
Meyerbeer—Rose scarlet, amaranth, red blotch. Each, 10c; 3 for 25c.
Napoleon III—Bright scarlet, white stripe. Each, 5c; 3 for 12c.
Ophir—Dark yellow, mottled with purple. Each, 5c; 3 for 12c.

[image caption: LEMOIN GLADIOLUS.]


When well grown the Dahlia is one of the most handsome flowers in the whole list, and especially those of the newer varieties, such as we offer. They are of sturdy growth and covered with hundreds of flowers. The secret of success in growing them lies in having a good, deep, mellow soil, deeply spaded and thoroughly enriched with well-rotted manure. During hot, dry weather we always give them an abundance of water, on the plant as well as at the roots. Sprinkling the foliage daily tends to a vigorous, healthy growth. Always put a strong stake by each plant and tie the plant. They well repay a little care and each plant will be a specimen to be proud of. Don’t fail to try a few. There is such an endless variety that we think it best to describe only a few sorts. Our mixture contains about 100 choice varieties. We have a l large collection of these ex ceedingly showy and grand fall flowers, and can furnish almost any color desired. They comprise all the most gorgeous shades imagin able. At prices named we send strong, dry roots, as we do not think the young pot plants at all desirable for sending by mail, though they can be grown at one-fourth the cost.
Yellow Beauty—A clear double yellow flower of beautiful shape and is greatly admired on our grounds. Each, 25c; per doz. $2.25.
White Dove—Flowers are extra fine, double, pure white, petals beautifully toothed, stems very long; height 3½ feet. The cut-flowers of this variety are more sought for by florists than any other, and it is the best of all the whites. Each 30c; doz. $3.00.
Crimson King—A very handsome, rich dark crimson, very double. Everyone should have one or more of these. Each, 20c; doz. $2.00.
Scarlet—A mixture of the best double scarlet varieties. Each, 20c; doz. $2.00.
White—A mixture of the best double white varieties. Each, 20c; doz. $2.00.
Pink—A mixture of the best double pink and rose color sorts. Each, 20c; doz. $2.00.
Constance—The best pure white double Cactus Dahlia. Of elegant shape, and one of the finest blooming sorts. Each, 25c; doz. $2.50.
Juarezi—A grand and distinct variety of the Cactus Dahlia. The large flowers are of a rich glowing crimson-scarlet color. Each, 25c; doz. $2.25.
Mixed Cactus—A good assortment of colors of this popular class. Each, 20c; doz. $2.00.
Double Mixed Varieties—Contains a good proportion of the best scarlet, yellow and white varieties, besides the many other shades which are most popular. Each, 15c; doz. $1.50.
Fancy Double Mixed—The handsome tipped, striped, spotted and variegated sorts in a splendid mixture. Each, 25c; doz. $2.25.
Fancy Single Mixed—The single dahlias are rapidly growing in favor, on account of their freedom of bloom and handsome colors and markings. Vastly different from the old single sorts; nice table or corsage bouquets. Each, 15c; doz. $1.50.

[image caption: DOUBLE DAHLIA.]

[image caption: SINGLE DAHLIA.]