


Status: Complete



One ounce will produce about 2,500 plants.
Sow early in hotbeds or seed boxes and when plants have four leaves transplant to four or five inches apart. Give plenty of air and endeavor to secure a vigorous growth. When all danger of frost is past transplant to the open ground, four to six feet apart each way. Well manured, light, sandy soil is best, but it must be remembered that a surplus of manure stimulates leaf growth to the detriment of fruit.
BOND'S EARLY MINNESOTA.--This handsome new variety which we now offer to our customers is, we verily believe, the earliest in existence. It originated in Minnesota but has been thoroughly tested elsewhere for two years with surprising results. Vines vigorous with rather small leaf. When quite small begin producing fruits which are of fair size, of good shape, smooth, dark red color. They ripen evenly, remain solid a long time and never crack. Thos. Brinton, who grows about 100 varieties of tomatoes, has originated several of our best sorts, and who may be called tbe best posted man on tomatoes in the United States, writes us: "Bond's Early Minnesota is the best early tomato I have yet tried." Per pkt. 10c, oz. 50c, 1/4 lb. $1.50.


PICTURE ROCK.--Our tests of the past year have again proved this to be one of the best varieties on the list. They are of good size, in fact rather large and run so even and perfect in form, after the first few fruits, that they have the appearance of having all been made in one mould. They are smooth, of bright scarlet color, solid and of excellent quality. See more full description on second page of cover and don't fail to try it. Per pkt. 10c, oz. 35c, 1/4 lb. $1.00.

CRIMSON CUSHION.--Very large, about double the size of the Matchless, but rough like all other large sorts. The peculiarity about it is its unusual solidity, more so than any other sort we know of. Seeds are few and near the outside, leaving the center solid pulp, which ripens evenly throughout before the outside appears ripe. It is an elegant sort for slicing or putting up. Our seed was saved from select specimens grown on our own place, flavor excellent. Per pkt. 10c.
PONDEROSA.--Very large, and is highly commended in many localities. Like all other mammoth sorts, however, there is a considerable proportion of misshapen fruits, and some with hard green spots around the stem. Our seed is pure. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 30c, 1/4 lb. 85c.
NEW PEACH.--This peculiar variety, introduced by a Philadelphia firm, is a decided curiosity. The tomatoes in color are a deep rose and golden amber, blended in an indescribable manner, all covered with delicate bloom like the bloom or furz of fine peach, making it almost impossible to recognize the detached fruits as tomatoes. Do not fail to try it. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 30, 1/4 lb. $1.00.

[image] MATCHLESS.

OPTIMUS.--Vines medium sized, and productive, bearing fruit in clusters of five. Fruit medium size, oval, very smooth, exceedingly bright, rich, crimson-scarlet color, very free from cracks and rotting less than any of the seventy varieties which it has been compared. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 25c, 1/4 lb. 75c.
LIVINGSTON'S BEAUTY--Originated with Mr. A. W. Livingston, of Franklin county, Ohio, and is one of the best ever introduced. Its beauty, size, shape, color, flavor, durability, and productiveness make it desirable to all classes of tomato growers, being of a very glossy crimson with a slight tinge of purple. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, 1/4 lb. 75c.
TURNER'S HYBRID OR MIKADO.--Very large solid fruits, but usually too rough for general use. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, 1/4 lb. 65c.
MATCHLESS.--Well worthy of its name for in beauty of coloring and symmetry of form it is indeed without a peer. The vines are of strong, vigorous growth, well set with fruit. They are entirely free from core, of a very rich cardinal red color, and not liable to crack from wet weather, of largest size, and the size of the fruit is maintained throughout the season, the healthy growth of the foliage continuing until killed by frost. Had we to confine ourselves to one variety it would be the Matchless, for certainly no other tomato will produce extra large fruits so smooth, handsome and marketable as the Matchless. The skin is remarkably tough and solid, and ripe specimens picked from the vine will keep in marketable condition for two weeks. Solid, of fine quality and a long keeper. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 25c, 1/4 lb. 80c.


IGNOTUM.--It is five days earlier than Dwarf Champion and superior to all other standard sorts. Very large, smooth, extraordinarily solid, seed cavities the smallest of any tomato; only averages one-half as many seeds as the ordinary sorts. Very productive and uniform, the last pickings being scarcely inferior to the best of the season. It is of a very deep red color, ripens perfectly up to the stem, and remarkably free from cracking aud rotting. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 30c, 1/4 lb. 85c.

[image] IGNOTUM

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