




COLUMBIA LAWN MOWER.--Lawn mowers have always been too high in price, and, as a consequence, it has kept down the sale, but we have finally succeeded in having a lawn mower made for us at a heretofore unheard-of figure and we propose to give our customers the benefit. The connecting bar of this mower is a 5/8 cold drawn steel shaft, fastened on the inside of disc with tempered steel set-screws; this, with a cutter bar fastened into the mower in the best possible way, makes it strong and rigid. The reel runs in long polished brass boxes, adjusted by a single screw at each end. The best tempered steel is used, and bearings are adjustable, compensating for all wear. The best malleable iron is used in the roller arms and reel spiders. Instead of a ratchet, we use a clutch that is positively noiseless, on which there is no wear, as it is either fully engaged or entirely out of the way; the clutch is engaged by the forward motion of the drivers only--no springs or extra pieces to wear out or get lost. It has a floating handle that is quickly adjusted for a child or tall person, or for cutting down a terrace, simply by a thumb-nut acting on a notched clamp on the handle and handle irons. A 14-inch mower for only $3.85, or one cutting a 16-inch swath for only $4.10. CHILDREN'S GARDENING SETS.--Give your boys and girls a garden. Provide a means of healthy exercise and recreation and you will certainly be surprised at the enthusiasm and love of nature which is aroused by daily work among the plants, from the first preparing of the ground and sowing the seed, through the weeks of watching, the growth and cultivating until the harvest. To encourage gardening for the young, we offer these sets at low prices. They are also nice tools for ladies to use in the flower garden. Purchaser pays the express charges on all of these. No. 20 consists of a steel spade, steel hoe, and six-tooth rake. Handles twenty inches long. Price for the set, 15c. No. 100 consists of a steel spade, steel hoe, and a six-tooth malleable rake. Handles thirty inches long. Price for the set, 25c. No. 30 consists of a cast steel 5x4x3 3/4 spade with T handle, steel hoe, and seven-tooth malleable rake. Polished blades and varnished handles thirty inches long. Price complete, 50c. No. 14. Larger size for ladies. Set, $1.00. CHILDREN'S VEGETABLE COLLECTION.--(Col. No. 10.)--Contains one packet each of beet, cucumber, lettuce, radish, pop corn and sunflower. In all, six packets, our choice of varieties, for only 15c, postpaid. See also the Children's Floral Collection, described on page 43. Six packets for 15c. Parents! Purchase the above two collections of seed and a set of garden tools, and you will find them worth to your children many times their cost. GARDEN TROWELS.--Five inch, each 15c; six inch, each 20c. FLORIST'S TROWELS.--Extra heavy, each 40c. CONCAVE AND CURVED SEED POTATO KNIFE.--See description on page 42. Each 35c, postpaid. HAND BROADCAST SOWERS.--See description on Page 40. Each $1.50. ROTARY CORN PLANTERS.--See description on page 34. Each $1.50.


MOLE TRAPS.--All the old styles of mole traps boiled down into a better one at one-half the old price. It does the work. No mole can pass under this trap and live. Price only $1.00.

WIRE FLOWER POT STANDS. For strength, beauty of design and superior finish, our stands are unexcelled, if equaled. The legs are of solid steel, well braced; good, strong castors [casters] are used. The wires are heavy, well woven and clinched, strong enough to hold up all the flowers that can be placed on the shelves. They are nicely finished with green paint and bronze, are ornamental and durable, and weigh from fifteen to fifty pounds each.

[image] WIRE PLANT STAND, NO. 10.

NO. 10.--A very popular stand, well shown by the engraving, except that we usually make them with a gothic arch. Holds from twenty to thirty pots. Price including arch and hanging basket, $5.00. (List price is $7.00.) Illustrated catalogue of many other styles on application. WIRE WINDOW SHELVES.--Thirty-six inches long. Each $1.00. WIRE FLOWER POT BRACKET.--Very neat and convenient. Each 15c, $1.50 per doz. FLORISTS' PLANT FOOD--For greenhouse or garden use. Per 5 lbs., 60c; 25 lbs., $1.75; 10 lbs., $5.00. This makes a most excellent lawn fertilizer also, and should be used by everyone desiring a fine lawn.


PERFECT PLANT FOOD.--An unsurpassed fertilizer for plants, which is prepared especially for plants grown in the house, garden or conservatory; clean, largely soluble in water, producing healthy plants free from vermin, and early and abundant blossoms, to which it imparts a rich and brilliant color. This is manufactured expressly for us and we believe it is the best fertilizer made for house plants. If you grow any plants, it will pay you to try it. Remember, that our Perfect Plant Food is not simply a stimulant, but is a true plant food, which invigorates your plants and makes them bloom. It also makes the color of both foliage and flowers much richer and brighter. Per lb. pkg. 25c, postpaid for 40c; 1/2 lb. pkg. 15c, postpaid for 25c. FLUTED FLOWER POTS.--A handsome new pattern. Price is the same as for common plain pots, so they are sure to be popular. The following prices per dozen are for pots and saucers: Four-inch, 60c; 5-inch, 75c; 6-inch, $1.00; 7-inch, $1.50; 8-inch, $2.40; 9-inch, $3.00. We make no charge for packing or delivering at depot here. All orders for these must amount to at least $1.00. Many styles of handsome pots, hanging baskets and vases at very low prices. We have anything you may want. EXCELSIOR WEEDING HOOK.--This instrument can be used to great advantage among small and tender plants. Price 15c, per doz. $1.50, or postpaid for 25c. each.


SULPHO-TOBACCO SOAP.--In our tests this has proved the most effective of any insecticide, and is perfectly safe to use. Its chief ingredient is the gum of the richest Virginia and Kentucky leaf tobacco. It is formed with whale oil and sulphur, in a soluble state, into a soap. In this form it is very convenient for general use. The soap is easily dissolved in warm or cold water. Per 8-oz. can 25c, or by mail postpaid for 35c. TREE LABELS.--3 1/2 inch, notched. Per 1000, 50c.

[image] DUSTER.

POT LABELS.--4-inch, pointed. Per 1000, 60c. TRELLISES.--15c. to $2.00 each. RAFFIA.--Excellent for tying asparagus and other vegetables. Gardeners should try this. Per lb. 25c. HAMMOND'S SLUG SHOT.--A combination of the most potent insecticides and most soluble plant food. When you order your seeds, if you have not tried Hammond's Slug Shot, order a five or ten-pound package, and use it as per directions given with each package. Not prepaid, 5 lbs. 35c; 10 lbs. 65c; 50 lbs. $3.00; 100 lbs. $5.00. By mail, postpaid, 1 lb. 25c; 5 lbs. $1.00. DUSTERS.--For Hammond Slug Shot. Each 35c.

BIRD SEED. Clean, fresh seed. Postage 10c. per lb. extra: Canary... per lb... 8c. Russian Hemp... [per lb.]... 8c. Rape... [per lb.]... 10c. Sunflower... [per lb.]... 15c. Maw... per oz... 5c. Mixed Bird Seed for Canaries... 8c. Mixed Seed for Parrots... 15c. Cuttle Bone... 3c. each, 25c. per doz.

[image] TRADE MARK.

Last edit about 1 year ago by lelfrank



POULTRY SUPPLIES. The annual sales of poultry and eggs in Iowa amount to several times the value of the fruit crop, and still it is surprising to see how little attention is paid to this business, the possibilities of which are almost beyond estimation. We are the only firm in the state that handles a complete line of poultry supplies. We are constantly testing all the new inventions in this line and are particular to handle only the best, which we are sure will please our customers. We list here some of the leading items. Send for our complete descriptive list if you are interested. Prices are subjected to important market changes. Will be glad to name special figures on large lots.

PAUL'S STONEWARE DRINKING FOUNTAINS.--For poultry, pigeons and bees. These fountains keep the water cool and clean, and prevent the birds from getting wet. The best and cheapest in the market. Convenient, ornamental and practical. The best testimonial is 50,000 sold in five years. Price two qt. size, 25c; gallon size, 35c; two gallon size, 50c.


BROCKTON POULTRY FOUNTAIN.--For poultry, pigeons, etc., it cannot be excelled. Keeps the water free from dust or dirt. Made of indestructible galvanized iron--will last a life-time. Price, $1.25 each. MANN' S GREEN BONE MILL No. 2.--Has given splendid satisfaction wherever tried, and we have sold many of them. Price, $19.00. Same for attaching to post, $16.00.


THE IOWA LEG BAND.--Well shown in the illustration, being made all of one piece of soft pliable brass-band. The loop is bent up in such a shape that the strap part of the band is easily inserted and fastened and can be instantly adjusted to fit any bird from a pigeon to a turkey. Impossible for the bird to loosen and will not injure the leg. Price, 35c per doz. $2.00 per 100 postpaid. POULTRY WIRE NETTING.--The best make, thoroughly galvanized to prevent rusting, properly twisted, made of No. 19 wire and of two-inch mesh. It is put up in rolls 150 feet long, and of various widths. Price per roll as follows: 18 inches wide, $1.68; 24 inch, $2.25; 36 inch, $3.00; 48 inch, $4.00; 60 inch, $5.00; 72 inch, $6.00; 5 rolls or more at 10 per cent discount. Half rolls at one cent per square foot. Less, at one and one-half cents per square foot. GALVANIZED STAPLES.--For putting up netting. Per lb. 10c. CRUSHED OYSTER SHELLS.--This is a most important article for the poultry yard and should be supplied to the fowls liberally. Of superior quality. Your hens will keep healthier, lay better, and eggs will be more fertile if supplied with it. Price 10 lbs., 35c; 25 lbs., 50c; 100 lbs., $1.50; 200 lbs., $2.50. WEBSTER & HANNUM BONE CUTTERS.--Very popular in some localities. No. 1, each $10.00; No. 2, each $12.00. DAISY BONE CUTTER.--We have tried all kinds of bone cutters that we know of and this works most decidedly the best. This machine is especially made for cutting green bone with meat on, right from the butcher, or offals of bone and meat from the table; also cuts vegetables, scrap cake, etc. The knives can be taken out when dull, sharpened and replaced in a few minutes. Turns easy, cuts fine and fast, and is simple in construction, nothing to get out of order. Weight, 130 lbs.; price, $18.00. Our price only $16.00. Without stand for $13.50. CLIMAX EGG BASKET.--The lightest and best basket made for shipping eggs for hatching. See cut on page 84. Price per 10, 50c; 50 for $2.25; 100 for $4.00. BISDEE'S ROUP SPECIFIC.--Best cure for roup. $1.00 per pkg. postpaid. CRACKER CRUMBS.--An excellent and cheap food for poultry, especially for young chicks. Price, $1.50 per barrel. LINSEED OIL MEAL.--A little of this meal occasionally mixed with soft food will prove a great benefit, especially if a rich, glossy plumage is desired. Price 10 lbs. 35c; 25 lbs. 75c; 100 lbs. $2.00.


PEEL' S POULTRY FOOD.--Will keep hens in good health and cure chicken cholera and other diseases of chickens and turkeys. It is a splendid egg food, endorsed by leading poultry raisers. Per 4 lb. pkg., 50c; 1 3/4 lb. pkg., 25c. Postage 16c. per lb. extra. CRUSHED RAW BONE.--Really better than the shell, but it will pay to use both. Of the best quality, being manufactured from fresh bones. Price, 10 lbs. 50c; 25 lbs., $1.00; 100 lbs., $2.75. FINE BONE MEAL.--Ground fine for feeding small chickens, also used as a lawn fertilizer. Price, 10 lbs. 50c; 25 lbs., $1.00; 100 lbs., $2.75. SUNFLOWER SEED.--One of the best egg producing foods known, and will keep your poultry iu [in] fine condition and give a gloss to the plumage. Per lb., postpaid, 25c; by express, 10 lbs. or more, 10c lb. GAPE WORM EXTRACTOR.--A most excellent little instrument, the stem of which is made of silvered wire, with loops attached to catch the worms. Price, 15c each; 4 for 50c postpaid.


PHILADELPHIA POULTRY MARKER. When hatching chicks from several yards it is of great importance to mark them so you may know exactly from which yard they are bred. To mark them, a very small hole is punched in the web of the foot. This hole enlarges as the bird grows, and always remains. We furnish a very convenient little spring punch as shown in cut at 25c. SOFT EXCELSIOR.--Cut fine from soft wood. A most useful article; largely used for packing eggs for shipment. $1.00 per bale of 50 to 65 lbs. SPONGIA TABLETS.--For curing roup. 10c per doz.; 3 doz. for 25c, postpaid. PORCELAIN NEST EGGS.--5c each; 30c per doz. HEMP SEED.--Used largely for feeding birds and pigeons. Per lb. 8c. FRENCH POULTRY KILLING KNIFE.--Best and most humane method of killing. Price, 50c, postpaid.


WEBSTER CLOVER CUTTER.--This new machine is a small affair, but cuts quite rapidly, making eight cuts to each revolution of crank. It is also self-feeding. For a small flock of poultry this machine fills the bill. Price, $3.00.


WILSON'S BONE MILL No. 1.--One of the greatest conveniences about a poultry house is one of these mills. Not only will they grind shell and bone, but are also just the thing to crack wheat or corn for little chicks; grind charcoal to mix with soft feed; grind up dry bread crusts, etc., making fine feed for the little chicks. Price, $5.00. Our price, ONLY $4.50. NEST EGG GOURD SEED.--Produce hundreds of white gourds closely resembling eggs in size, color and shape. Should be grown by all poultry men, Price, per pkt. 5c; oz. 25c. IMPROVED MOISTURE GUAGE [GAUGE].--Best thing we have seen to regulate the moisture in incubators. It does the work to a nicety. Price, $1.00, or by mail for $1.20. IMPROVED OLENTANGY BROODER.--This is a great improvement and is larger than the old style, having a capacity of 120 chicks. We have thoroughly tested these and believe them to be the best brooder made. Is much preferable to have a hen for raising chicks even where the hens do the hatching. It will pay western breeders to order from Des Moines and save heavy eastern freights. Price, only $6.00 on cars here. TESTED THERMOMETERS.--Manufactured expressly for incubators. They are very sensitive and accurate and have been tested. We take great pains in packing to avoid breakage, but customers must assume risk of breakage in transit. We seldom have one reported broken, however. Price, 80c each, postpaid. CAPONIZING INSTRUMENTS.--The use of these adds greatly to the profit in raising poultry. We handle only the best makes. Price, with complete book of instructions, $2.50 per set. PERSIAN INSECT POWDER.--A splendid insecticide, but harmless to human beings. Ours is the best quality. Price, 1/4 lb., 25c; 1/2 lb., 40c; 1 lb., 75c, postpaid. INSECT POWDER GUN.--Each 10c postpaid. LAMBERT'S DEATH TO LICE.--A cheap and effectual remedy for all kinds of poultry vermin, moths, lice on horses, cattle or plants, fleas on dogs, etc. Price, 25c per package of about 1 lb., or by mail for 40c.



It is the most important thing with poultry breeders to have a perfect incubator, and we have been studying this subject carefully for five years and examined about fifty different makes of incubators, many of which were positively worthless. We can most highly recommend the Improved Monitor, which has been a standard for years, and the Successful. It will not pay you to buy a cheap machine as it is sure to prove expensive in the long run. Ask for descriptive circulars of these machines and tell us just what you want and perhaps we can help you in planning. Price of either the Successful or Improved Monitor, 100 egg capacity, $25.00; 200 egg, $35.00. We will furnish you prices on other sizes on application.

Last edit about 1 year ago by lelfrank


[table] [column heading: PAGE] INDEX TO CATALOGUE. VEGETABLE SEEDS. Artichoke. 12. Asparagus. 12. Beans. 2, 3, 29. Beet. cover, 4. Borecole or Kale. 13. Broccoli. 12. Brussels Sprouts. 12. Cabbage. 6, 7. Carrot. 8. Cauliflower. 4. Celery. 9. Celeriac. 12. Chervil. 12. Chicory. 12. Chufas. 27. Chinese Tea. 34. Coffee Berry. 36. Collards. 12. Corn, Pop. 14, 29. [Corn,] Sweet. 10, 29. Corn Salad. 12. Collections. cover, 83, 87. Cress. 12. Cucumber. cover, 11. Egg Plant. 12. Endive. 12. Garlic. 31. Gourds. 13. Garden Lemon. 13. Ground Cherry. 12. Herbs. 14. Husk Tomato. 12. Kale. 13. Kohl Rabi. 13. Leek. 13. Lettuce. 15. Mangel Wurzel. 5. Martynia. 52. Melon, Musk. cover, 16, 17. [Melon,] Water. 18, 19. [Melon,] Citron. 19. Mustard. 13. Nasturtium. 53. Okra or Gumbo. 13. Onion. 20, 31. [Onion] Sets. 31. Parsley. 27. Parsnip. 25. Peanuts. 14. Peas. 22, 29. Pepper. 25. Pomegranate. 14. Potatoes. 41, 42. Potato Seed. 42. Pumpkin. 23. Radish. 24, 25. Rhubarb. 27. Ruta Baga. 30. Salsify. 27. Spinach. cover, 27. Squash. 26. Strawberry. 34. Sugar Beet. 5. Tobacco. 27. Tomato. cover, 28, 29. Turnip. 30. Vegetable Plants and Roots. 31. Vine Peach. 27. FLOWER SEEDS. Abronia. 43. Abutilon. 43. Ageratum. 43. Agrostemma. 43. Alyssum. 44. Amaranthus. 45. Ampelopsis. 45. Anagallis. 45. Amobium. 45. Antirrhinum. 45. Aquilegia. 45. Arabis. 45. Argemone. 45. Asperula. 45. Asters. 44. Balloon Vine. 45. Balsam. 45. Begonia. 45. Beets, Foliage. 45. Brachycome. 45. Browallia. 45. Bryonopsis. 45. Cacalia. 46. Cactus. 46. Calampelis. 46. Calendula. 45. Calliopsis. 45. Campanula. 46. Canary Bird Vine. 46. Candytuft. 46. Canna. 46. Canterberry Bells. 46. Carnation. 47. Catchfly. 46. Celosia. 46. Centaurea. 47. Centrosema. 46. Chrysanthemum. 47. Cineraria. 46. Clarkia. 47. Cleome. 46. Clianthus. 46. Coboea. 47. Cockscomb. 46. Coleus. 47. Collections. 43, 59. Convolvulus. 48. Coreopsis. 45. Cosmos. 47. Cuphea. 47. Cyclamen. 48. Cypress Vine. 48. Dahlia. 49. Daisie. 48. Datura. 48. Delphinium. 47. Diamond Flower, col. plate. 48. Dianthus, col. plate. 48, 49. Digitalis. 41. Dolichos. 47. Edelweiss. 49. Eschscholtzia. 49. Euphorbia. 49. Ferns. 49. Feverfew. 51. Fountain Plant. 52. Foxglove. 47. Freesia. 49. Fuchsia. 49. Gailiardia. 49. Geranium. 49. Gilia. 50. Gladiolus. 49. Globe Amaranth. 50. Gloxinia. 50. Godetia. 50. Golden Rod. 50. Gourds, Ornamental. 49. Grasses, Ornamental. 59. Grass Pinks. 50. Gypsophilia. 50. Helianthus. 50. Heliotrope. 50. Helichrysum. 50. Hibiscus. 50. Hollyhock. 50. Humulus. 50. Hyacinthus. 50. Ice Plant. 51. Ipomea. 51. Iris. 51. Lantana. 51. Larkspur, col. plate. 51. Lathyrus. 51. Linum. 51. Lobelia. 51. Lupinus. 51. Lychnis. 51. Marguerite. 47. Marigold. 52. Martynia. 52. Marvel of Peru. 52. Matricaria. 51. Maurandia. 51. Mignonette. 52. Mimulus. 51. Mimosa. 57. Mirabilis. 52. Mixed Flower Seed. 59. Moon Flower. 51. Musa Ensete. 52. Myosotis. 52. Nasturtium, col. plate. 53. Nicotiana. 52. Nigella. 52. Oenothera. 53. Oxalis. 53. Pansy, col. plate. 54. Passion Flower. 55. Perilla. 53. Petunia, col. plate. 53. Phlox. 56. Poppy. 55. Portulaca. 53. Primula. 53. Pyrethrum. 56. Rhodanthe. 56. Rose. 55. Ricinus. 56. Salpiglossis. 57. Salvia. 57. Scabiosa. 57. Scarlet Runner. 57. Sedum. 57. Sensitive Plant. 57. Smilax. 57. Spraguea. 57. Statice 58. Stevia. 58. Stocks. 57. Sweet Peas, col. plate. 57. Sweet William. 58. Sunflower. 50. Thunbergia. 58. Torenia. 58. Tropaeolum. 58. Verbena. 58. Vinca. 58. Violet. 58. Wallflower. 58. Wahlenbergia. 58. Whitlavia. 58. Wild Cucumber. 58. Wisteria. 58. Xeranthemum. 58. Zinnias. 59. FLOWERING BULBS AND PLANTS. Abutilons. 66. Achania. 66. Achillea. 66. Aloysia. 67. Alternanthera. 66. Amaryllis. 64, 65. Ampelopsis. 66. Apois Tuberosa. 64. Artillery Plant. 67. Asparagus. 66. Azalea. 66. Begonias. 60, 67. Blackberry Lily. 60. Bleeding Heart. 58. Bouvardia. 67. Caladium. 64. Calla. 63, 64, 69. Cactus. 68. Cannas. 60, 64. Carnations. 69. Chrysanthemums. 68. Chinese Sacred Lily. 60. Cinnamon Vine. 60. Cineraria. 68. Clematis. 69. Coboea. 67. Coleus. 69. Collections. 64, 77. Crinum. 60. Crocus. 65. Cruel Plant. 69. Cyperus. 69. Cuphea. 69, 70. Cyclamen. 62, 69. Dahlias. 61. Dieletra. 62. Farfugium. 70. Ferns. 70. Feverfew. 70. Forget-me-not. 74. Freesias. 62. Fuchsias. 70. Gazania. 72. Geraniums. 71, 72. Gladiolus. 62. Glecoma. 72. Grass Pinks. 73. Hardy Climbing Vines. 59, 83. Hardy Shrubs. 59, 83. Heilanthus. 77. Heliotropes. 73. Hibiscus. 73. Hoya Carnosa. 73. Hyacinths. 65. Hyacinthus. 64. Hydrangeas. 73. Iris. 61. Ivies. 73. Lantana. 77. Lilies. 63, 64. Lily of the Valley. 61. Lion's Tail. 74. Manetta Vine. 70. Maurandia. 72. Maderia Vine. 64. Mexican Primrose. 74. Milla Biflora. 64. Moon Flower. 77. Marguerite. 74. Mountain Pink. 77. Musa Ensete. 74. Myosotis. 74. Nasturtium. 74. Narcissus. 65. Night Blooming Cereus. 68. Oxalis. 64, 65, 73. Orange Tree. 74. Oleander. 73. Othonna. 73. Paeonies. 65. Palms. 73. Pansies. 74. Passion Flower. 73. Pelargoniums. 72. Petunias. 73. Primulas. 73. Roses. cover, 75, 76. Salvia. 77. Sanseveria. 67. Sedum. 77. Scilla. 65. Spider Lily. 65. Saxafraga. 77. Smilax. 77. Solanum. cover. Snowdrops. 65. Stapelia. 74. Tigridias. 64. Torenia. 77. Tritoma. 64. Tuberose. 64, 65. Tulips. 65. Verbenas. 71. Vinca. 77. Violets. 77. Water Hyacinth. 74. Winter or Fall Bulbs. 65. Yucca Filimentosa. 65. Zephyranthes. 63. NURSERY STOCK. Apples. 78. Apricots. 82. Blackberries. 82. Buffalo Berry. 80. Crab Apples. 78. Cherries. 79. Currants. 80. Dollar Collections. 59, 83. Dewberry. 80. Evergreens. 82. Flowering Shrubs. 83. Grapes. 81. Gooseberry. 80. Mulberry. 80. Osage Orange. 83. Ornamental Trees. 82. Peaches. 79. Pears. 79. Plums. 79. Raspberry. 81. Rocky Mt. Cherry. 80. Strawberry. 82. Vines and Creepers. 83. Wineberry. 80. Wholesale List. 84. MISCELLANEOUS. Artichokes. 31. Asparagus Roots. 31. Baskets. 84. Books. 67. Berry Boxes. 84. Brackets. 87. Bird Seed. 87. Broadcast Seeders. 40. Chufas. 27. Corn Planters. 34. Fertilizers. 39. Flower Pots. 87. Fruit Packages. 84. Gardening Sets. 87. Garden Tools. 85, 86. Garden Trowels. 87. Garlic. 31. Hand Weeders. 86, 87. Horse Radish Sets. 31. Introduction. 1. Implements. 85, 86. Insecticides. 42, 87. Lawn Mowers. 87. Mole Traps. 87. Onion Sets. 31. Peanuts. 14. Plant Food. 87. Potatoes. 41, 42. Potato Knife. 42, 87. Poultry Supplies. 88. Raffia. 87. Rhubarb Roots. 31. Sweet Potatoes. 42. Sage Plants. 14, 31. Slug Shot. 42, 87. Spraying Pumps. 84. Tree Labels. 87. Trellises. 87. Vegetable Plants. 31. Wire Plant Stands. 87. Window Shelves. 87. FARM SEEDS. Artichoke Roots. 31. Barley. 36. Buckwheat. 36. Broom Corn. 40. Clover. 37. Durra. 40. Flax. 36. Field Peas. 36. Field Beans. 36. Grass Seed, plate. 38, 39. Kaffir Corn. 40. Lawn Grass. 39. Lentils. 40. Oats. col. plate, 35. Potatoes. 41, 42. Rape. 40. Rye. 36. Seed Corn. col. plate, 32, 33, 34. Soja Beans. 36. Sugar Cane. 36. Sunflower. 36. Tree Seeds. 35. Wheat. 35.

VALUABLE BOOKS. It will pay you to read some of the following books which are sent postpaid on receipt of price: HENDERSON'S GARDENING FOR PROFIT.--New edition. By Peter Henderson. Price, $2.00. ONIONS: HOW TO RAISE THEM PROFITABLY.--Being the practical details by seventeen practical onion growers. Price, 20c. CELERY.--By G. Bochove & Bro. Price, 50c. THE A B C OF POTATO CULTURE.--By T. B. Terry. Revised. Price, 40c. FITZ'S SWEET POTATO CULTURE.--Cloth. Price, 60c. BRILL' S FARM GARDENING AND SEED GROWING.--By Francis Brill. Price, $1.00. E. P. ROE'S PLAY AND PROFIT IN MY GARDEN.--The author shows how he evoked a profit of $1,000.00 while carrying on pastoral and literary labor. Price, $1.50. ASPARAGUS CULTURE.--The best methods. Price, 50c. OUR FARM OF FOUR ACRES, AND THE MONEY WE MADE BY IT. Price, 30c. TEN ACRES ENOUGH.--Showing how a very small farm may be made profitable. Price, $1.00. HENDERSON'S PRACTICAL FLORICULTURE.--New and enlarged edition. Price, $1.50. GUIDE TO FLORICULTURE.--A most instructive little book. Price 25c. PRACTICAL FRUIT GROWER.--By S. T. Maynard; 124 pages, fully illustrated. Price, 25c.

FULLER'S GRAPE CULTURIST.--Best work on the culture of hardy grapes. By A. S. Fuller. Price, $1.50. FULLER'S SMALL FRUIT CULTURIST.--Price, $1.50. FARMER ON THE STRAWBERRY.--Price, 25c. ART OF PROPAGATION.--Price, 25c. CANNING AND PRESERVING.--By Mrs. S. T. Rorer. Price, 40c. COMPLETE TEXT BOOK ON SILK CULTURE.--Full of interest in regard to silk culture which is a pleasant and profitable business for ladies. Price, only 5c.

POULTRY BOOKS. AMERICAN STANDARD.--Every poultry breeder should have this for a guide if he intends to keep or show fancy pure bred fowls. Price, $1.00 postpaid. PHILOSOPHY OF JUDGING.--A companion to the Standard. Price, $1.00 postpaid. POULTRY FOR PLEASURE AND PROFIT.--A 48-page book containing instructions for every one who keeps poultry. Price, 25c. PRACTICAL POULTRY KEEPER.--62 pages, quite complete and valuable. Price, 10c. SOME OF LEE'S IDEAS.--On poultry breeding. Price, 50c. ART OF INCUBATION AND BROODING.--Invaluable to large breeders; 60 pages. Price, $1.00.

WE WANT A good live agent to solicit orders for us in every locality. It is pleasant as well as profitable; it requires no capital and you can put in your spare time or work all the time, just as you wish. Send for Terms to Agents.

Last edit about 1 year ago by lelfrank






Last edit about 1 year ago by lelfrank
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