





ELEGANT PALMS. These have for centuries been considered exclusively for the rich, the plants usually selling at $3.00 to $100.00 each, and in some cases line plants of the rarer sorts have brought as high as $1,500.00 each. It is now known, however, that they are easily grown from seed, and we have secured a large lot ot nice fresh seed for our customers so that we can furnish it at such a low price that everyone could afford to supply themselves with these beautiful and elegant plants. Directions for growing will be printed on the packet. LATANIA BORBONICA.- This is the typical palm, and is more largely used than any other. Its strong, healthy habit commends it to all and gives it a fitness for window and room culture not possessed in the same degree perhaps by any other. It is the Chinese Fan Palm from which the palm leaf fans of commerce are made. Easily grown and tenacious of life. Per pkt. 10c. CHAMAEROPS EXCELSA.- From southern China and Japan. Very hardy, having stood three degrees Fahrenheit with but slight covering. One of the very best palms for house culture in cool climates, forming a fine specimen, standing ill usage remarkably well. Very handsome palmate leaves. Per pkt. 10c. PHOENIX DACTYLIFERA.- A native of northern Africa. This is the palm trom which the date of commerce is obtained. It is grown in some parts of California successfully from a commercial point of view. Produces fruit when about ten years old. Exceedingly beautiful for pot culture and very hardy. Per pkt. 10c. WASHINGTONIA FILIFERA.-This is one of the best window palms, needing no petting to succeed. Stands dust and dry air, and lack of sunshine, and is very ornamental with its elegant fan shaped leaves of a rich, dark, leathery green. Picturesquely fringed with long, thread-like filaments along the segments of the leaves. The plant is a compact grower, well adapted to pot culture, succeeding in any situation, and with any treatment that will keep a geranium alive. Per pkt. 10c. A GRAND OFFER I-One packet each ot the above four varieties for 25 cents; five packets of each for $1.00.


IMPERIAL NASTURTIUMS. If we were asked to name the six best annuals, the nasturtium would be one of them. They are so easy to grow that a six-year old child could plant and care for them, and they have every good quality of a bedding plant-compact habit, attractive foliage, intensely bright and beautiful flowers borne profusely the whole season, not troubled by insects, and standing dry weather well. Our Imperial Nasturtiums consist ot about 20 of the best dwart varieties, selected from both American and foreign growers. When planted in beds will produce a most gorgeous display of beautitul flowers of all shades of color. Per pkt. 10c, oz. 25c.

LEGION OF HONOR MARIGOLD. Now don't say, "It's only a marigold," and pass it by, for this is the prettiest of all, and in fact few would take it to belong to that family. It is dwarf, compact and of pyramidal growth, about five inches high, with dark green, fern-like leaves, furnishing a striking background for the bright, golden, star-like flowers. The blooms are of medium size, rich golden yellow with the center of each petal broadly marked with velvety crimson brown. Easily grown from seed, and flowers freely from July until frost. Per pkt. 5c.

NEW FANCY FLOWERING GIANT PETUNIAS. This is the most costly and scarce seed we have, and the cost of production is so great that the crop is actually worth more than the same weight of gold. It is unquestionably the finest and most thorough selection of petunias in existence. They are of enormous size (four to five inches across), and exquisitely ruffled and fringed, but their great merits lie in the varieties of colors, markings, veinings, blotchings and stripings in the most grotesque and beautiful combinations; some with charming deep throats of yellow, white, black, green, or maroon, running off into intricate veins. Some of the colors are rich and gorgeous, and others of lovely delicate shade. In order to fully introduce this magnificent class of petunias, we make the price very low. Per pkt. 20c, 3 pkts. 50c, 7 pkts. $1.00.

CALIFORNIA YELLOW BELLS. One ot the lovliest of California annuals, which has escaped attention among lovers of flowers. The Yellow Bells of California, as it is called, forms a broad bush eighteen inches to two feet high. Each of its numerous branches is fairly loaded with bell-shaped, pedulous flowers, a half inch long, and of a delicate cream color. The flowers are almost everlasting, the persistent corolla drying and retaining its shape until the seed has ripened. The pinnatifid foliage has caused the plant occasionally to be taken for a fern before it blossoms. The seeds may be sown in mellow soil early in spring or as soon as frosts are past, or in the greenhouse, hotbed or cold frame, and afterwards transplanting to a permanent place in the border. Per pkt. 10c.

DIAMOND FLOWER. A dainty little annual with tufts of tiny foliage, and beautiful little white and violet blue flowers that bloom within a month from the time seed is sown. It will grow in the open ground, over rock-work or in pots, never exceeding three inches in height and rarely two. The tiny flowers have a glistening sheen that has given them their name of Diamond Flower, and being surrounded by a wreath of bright green foliage, they show to a wonderful advantage. For pot culture in winter it is just superb. Sprinkle a few seeds in a small pot or sancer, or in pots where other plants are growing, and within a month you will have the most charming mat of foliage and flowers-covering the surface of the soil like moss-that you ever saw. In the fall the self-sown seed will come up and bloom profusely until the ground freezes and begins again early in the spring. Per pkt. 8c.

HIGHLAND PANSIES. The most exquisite new varieties, grown by a celebrated pansy specialist in Scotland. Their merit consists in uniformly clear, distinct markings, high colors, pertect form and largest size. They are sure to please. Per pkt. 20c.


Last edit 11 months ago by tacet



NEW DOUBLE-FLOWERED MORNING GLORY. The number of hardy annual climbers is not very great, and we do not doubt a moment but that this first doubleflowered convolvulus major or morning glory ever introduced will be greeted as a welcome addition to this class of plants. It is of rapid growth, and produces its double flowers very freely. They are white with a slight spot of red or blue at the base of the larger petals. About 80 per cent of the seedlings will reproduce themselves true from seed; the remainder will flower semi-double or single. As a blue variety has shown itself this season, we presume that all the other colors of the single-flowered morning glory will be produced by hybridizing before long. Seeds should be sown as early as the ground can be worked in the spring, or may be sown in the house and transplanted outside as soon as the weather permits, so that a long season of beautiful flowers may repay you. Truly a lovely addition to the floral kingdom, as one can never forget the beautiful appearance of one of these lovely plants in full bloom, with its light graceful foliage and hundreds of delicate flowers playing peek-a-boo among the leaves. Per pkt. 10c.

GOLDEN GLORY CALLIOPSIS. Beautiful yellow flowers are indispensible in all gardens, and for all decorations this new Giant Calliopsis, with its large, graceful, golden flowers, borne on long stems, is alike valuable for gardens, for bouquets and decorations. It is a continuous and persistent bloomer and is desired at once by all who see it. The plants are a perfect glory of large golden blossoms, double the size of the older sort. They are prettily toothed at the edges. It is a fine winter bloomer. In fact is never without flowers all the year. Per pkt. 10c.


PEERLESS MIXED BALSAMS. Several European and American specialists have been devoting much of their time during the past few years to improving this popular flower, until now we have a plant which is worthy of a place in any garden and will prove satisfactory to the most fastidious. The flowers are of the most perfect camelia-fiowered and rose-flowered types, intensely double. The plants are of most ideal, symmetrical shape, fairly loaded with flowers and a continuous bloomer, sometimes 500 magnificent large blooms on a plant at one time. Seed may be sown out doors at the usual corn planting time, but we consider it better to start it early under glass or in a box in the house. Plants should have plenty of room when set out, for if crowded they will never prove satisfactory. Per pkt 10c, 3 pkts. for 25c, 7 for 50c.

IMPERIAL JAPANESE MORNING GLORY. A most elegant new climber, the seeds of which were sent to this country a few years ago by the director of the Imperial Japanese Garden. The vines are of strong and robust growth, attaining a height of from 30 to 50 feet. The foliage is most luxuriant, distinct and varied-some vines have rich vivid green leaves, others have silvery leaves, yellow leaves, or leaves mottled and checkered like rich mossaics of light and dark green, white and gray. The flowers are of gigautic size, measuring from 4 to 6 inches across, remaining open much longer than ordinary morning glories, The flowers are of deep, rich velvety tones, others more daintily tinted and shaded than an artist's brush could portray. Some are striped, starred and spotted; others have magnificent edges and throats. They are or the easiest cultnre. Sow early in a warm, sunny position in good, rich soil, and give plenty of water in dry weather. Per pkt. 15c.

EARLY DAWN COSMOS. This new variety is bound to become popular on account of its extreme earliness. It blooms fully two months ahead of any other cosmos, making it of special value. Seeds sown in open ground in May produce blooming plants before the middle of July, or in about two months from the time of sowing, and continuing until destroyed by frost. The flowers are a little smaller than the late kinds, but its earliness and profusion of bloom through a much longer season will more than compensate for any lack of size. The plants have fine, feathery, light green foliage and delicate rose, purple, white and lilac flowers, which are produced on long stems and are very desirable for bouquets, as they will last a week after cutting. Well worthy of a trial by all who wish a free blooming plant of the easiest culture. Mixed colors, per pkt. 10c.


BEGONIA ERFORDIA. A little beauty as well as a most distinct novelty. It is amost profuse bloomer from early summer until late autumn; even a light frost will not hurt it. The color of the flower is a lovely soft pink throughout, which does not fade even in the hottest summer days, when most other flowers seem to wither. The leaves and leaf stalk, are of a coppery bronze of a rich shade, affording a most effective background for the flowers. Per pkt. 15c, 2 pkts. for 20c.

[image. copyrighted by Vilmorin-Andbicum co. 1895] PEERLESS MIXED BALSAMS.

WHITE BEAUTY SUNFLOWER. A mammoth single flowering variety with pure white seeds, which is the result of eight years of careful selection. Desirable for the flower garden and also unexcelled for poultry, outyielding the old sorts almost two to one in quantity of seeds produced to the acre. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c, lb. 65c, postpaid.

PERENNIAL CHRYSANTHEMUMS. Everyone likes chrysanthemums, those grand flowers which fill the greenhouses, are the most attractive of window plants and worn almost universally on the streets of all cities during October and November. Our seed is carefully saved from a superb collection of the best varieties so cross fertilized that it will produce a wonderful variety of flowers, perhaps no two alike, and possibly some great novelties. They are easily grown from seed. Per pkt. 10c.

Last edit 11 months ago by tacet




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FIVE GRAND [missing text] One plant each of the five following [missing text] METEOR.--A rich, dark, velve [missing text] bloomer and vigorous grower, show [missing text] not run single during summer, a [missing text] invaluable, and cannot be too high [missing text]. MERMET.--One of the finest roses grown. The buds are very large and globular, the petals being recurved and showing to advantage the lovely bright pink of the center, shading into light creamy pink, reminding one of La France in its silvery shading. A strong grower and fine bloomer. Each 10c. THE BRIDE.--This is undoubtedly one of the finest white roses ever offered. The buds are very large and of exquisite form, and the full flower very double, measuring from 3 1/2 to 4 inches in diameter. The color is a delicate creamy white. The blooms will last in a fresh state, after being cut, longer than any other white variety. Each 10c. SUNSET.--This exquisite orange yellow variety is one of the finest Tea Roses grown. The flowers are large and double. The exquisite shades of coloring found in this variety can only be compared to the gorgeous colors of a summer sunset; hence the name. It is deliciously fragrant, a strong growing and free flowering variety. Each 15c. NEW RAINBOW.--This new rose from California was awarded a silver cup by the State floral society. The color is a lovely shade of deep coral pink, striped and mottled in the most unique manner with intense crimson, and elegantly colored with rich golden amber at center and base of petals. It makes beautiful buds, and the flowers are extra large, very sweet, and of great depth and substance. It is a most charming new variety. Each 15c.


EMPRESS AUGUSTA VICTORIA.--The finest white rose in existence for summer blooming. It is a true Tea Rose, soft pearly white, remarkably fragrant, a strong, healthy grower, with bold, beautiful foliage. It is a continuous bloomer, the buds being of elegant perfect shape, while the full, open flower is unsurpassed and shows no center. Very fragrant. Each 20c.

[missing text] MPION OF THE WORLD.--The champion bloomer, commenc [missing text] bloom as soon as potted from the propagating bench, and con [missing text] in the greatest profusion all the time. It is claimed that one [missing text] f it will produce more flowers during the year than ten plants [missing text] Tea rose. Blossoms are perfectly double to the center, of good [missing text] while its color is a degree of loveliness which few roses can [missing text] being a rich, deep rosy pink. Each 15c. MALMAISON.--Flower extremely large; quartered and double to the center; color flesh white, clear and fresh. Each 10c. MADAME HOSTE.--This is an exceedingly beautiful, new ever-blooming rose, extra large flowers, and superb buds very full and delightfully perfumed; color soft, canary yellow, deepening at center to pure golden yellow, beautifully flushed with pale amber; edges and reverse of petals rich creamy white; has proven excellent for garden culture. Each 10c. LA FRANCE.--Undoubtedly the most perfect type of a cut-flower rose. No variety surpasses it in delicate coloring--silvery rose, shaded pink, with a satiny sheen over all its petals. Flower large, keeps well, and of distinct pervading fragrance. Each 10c. MARECHAL NEIL.--Very bright, rich golden yellow; very large, full and perfect form; of vigrous climbing growth and a free bloomer. This is unquestionably the finest of all Tea roses; truly magnificent. We have seen greenhouses devoted to a single plant of this variety, from which it was not unusual to cut five hundred to two thousand flowers per day. Each 15c. AMERICAN BEAUTY.--One of the best and most valuable roses, both for garden and house culture. Color rosy crimson, exquisitely shaded and very handsome. Extra large full flowers, exceedingly sweet, makes magnificent buds, is a good bushy grower, very hardy and a constant bloomer. Each 20c. ETOILE DE LYON.--A magnificent Tea rose introduced from France; brilliant chrome yellow, deepening at center to pure golden yellow; flowers very large, double and deliciously fragrant. Each 10c. PERLE DES JARDINS.--Fine straw yellow, sometimes deep canary yellow; very large and of most perfect form. Each 10c.

Last edit 11 months ago by lelfrank



CRIMSON RAMBLER ROSE. Three Hundred Blooms on One Branch. This rose has created a great sensation wherever shown. It has received not less than four gold medals and numerous first class certificates. It is of vigorous growth, making shoots from eight to ten feet in height, during a season, and is consequently a most desirable climbing variety. When the shoots are fastened down or it is grown in a bush form, marvelous heads of bloom are the result. As a pot plant it is unequaled for decorative purposes. It is exceedingly hardy. The flowers with which the plant is covered in the spring are produced in large trusses of pyramidal form and ot the brightest crimson color. The blooms remain on the plant for a great length of time without losing their brightness. When cut in proper condition, the flowers will remain fresh in water for two weeks. A gentleman in England writes abont it thus under date of July 6th: "At this date this is a grand rose. On one shoot alone I counted over three hundred blooms." Strong plants. Each 25c.

ROSA WICHURIANA. This novelty from Japan is a trailing species of very rapid growth, making a closely matted bed of very dark green foliage. The flowers are produced in the greatest profusion in July, after the June roses are past, and more sparingly throughout the season. They are single, pure white, with golden yellow stamens, from seven to nine inches in circumference, with a strong and sweet fragrance. Appropriate and enduring for cemetery use, not only when covered with its exquisite fiowers, but also for its rich carpet effect up to the very last of the season. It Is perfectly hardy. Each 20c.

MONTHLY TEA ROSES. CAROLINE TESTOUT.- Large and double; color bright satiny pink, with rosy center; odorous, free flowering. Each 15c. MADAME JOSEPH SCHWARTZ.- Extra large globular flowers, very fulI and deliciously sweet; color pure white, elegantly tinged and shaded with pale yellow and rosy blush: constant bloomer. Each 10c. DUCHESS OF ALBANY OR RED LA FRANCE.- Sport from La France; richness of color difficult to describe- a shade which our artist describes as "Tyrian rose," which is very rare. May be left in open ground all winter if covered with straw; if potted, will bloom all winter. Each 15c. SOUVENIR DE WOOTEN.- Color a beautiful sahde of velvety crimson, equal to the noted General Jacqueminot, deliciously fragrant, a constant and most prolific bloomer, and the full open flowers are frequently six inches in diameter. It has proved hardly in the open ground as far north as southern Iowa. Each 15c. HERMOSA.-Always in bloom and always beautiful; the flower is finely formed and full, the most pleasing shade of pink, soft but deep; fragrant. Each 10c. QUEEN OF BEDDERS.- The flower is large, full and regular; color, bright and glowing crimson; blooms constantly. Each 10c. MARIE GUILLOT.- Perfection in form; flower is large and double to the center; white. Each 10c.


HARDY DORMANT ROSES. For the first time we offer dormant roses; this is to satisfy a demand from many customers for plants that can be planted outside early in spring, before it is safe to set out plants that are growing in pots and consequently are in full leaf. We can supply these from the time this catalogue is issued up to April 15th; after that time they can only be supplied from pots, at the prices quoted at the end of the list. The great value of these roses lies in the fact that they produce better flowers and make stronger plants in a shorter period than those grown from cuttings; and the advantage is, that having no soil on the roots and being dormant, they can be sent cheaply by express. Procure them early and store in the cellar until your ground is ready for them. We can furnish any of the following varieties at 30c each, $3.00 per dozen, by express. Too large for mailing. BARONESS ROTHSCHILD.- An exquisite shade of satiny pink. CAPTAIN CHRISTY.- Delicate flesh color, deepening in shade toward the center; one of the most beautiful of roses. COQUETTE DES BLANCHES.- Of medium size; color snowy white, sometimes delicately flushed with pale rose. EUGENE VERDIER.- Crimson purple, large and full; a very fine, handsome rose. GEN. WASHINGTON.- Brilliant crimson, very rich and beautiful; large, perfectly double and a free bloomer. GENERAL JACQUEMINOT.- One of the grandest roses in existence. A hybrid perpetual sure to delight every lover of the beautiful, as nothing can surpass them in beauty. Our cut well illustrates to the shape of the flower, and the cut flowers are often sold by florists at from $1.00 to $3.00 each. Color a rich, dazzling scarlet, shaded with deep velvety crimson, making a superb growing color. Flowers large, free bloomer. Each 20c. MME. GABRIEL LUIZET.- Light satiny pink; an attractive sort. MAGNA CHARTA.- Dark pink; one of the easiest roses to grow. MADAME PLANTIER.- As a cemetary rose it is still without a rival. The flowers are borne in the greatest profusion, and are of the purest white. Hardy as an oak and certain to grow as grass. PERFECTION DES BLANCHES.- Pure white, free blooming. PERSIAN YELLOW.- Hardy, yellow rose; best of its color. PRINCE CAMILLE DE ROHAN.- Dark Crimson maroon, almost black.

MOSS ROSES. COMTESSE DE MURINAIS.- Finest double white moss rose; large, beautifully mossed. HENRY MARTIN.- Fine, rosy carmine. CRESTED MOSS.- Deep rose-colored, very fine, handsome buds, surrounded with mossy fringe. CAPTAIN INGRAM.- Dark velvety purple; very handsome. GLORY OF MOSSES.- Pale rose, very heavily mossed; one of the best Moss roses in cultivation. Any of above sorts each 30 cts., doz., $3.00.

CLIMBING ROSES. BALTIMORE BELLE.- Pale blush, shading to rose color; very double; flowers in beautiful clusters. GREVILLE, OR SEVEN SISTERS.- Blooms in large clusters, with flowers varying from white to crimson. Perfectly hardy. PRAIRIE QUEEN.- Clear bright carmine-pink, sometimes with a white stripe; large, compact, and globular; very double and full; the best hardly climber in this climate.

Any of the above large-sized dormant roses, 30 cts. each, $3.00 per doz., or a grand collection of one plant each at the 20 varieties above named for $4.50.


Last edit 11 months ago by tacet



MARY WASHINGTON ROSE. It is a historic fact that our revered first president, George Washington, raised in his garden at Mt. Vernon a seedling rose which proved to be a hardy, perpetual blooming climber, producing double snow-white blossoms in great profusion from June until frost. In this lovely rose our first president took special delight, and named it after his mother, Mary Washington. The original bush can yet be seen growing in the grounds where the world-famous master planted it in his garden at Mt. Vernon. No home is complete without one of these roses. Each 15c. Large, strong plants, each 25c.

BEAUTIFUL FAIRY ROSES. These Polyantha roses are of marvelous grace and beauty. Something everyone can succeed with; sure to give satisfaction. They bloom in immense clusters, 25 to 50 together on a single stem. They are wonderfully beautiful, bloom constantly and as freely as ageranium, and require as little care. They are quite hardy, requiring but slight protection even in the north. Excellent for cemetary planting. We sell thousands of these, and purchasers are delighted.


WATER HYACINTH One of the most remarkable, curious and beautiful plants we have ever grown. Instead of growing in soil it floats in the water, which it is enabled to do by means of its curiously inflated leaf stalks, which resemble bladders or balloons, filled with air. A large mass of feathery blue roots grow downward, their ends entering into the soil. It forms a lovely rosette of its curious, shining green leaves, and throws up spikes of the most exquisite flowers imaginable, resembling in form a spike of hyacinth bloom, but as beautiful as many of the choicest and most costly orchids. Each flower is as large or larger than a silver dollar; color, a beautiful, soft lilac rose, sparkling as if covered with diamond dust. The upper petal, which is the largest, has a large metallic blue blotch, and in the center of that a small, deep. golden yellow spot. Each 15c.


MIGNONETTE.- As the name would denote, this is deliciously scented: the flowers are blush or soft rose, borne in dense heads-we have had trusses with over 200 flowers and buds on at the same time. Each 10c. MINATURE.- The smallest rose in cultivation; the flowers, which are only about the size of a silver dime, are produced in great profusion and are very double. It is a delicate rose color an opening, changing to pure white as the flowers expand. Each 10c. LITTLE WHITE PET.- Very handsome; pure white, perfect shaped flower. A strong grower and profuse bloomer. Very hardy. Each 10c. PERLE D'OR.- Color of the buds beautiful nankeen yellow, which vivid orange center, each petal tipped white, changing to buff tinged rose in the open flower. Each 10c. CLOTHILDE SOUPERT.- A decided novelty, and one which should be in the collection of every lover of roses. Very profuse bloomer; flowers large, very double; pure white, with rosy pink center; frangrant. Each 10c. PINK SOUPERT.- A charming novelty, which we offer this year for the first time. Like Clothilde Soupert, only the flowers are a handsome rosy pink color all over, a peculiar shade, different from any other. A great bloomer and every one should try it. Each 20c.


ROYAL PURPLE STROBILANTHE. A new house and bedding plant; was awarded the Gold medal offered by the King of Belgium at the Ghent exhibition. It forms a compact bush 18 inches high, with leaves 6 to 9 inches long, 3 to 4 inches wide, and of the most intense metallic purple color, shading into light rose with a light green margin, a combination unapproached by any other plant. The flowers are a lovely violet-blue, very beautiful. It has created a veritable sensation wherever exhibited, and will be grown by the thousand as a bedding plant, while at the same time one of the most brilliant decorative plants in existence; for table oranament, parlor to greenhouse, nothing can equal it. Each 15c.

PANSY GERANIUM. This variety, though not new, is one of great merit. The flowers are of medium size, and have a white throat. Each petal is shaded toward the center with a rich lavender pink and dark maroon blotch in the center. Each 25c.


NEW DOUBLE GERANIUM. REMARKABLE.- As will be seen by our illustation, the habit of growth is dwarf and compact, making this variety one of the most desirable for pot culture. The novelty and merit, however, is principally in the perfect trusses of miniature rosebud florets, which are wonderfully attractive and pleasing. The color is the brightest possible scarlet crimson; the substance most lasting. A buttonhole bouquet of this variety will keep fresh longer than any other we know of, and then it is entirely unique, afterwards opening to a very handsome bright flower. This should not be confounded with the old Rosebud geranium. Imagine, if you can, a handsomely formed, bushy little plant, constantly covered with perfectly proportioned trusses of exquisitely brilliant rosebud flowers so intense in color that they appear to vibrate. Of hardy, vigorous, healthy habit of growth. Each 15c.


Last edit 11 months ago by tacet
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