





CONVOLVULUS. Popularly known as Morning Glories. IMPROVED CLIMBING.--(Major)--Everybody knows the common morning glory, but many of the choice new varieties contained in this mixture are indeed rare. It will be found to include the marbled and striped sorts, varieties with marbled and laciniated foliage, the ivy-leaved kinds--in short--the largest variety of morning glories ever offered in one package. Flowers of large size, and plants climb to a height of twenty to forty feet in one season from seed, producing thousands of flowers. Pkt. 7c, oz. 30c. MAJOR STRIPED.--Large, handsome flowers of great beauty. On a white ground they are variously striped and blotched with red, blue and rose. Pkt. 5c. BLACK.--A new color, and surely none could be so odd and unique as black, the rarest color among flowers. It does not differ from the ordinary morning glory in any other respect. The flowers are of large size and freely produced. Pkt. 10c. MAJOR MIXED.--Ordinary mixture. Pkt. 2c, oz. 10c. MINOR.--(Dwarf Morning Glory)--These beautiful bush morning glories grow only about one foot high; the flowers are freely borne, and, if pleasant, remain open all day. The plant spreads with much regularity in all directions, and a bed of them is a beautiful object throughout the summer. Mixed colors. Pkt. 5c.

CYPRESS VINE. A beautiful rapid climber, with delicate, dark green feathery foliage, and an abundance of bright, star-shaped scarlet and white blossoms, which in the bright sunshine present a mass of beauty. NEW IVY-LEAVED.--Entirely distinct from all other varieties, both in flowers and foliage. The ivy-like leaves make a dense screen from which the pretty fiery orange-scarlet flowers stand out in countless numbers. It is quick growing and sure to please all who try it. Pkt. 10c.


[image] CYCLAMEN.

SCARLET.--Very bright. Pkt. 5c. WHITE.--Pretty in contrast with scarlet. Pkt. 5c. MIXED COLORS.--Pkt. 5c.

CYCLAMEN. PERSICUM.--One of the handsomest of greenhouse plants. Foliage is handsomely marked and the flowers beautiful. Seed should be sown under glass in well rotted compost and sand. Tuberous rooted, blooming second year. Best strain. Mixed colors. Pkt. 5c.

DAISY. Popular perennials, blooming the first year from seed; very handsome for borders or pots; best double mixed. Pkt. 8c. NEW GIANT SNOWBALL.--A most charming variety of this handsome little flower. It has unusually large, double flowers on very long stems, making it very valuable for cutting. Color, a pure snow white. Don't fail to give this little beauty a fair trial, and it will be sure to please you. Pkt. 15c.

DIAMOND FLOWER. A very pretty little plant covered with numerous small shining flowers. Pkt. 10c.



DATURA. A large, strong growing plant, with trumpet-shaped flowers, and bearing blooms of large size. CORNUCOPIA.--A magnificent novelty of striking beauty. The plant is of robust habit, about three feet high. The stems, of dark purplish maroon, shine as if varnished. The flowers average eight inches long by five inches across the mouth, are formed of two to three flowers growing one within the other, the interiors being glistening French white, contrasting beautifully with the mottled royal purple exteriors. The flowers are delightfully fragrant. Seeds started early in the house will produce plants that will flower from early summer until frost. Often from 200 to 300 flowers are borne in a season. For specimens in the garden, this novelty is extremely beautiful. Pkt. 10c.


NIGHTINGALE.--A very profuse large flowering sort of pure satiny white, very handsome flowers four or five inches in diameter and 8 to 10 inches long. Pkt. 10c. DOUBLE VARIETIES MlXED.--Pkt. 5c.

DIANTHUS. The dianthus, or Chinese pink, has long been a great garden favorite. It is, in fact, one of our most useful plants, furnishing abundance of gay and pretty flowers until frozen in with the earth and covered by drifting snows. They live over winter and bloom as well the second year as the first. They are quite as pretty for pot plants in the house as carnations. Indeed, their variety of color is more varied and pretty, while they are freer bloomers. Plants from seed grow and bloom very quickly. We know we are doing our customers a kindness by urging them to plant the dianthus for both garden and pots. MOURNING PINK.--A magnificent new variety, with very double large flowers of a very dark mahogany, almost black, each petal edged with a clear cut margin of pure white. Pkt. 10c. HEDDEWIGI.--Finest selected single mixed. One of the most showy of the pink family. Pkt. 5c.

[image] HEDDEWIGI.

Last edit 9 months ago by lelfrank




DOUBLE DIADEM PINK.--Superb large double flower. Hieroglyphically marked, like the original Chinese pinks, in the middle down to the base of each petal; magnificent in color and variety. Pkt. 7c. CHINENSIS.--(Double Chinese Pink)--Finest double mixed. Pkt. 3c. LACINIATUS.--Double fringed, best mixed. Pkt. 7c. IMPERIALIS.--Double imperial pink. Pkt. 5c. MIXED VARIETIES AND COLORS.--Pkt. 5c. BARBATUS.--(Sweet William)--An old favorite; hardy perennials; single mixed. Pkt. 5c. CROWN OF PERFECTION.--The latest introduction and the handsomest of all. Very large and handsome flowers. Pkt. 10c.

DAHLIA. The dahlia is well known, but few are aware that if the seed is sown early in the spring they will bloom the first year. The seed which we have to offer is of the finest strain, and produces magnificent, very double flowers of large size and richest shades. Pkt. 10c. SINGLE MIXED.--Pkt. 7c. NEW TOM THUMB.--A radical departure in the way of dahlias and is really beautiful. The perfect little plants, only twelve to fifteen inches high, are of a bushy habit of growth, and they come into flower very early. Scarcely three months after sowing the seed the plants will be fully developed and covered with showy, pretty flowers, which are produced in constant profusion and great variety the whole summer through. The range of color is something unusual; in many of the flowers the ground is white, with regular zones of magenta, crimson, purple, etc., while in others the ground is yellow or light rose, with charming contrasting variegations. The effect is vivid and striking, yet the blooms may be classed as most refined in their effect. See cut. Pkt. 10c.


[image] EDELWEISS.

EUPHORBIA. VARIEGATA.--(Snow on the Mountain)--A large, robust-growing, hardy annual, with very ornamental green foliage striped with white. Pkt. 5c. HETEROPHYLLA.--This novelty is an annual of the easiest culture, forming bushy plants three to four feet high, with glossy green fiddle-shaped leaves, which form at the ends of the branches into large whorls or bracts, among which small green flowers appear in summer, and immediately after the leaves commence to color up. The smaller bracts among the flowers are brilliant orange scarlet, large surrounding leaves soon become blazed with darker, fiery scarlet, so that only a tip of green is left. As these colored bracts almost cover the plant, the effect is indescribably grand. Pkt. 10c.

EDELWEISS. The flowers are pure white, star-shaped, and of a downy texture. This is the true edelweiss of the Alps, well known and so much prized by tourists in Switzerland. Pkt. 15c.

ESCHSCHOLTZIA. California poppies. Showy summer flower plants; large saucer-shaped flowers of striking brilliancy in the sunlight. They flower profusely throughout the season. SINGLE.--Mixed colors. Pkt. 5c. DOUBLE MIXED.--We believe the double form of this flower will prove very satisfactory to all flower lovers. Pkt. 10c.


FREESIA. REFRACTA ALBA.--Bears peculiar clusters of white flowers of the most delicious fragrance, which lasts a long time, even after being cut. Start seeds early, bulbs dry off in summer. Start them growing in the house in October and you will be pleased with them. Easily grown. Pkt. 10c.

FERNS. Fine mixed varieties. Pkt. 15c.

FOX GLOVE. See Digitalis.

FEVERFEW. See Matricaria.

FUCHSIA. HYBRIDA.--Well known greenhouse plants. Easily grown from seed. Finest double and single mixed. Pkt. 15c.

[image] FREESIA.

[image] FUCHSIA.

GLADIOLUS. A well known flower, easily grown from seed, and we should like to have all our customers try raising them in this way. This seed is of our own growing, from the very best varieties, and will produce an assortment sure to please any lover of flowers. They bloom the second year from seed. Pkt. 8c.

GAILARDIA. The blanket flower. Exceedingly beautiful annuals, making very showy plants, one to two feet high. Grown in masses they are especially effective; large flowers, two or three inches across, produced from early summer until frost. Unrivaled for cutting. LORENZIANA.--New double. One of the finest aunuals grown for bedding and cutting. Pkt. 8c. PERFECTION.--An improvement on the above sort, producing very double flowers as round as a perfect ball in the most varied and pleasing colors. The flowers are borne on long, slender stems and when cut will keep for over a week. Pkt. 10c. ALL VARIETIES MIXED.--Pkt. 3c.

[image] GAILARDIA.

GOURDS. Useful for covering fences, arbors or old trees or stumps, greatly admired for their curiously shaped and colored fruit.

[image] GLADIOLUS.

CALABASH OR DIPPER.--Pkt. 5c. HERCULES' CLUB.--Pkt. 5c. NEST EGG.--Used largely for nest eggs. Pkt. 5c. DISH CLOTH.--Pkt. 10c. SUGAR TROUGH.--Pkt. 5c. ALL VARIETIES MIXED.--Includes a great many handsome varieties of odd shapes and colors. Pkt. 5c.

GERANIUMS. These favorite plants are easily raised from seed, which will frequently reward the cultivator with charming new varieties. Plants from seed started early in the house, will bloom the first summer in the garden. Seed is saved from the best varieties, mixed. Try it. Pkt. 10c.

PERFECTED Sweet Peas. Nothing is handsomer than a nice hedge of Sweet Peas, and the beauty of it is that the more you pick, the more come. We want all our customers to plant them liberally next spring and so offer this mixture of the best large flowering varieties made up from named sorts at per pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c, lb. 85c. FINE MIXED.--Per pkt. 2c, oz. 5c, 1/4 lb. 15c, lb. 50c.

[image] GERANIUM.

Last edit 9 months ago by lelfrank



[image] Grass Pink.

GRASS PINKS. The hardy and pretty clove-scented flowers which our grandmothers loved. Their fragrance is quickly noticed by anyone passing by the yard where they are grown, before seeing the flowers. There has been quite a call for these among our customers, and for several years we have tried to obtain seed of this old garden favorite and have at last succeeded in obtaining a fine crop of seed. The flowers range from pure white to a dark pink, most of them, however, being a clear, delicate pink color. A hardy perennial very desirable for borders. Per pkt. 5c.

GLOXINIA. Greenhouse plants, producing richly colored and brilliant flowers. Finest strains of new hybrids; mixed. Pkt. 25c.

GOLDEN ROD. Although considered an objectionable weed on our western prairies, there is no denying the beauty of this flower, and it has been adopted by New York as the state flower. Greatly admired everywhere; easily grown from seed. Pkt. 5c.


GILIA. Profuse blooming and handsome dwarf annuals for massing in flower beds; flowers borne in clusters; plants six to twelve inches high. TALL VARIETIES.--Mixed. Pkt. 4c. DWARF VARIETIES.--Mixed. Pkt. 4c.

GYPSOPHILA. ELEGANS.--Very handsome small flowers, produced in loose panicles in great abundance. Fine for bouquets, also much used dried for winter bouquets. Mixed. Pkt. 5c.

GLOBE AMARANTH. "Bachelor's Buttons," and the "amaranth" of the poets. They are annuals, forming bushy plants about two feet high, and bearing sometimes several hundred flowers of purple, white, striped, etc. Very ornamental as summer-blooming plants, and for everlastings indispensible [indispensable]. Mixed colors. Pkt. 5c.

[image] GILIA.


GODETIA. Handsome and showy annuals about one foot high, of dwarf, compact growth bearing freely large flowers three to four inches across, of exquisite colors and shades that glisten in the sunlight like satan [satin]. LADY SATIN ROSE.--The flowers, produced in remarkable abundance, are of a brilliant deep rose pink, the surface shining like satin. Pkt. 8c. MIXED VARIETIES.--All colors. Pkt. 5c.

HELIANTHUS. (Sunflower.) Some varieties of this well known plant are very ornamental, and are effective in proper situations, in large shrubbery borders or as screens. SILVER LEAVED.--But few who see this splendid new plant would imagine that it was a sunflower. It grows three or four feet high, forming a perfect pyramid. The leaves are long and densely covered with long white hairs which give it a peculiar shining, silvery appearance. The flowers are a clear golden yellow, three to four inches across, with small, dark brown centers. Very desirable for a hedge, or as a specimen plant for center of beds. Early in the morning while covered with dewdrops it is really magnificent. Pkt. 10c. PEERLESS MIXED.--A splendid assortment of fifteen of the best varieties grown together on our grounds. Includes some which are both curious and desirable. Pkt. 5c. GLOBOSUS FISTULOSUS.--Double, the best of the tall varieties. Pkt. 5c. NANUS.--A true double dwarf, quite pretty. Pkt. 5c. MAMMOTH RUSSIAN.--Largest of all. Oz. 5c, lb. 40c.

HYACINTHUS. CANDICANS.--Throws up flower stalks three to four feet high with beautiful white, drooping flowers; fine for mixing in beds of gladiolus; blooms second year. Pkt. 5c.

[image] GODETIA


HUMULUS. (Hop.) NEW JAPANESE VARIEGATED.--We recommend this extremely handsome and distinct climbing vine as very valuable for trellis and high places. Where an attractive, ornamental climber is desired, that will stand rough usage, we have nothing better. The leaves are strikingly variegated and marked; the first color is bright, deep green, distinctly marked and blotched with silvery white tinged with yellow; now and then a leaf will be almost snowy white, and another one not far away almost green. A superb, strong grower, twenty to thirty feet in a few weeks' time; not injured by heat or insects. Pkt. 10c.

HELIOTROPE. A great favorite with all lovers of flowers for their beanty and fragrance; well suited for beds or borders, where they will bloom in summer, and may then be carefully potted and cut back for winter blooming. All should try raising these from the seed and obtain a nice variety. Pkt. 10c.

HOLLYHOCK. No garden flower is more showy or more admired. The plants are stately in appearance, the flowers brilliant in color, and delicate in texture. Blooming plants can be raised the first year as easily as plants of zinnia or marigold. All that is necessary is to start the seeds in a box in the house in February or March. About May 1st transfer to permanent place in garden where they will produce elegant spikes of flowers in August and September, and blossom freely the second year also. Our seed is the best obtainable. DOUBLE PURE WHITE.--Large, clear, pure white flowers about three inches in diameter. They are as handsome as camelias in cut flower work, and are highly valued by florists. Pkt. 10c. CHATER'S SUPERB MIXED.--An unequaled mixture of seventeen prize varieties, including all colors and shades known. Pkt. 15c. FINE MIXED.--Contains a good variety. Pkt. 5c.

[image] HOLLYHOCK.


HELICHRYSUM. This is probably the most valuable of all everlastings. Its large flowers are perfectly double and of the most brilliant colors. Cut the flowers when they first begin to expand and dry with stems straight. MONSTROSUM.--Mixed colors. Pkt. 5c.

HIBISCUS. A branching plant of the easiest culture, with rather pretty foliage, and large exceedingly showy blossoms. Hardy annual, 2 ft. high. AFRICANUS.--Cream colored blossoms, purple in the center. Pkt. 3c. CRIMSON EYE.--A robust grower, with dark red stems and foliage. Flowers of immense size, often measuring 20 inches in circumference, pure white, with a large spot of deep velvety crimson in the center. Blooms first year from seed sown in open ground. Succeeds well anywhere. Pkt. 10c.

Last edit 9 months ago by lelfrank



IPOMOEA. A large class of plants to which belong many of our best and most popular climbers. They are very rapid and luxuriant growers, and especially adapted to warm, sunny situations in the garden, for covering porches, trellises, etc. SETOSA.--The beautiful Brazillian Morning Glory, which has attracted so much attention. It is one of the grandest and most luxuriant plants ever grown, very showy and graceful, with rose-colored flowers from three to four inches in diameter and a huge leaf ten to twelve inches across. The density of the shade is remarkable, as the leaves overlap each other like shingles on a roof. Large seed pods, with the short reddish hairs on the stems, make it unusually ornamental and attractive. Pkt. 10c. GRANDIFLORA HYBRIDA.--The Moon Flower. One of the grandest of summer climbers, growing 25 to 40 feet high, and covered nightly and on dull days with beautiful white, moon-like flowers from five to six inches in diameter. It has a rich jessamine-like odor. Pkt. 10c. LEARI.--The Blue Moon Flower. This distinct and charming novelty is valuable on account of being in beautiful and striking contrast with the true White Moon Flower described above; habit of growth and flowering the same. The color is exquisite, clear, satiny blue, with well-defined crimson bars; very distinct. We recommend planting the Blue Moon Flower along with the White one, as the effect will be novel and attractive. Pkt. 10c.


HEAVENLY BLUE.--The foliage is very large, heart-shaped, thick and light green; flowers four and a half to five inches across in large, airy clusters, and of that indescribable heavenly blue so rarely seen in flowers. The throat is yellow inside, spreading softly into the blue. Pkt. 20c.

ICE PLANT. A handsome and curious plant for hanging baskets, rock work and vases. The leaves and stems appear as though covered with ice crystals. The whole plant is peculiarly brilliant in the sunshine. The flower is white. Pkt. 5c.

LANTANA. Greenhouse perennial; makes a fine bedding or pot plant; easily grown from seed. Best mixed colors. Pkt. 15c.

LARKSPUR. An old and well known hardy annual. The flowers are borne in compact spikes and are showy and desirable for any situation. Sow early in open ground. AMERICAN BANNER.--The handsomest flower in the entire catalogue. The name, American Banner, was given it because it is the only flower we know of which combines the national colors, red, white and blue, in each flower. Plants grow to a height of about two feet, and are fairly loaded with long spikes of double striped and blotched flowers. Pkt. 10c. DWARF GERMAN ROCKET.--Mixed colors. Pkt. 5c. TALL GERMAN ROCKET.--Mixed colors. Pkt. 3[c.]

[image] ICE PLANT.


LATHYRUS. LATIFOLIUS.--(Perennial Peas.) Handsome free-flowering plants, growing five to ten feet high, dying down to the ground every winter, and starting up again in the spring. Fine mixed. Pkt. 5c.

MAURANDIA. Delicate climbers for windows or conservatories, or open ground in summer. Admirable to hang from vases, to cover stumps and low trellises, flowering freely; height 6 to 10 feet. Mixed colors. Pkt. 10c.

LUPINUS. Commonly called Sun Dials. Flowers of very bright colors, produced in spikes. A fine plant for bedding. Mixed varieties. Pkt. 5c.

LYCHNIS. HAAGEANA HYBRIDA.--Very desirable hardy perennial, blooming the first year if sown early. Mixed, white, pink and scarlet. Pkt. 8c.

LINUM. (Flowering Flax.) One of the most showy annuals in cultivation for flower beds and masses; brilliant crimson scarlet flowers one inch across, borne in wonderful profusion. Height one foot. Pkt. 5c.

MATRICARIA. CAPENSIS.--(Double Feverfew)--This may be called everybody's favorite. A splendid bedding plant and one of the best to pot for winter flowers; pure white. Pkt. 5c. GOLDEN.--See Pyretherum.

MIMULUS. (Monkey Flower.) Very showy and free flowering. The hardy kinds are well suited for outdoor culture. Any common soil suits. Mixed varieties. Pkt. 10c. MOSCHATUS.--The well known musk plant, quite pretty and has a strong musk fragrance. Pkt. 10c.

LOBELIA. Handsome trailing plants, profuse bloomers; elegant for baskets, vases and borders. All sorts mixed. Pkt. 6c.

POPPIES. This grand old flower has kept pace with the march of improvement, and now comes around and surprises us with its new forms, new sizes, new colors, and the dear old flower which our grandmothers loved so much, again occupies one of the first places in our gardens. We are proud of it, and well we may be, for through June and July it stands without an equal, the showiest of all annuals.

[image] LOBELIA.

BRILLIANT.--Of very strong, robust growth. The flowers present a variety of bright colors; pure white, scarlet, rose, purple and various other shades. The ends of the petals or fringes are of a deeper tint than the rest, and are so bright as to be almost dazzling to the eye. Pkt. 10c. ROSY MORN.--Flowers extremely double and of good size, forming perfect balls of a beautiful, unique shade of rose--an entirely new and distinct color in poppies. Pkt. 10c. SHIRLEY.--A new single. In color from the purest white through the most delicate shades of rose and pink and carmine to deepest crimson. Pkt. 5c.


FAIRY BLUSH.--Flowers perfectly double and measure from ten to thirteen inches in circumference. The petals are elegantly fringed and pure white, tipped with rosy cream. Pkt. 10c. AMERICAN FLAG.--Flowers extra large, very double, snow white bordered with scarlet. Pkt. 10c. PAPAVER UMBROSUM.--Flowers rich, glowing vermilion, with a deep, shining black spot on each petal. Pkt. 5c. GIANT NANKEEN YELLOW.--A superb new poppy. It is a vigorous grower, the perfect peony-shaped flowers--truly giant--are borne in constant succession for a long season, on erect, strong stalks; stands out as a grand novelty the nearest approach to yellow in this class of poppies. Pkt. 10c. DOUBLE CARNATION.--A splendid assortment of the best double carnation-flowered sorts. Will make an attractive bed. Pkt. 5c. ALL VARIETIES MIXED.--Pkt. 5c.

BLUETS, OR "QUAKER LILY." One of the prettiest little wild flowers in central Pennsylvania, but very little known away from there. As soon as spring sets in it opens its bright little flowers and continues blooming profusely until the middle of June, the plants fairly carpeting the ground and presenting perfect masses of bloom. The flowers are bell-shaped, color light blue with a yellow center. Does better in half shady positions. It grows readily from seed, blooms the first season and is quite hardy. Per pkt. 10c.

[image] COPYRIGHTED 1894 BY W.A.B. & CO. BLUETS.

Last edit 9 months ago by lelfrank




FOUNTAIN PLANT. This handsome pyramidal or fountain-shaped plant is a variety of amaranthus which deserves a place in every garden. It is easily grown by starting the seeds early in the house, or sowing them in the open ground in May. It droops most gracefully, and the leaves are brilliantly banded and tipped with orange, carmine, purple, crimson and gold, forming bright colored plumes. Height three to six feet. Pkt. 7c.

MIGNONETTE. The delicious fragrance of the Mignonette makes it indispensable for bouquets and cutting. It is best to sow seed early in the garden, and they will commence blooming the first of June. ELMWOOD GIANT.--A special selection of a famous grower, whose mignonette spikes have always excited the wonder and envy of his competitors. The plants are of a robust pyramidal habit; fine, healthy growers. They throw up very large spikes of a reddish-tinted, deliciously fragrant flowers. Unsurpassed for pot and bench culture. Pkt. 10c. MILES' WHITE SPIRAL.--Grows two or three feet high, perfectly erect, spikes of bloom often measure twelve inches long. It is very showy in growth, and the grand spikes of bloom can be seen for a long distance, and attracts the attention of everybody. Pkt. 5c. MACHET.--An entirely new and distinct sort of great merit. It is of dwarf and vigorous growth, and throws up numerous stout flower stalks, terminated by massive spikes of deliciously scented red flowers. Pkt. 7c. GABRIELE.--A handsome new variety, the tallest of any. Strong, robust habit, bearing large spikes of red flowers. Very distinct. Pkt. 8c. GOLDEN QUEEN.--A very distinct new variety, with bright golden flowers. Pkt. 3c. SWEET SCENTED.--The old favorite. Pkt. 2c, oz. 20c.



[image] MARIGOLD.

MARIGOLD. These annuals are old favorites in our gardens, but have been greatly improved recently in size and doubleness of flowers. They are very effective for groups and masses. AFRICAN.--Double mixed, largest. Pkt. 4c. DWARF FRENCH.--Double mixed, best. Pkt. 5c.

MARTYNIA. Fine summer blooming garden plants, with gloxinia-like flowers of many handsome colors, followed by curiously horned fruits. Sometimes called Devil's Claws. When young these seed pods are very nice for pickling. Pkt. 5c.

MIRABILIS. The Marvel of Peru, or Four-o'clock, is as easily grown as a weed, and yet is one of the most brilliant and showy of annuals. Planted in beds or masses, their compact growth, rich glossy leaves, together with their profusion and diversity of bloom, presents a gorgeous sight during the afternoon. NEW TOM THUMB MIXED.--Very handsome, compact, dwarf, bushy plants, with elegant, golden-variegated foliage; numerous brilliant flowers, pure yellow, deep red, and striped and blotched. Pkt. 5c. MIXED COLORS AND VARIETIES.--Pkt. 3c.


A VALUABLE ASSISTANT FREE! THE WESTERN GARDEN, a monthly magazine devoted largely to flowers, will be sent you one year free if you send us order for seeds amounting to $1.00 or more, asking for no other premium or discount.

MUSA ENSETE. (Banana Palm.) One of the grandest and most picturesque of the banana family. As a solitary plant or in groups on the lawn, it has a majestic tropical effect. The leaves are very long and broad, of a beautiful green with crimson midrib in striking contrast. An occasional application of liquid manure and frequent watering are necessary. The rapidity of its growth is astonishing. Packet of 5 seeds 20c.

[image] MUSA ENSETE.

MYOSOTIS. (Forget-me-not.) Perennials. Bloom first year from seed. Pretty plants, with neat little star shaped flowers. ALPESTRIS.--Mixed colors. Pkt. 5c. PALUSTRIS.--True forget-me-not, blue. Pkt. 10c. VICTORIA.--A novelty, and the best variety for pot culture. Dwarf, globular habit; beautiful sky-blue flowers with double center. Pkt. 10c.

NICOTIANA. AFFINIS.--Of all the varieties of tobacco which are grown for their sweet scented flowers this is the best. The plant is literally covered with large, white, star shaped flowers, which, after being cut, will remain perfect for a week. A few plants will perfume the whole yard or garden. Pkt. 8c.

[image] NICOTIANA.

NIGELLA (Love in Mist) Hardy annuals, about one foot in height, finely cut leaves and handsome flowers. Blooms early. A very pretty flower, and one all our customers should try. It is sure to please. The flowers are double and of all shades of blue, white and purple. Pkt. 4c.

[image] NIGELLA.

Last edit 9 months ago by lelfrank
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