



Iowa Seed Company, Des Moines, Iowa. 49.

[Left Column.] [Image: Drawing of a single plant with clusters of blooms, Caption-Sweet William.] Sweet William. Hardy plants about one foot high, of extreme richness and variety of color, and also deliciously sweet-scented; for clumps or borders no plant can surpass this old favorite. Single Varieties Mixed.--Pkt. 5c. Double Varieties Mixed.--Pkt. 5c.

Smilax. Much used for winter decorations; the seeds start slowly and should be planted in loose, rich soil and kept moist and warm. Pkt. 8c.

Scabiosa. (Mourning Bride.) One of the best free flowering hardy annuals of very handsome colors. Best double dwarf mixed. Pkt. 4c.

Spraguaea. Umbellata.--Flowers in dense umbels, on leafless stems, six inches or more in length; blossoms are pink and nearly everlasting. Sow seed under glass or in a sheltered place. Pkt. 10c.

Statice. Sinnata Hybrida.--Produce their little flowers in panicles; will hold their color when dry, and work up nicely with everlastings. Pkt. 4c.

Salpiglossis. One of the most beautiful of flowering amnuals, forming strong, bushy plants about 18 inches high, and bearing throughout the season large flowers 3 to 4 inches across, of many beautiful colors. [Image: Drawing of a single large bloom, Caption-Salpiglossis.] New Variveined.--Much larger than the common Salpiglossis. The surface is soft and velvety and the wealth of color marvelous. The colors range from pure white to dark yellow, dark red and purplish black, including light and dark blue, velvety plum color, maroon, crimson, dark brown, golden and lemon yellow, white, dark purple, black, brilliant scarlet, with all the shades between beautifully veined and mottled; blooms all summer and till severe frost. Pkt. 10c. Stevia. Serrata.--Producc an abundance of pretty white flowers early in fall. Pkt. 5c.

[Image: Drawing of a tall plant within a keyhole-shaped border, long leaves at the bottom, clusters of blooms at the top, Caption-Perpetual White Stocks.] Stocks. Sometimes called Gilli flowers. These popular flowers are easily grown, and are so highly fragrant and of such great beauty, and have so many good qualities, that they deserve a place in every garden. They should be given good, rich soil to grow in and will amply reward good treatment with remarkable pyramids of bloom. Large Flowering Perpetual White.--Of strong growth, fine branching habit, and, if sown early, will bloom from May until November. Flowers very large and pure white, and the more often they are cut the better they like it. Deliciously fragrant. Pkt. 10c. Large Flowering Dwarf German.--Our mixture contains a great variety of colors. Pkt. 5c.

Saponaria. An old-fashioned perennial with pink flowers. Often called Bouncing Betsey. Pkt. 5c. Torenia. Fournieri.--Baautiful free flowering, trailing plants, well suited for baskets, vases, and in moist situations out of doors. A very handsome plant. Pkt. 10c. Sensitive Plant. A very pretty and curious plant, the leaves closing when touched. The seeds start slow, and it is best to start them in boxes, cover shallow and see that they do not dry out; it makes a good house plant for winter, and always pleases the children. Pkt. 5c. [Image: Drawing of a single plant with multiple leaved branches, Caption-Sensitive Plant.]

Whitlavia. Delicate and pretty , but perfectly hardy plants, with drooping clusters of bell-shaped flowers. They thrive in cool, moist situations; free bloomers, and for partially shaded places they are very desirable. Mixed colors. Pkt. 5c.

[Right Column.] [Image: Drawing, large flower head with cluster of blooms, Caption-Henderson's Mammoth Verbena.] Verbena. The verbena is deservedly a universal favorite, unrivaled in the splendor of its dazzling brilliancy of flower. A constant bloomer, and if grown from seed has a sweet fragance. Treat as tender annuals. Plant seed in boxes or under glass in March, and transplant when a few inches high. In this way the verbena can be grown from seed as early as any annual, and will produce much stronger plants than cuttings. Seed sown in the open ground will flower in August. Henderson's Mammoth.--When well grown every flower truss measures over nine inches in circumference, while the single florets are as large as a twenty-five cent piece; more vigorous in growth than the ordinary verbena. Contains a great assortment of colors, the above illustration showing a flower of dark scarlet with white eye. Pkt. 10c. Black.--Nearly a coal black with a white eye. Pkt. 10c. Candidissima.--Large trusses of pure white flowers; beautiful. Pkt. 6c. Defiance.--A true scarlet; extra fine. Pkt. 10c. Yellow.--Splendid novelty which it will pay flower lovers to try. Pkt. 10c. Extra Choice Mixed.--From the finest German collection of named sorts. Pkt. 7c. Fine Mixed.--Contains a nice variety of colors. Pkt. 4c.

[Image: Drawing of a branch with several stems of leaves, one of blooms, Caption-Wistaria.] Wistaria. One of the most popular hardy vines climbing to a height of fifty feet or more. It is perennial and easily grown from seed. Of luxuriant and rapid growth, bearing in the spring immense panicles of purple or white flowers produced in great profusion. Pkt. 10c. Viola. Odorata.--The well known sweet violet. All colors mixed. Seeds start very slowly. Pkt. 10c. Wallflower. Greatly prized for their exquisite fragrance. They grow in long, brilliantly colored spikes of flowers. There are many varieties. Plants removed to pots in autumn will produce an abundance of delightfully fragrant flowers. Double Varieties Mixed.--Pkt. 10c. Single Varieties Mixed.--Pkt. 5c. Wahlenbergia. Grandiflora Mixed.--(Also called Platycodon.) Of wonderful beauty and attracts much attention on our seed farm. It is a perennial plant blooming the first year from seed, which should be sown early in open ground. The flowers are of large size, being 2-1/2 to 3 inches in diameter, and the various shades of light blue, lavender and white. They bloom very profusely and continuously all summer, if flowers are removed as soon as they begin to fade. Pkt. 10c. [Image: Drawing of several stems of blooms, Caption-Wallflower, A. Blanc & Co.

Last edit 8 months ago by lelfrank


50. Seed Catalogue And Garden Guide.

[Image: Drawing of a vine climing up a corner trellis with blooms, Caption-Wild Cucumber.]

Wild Cucumber. A well known vine common in many sections, and the quickest climber known for covering verandas, old trees and houses, trellises, etc., never suffering from the heat, but retaining its fresh and lively green color; never infested with insects, and very profuse in bloom. It will sow itself and come up every year in the same place. Pkt. 10c.

Zinnia. Strong growing, hardy and elegant plants, rivaling the dahlia, in size and doubleness, while the colors are bright and varied, ranging from pure white to deep, purplish crimson. Splendid for hedges, beds or borders. Pigmy or Lilliput.--This strain is the acme of beauty and perfection in zinnias. Plants small and of bushy growth, each one bearing scores of beautiful little blossoms of the most perfect shape and brilliant colors, from pure white to very dark orange, purple, crimson and vermilion. These charming little zinnas are gems indeed and should be in every garden. Mixed colors. Pkt. 10c. Curled And Crested.--A most unique and charming new variety with petals oddly curled and crested in fantastic contortions and graceful forms. Flowers large, double, and the peculiar shape of petal relieves the flower from stiffness. Many colors. Pkt. 10c. Finest Doule Mixed.--Pkt. 3c. New Zebra.--Beautifully and brilliantly striped with rich colors. There are always some plants which do not produce striped flowers. Very handsome. All colors mixed. Pkt. 5c. Xeranthemum. Free flowering and easily grown, making, a handsome bed. All kinds mixed. Pkt. 10c. [Image: Drawing of an enlarged bloom with a background of a flowerbed full of Zinnias, Caption-"Pigmy Mexican Zinnia."

Other Standard Flower Seeds. For lack of space the following desirable varieties of flower seeds were omitted from the foregoing descriptive list.

[Left Column.] [table] [column heading: Per Pkt.] Ampelopsis.-(-Boston Ivy.) Good clinging wall plant...10c. Foliage Beets.--Most effective foliage plant. Mixed colors...5. Bluets or Quaker Lily.--A pretty little blue wild flower...10. Bryonopsis.--A hardy climbing annual with ivy-like foliage...5. Cactus--Fine mixed varieties...10. Canterbury Bells.--Single and double mixed colors...5. Catchfly.--A showy little plant. Mixed colors...2. Centrosema.--Grandiflora. Bears in the greatest profusion large inverted pea-shaped flowers. Color rosy violet...5. Clarkia.--Desirable hardy annual for bedding. Fine mixed...3. Cleome.--Pungens. (The Giant Spider Plant.) Rose color...5. Cuphea.--Platycentra. (Cigar Plant.) Bright scarlet...15. Clianthus.--Dampeiri. A beautiful shrubby climber...15. Cyclamen.--Persicum. A handsome greenhouse plant...15. Dolichos.--Lablab. (Hyacinth Bean.) An excellent climber...5. Delphinum.--Chinensis. (Perennial Larkspur.) Mixed...5. Euphorbia.--Variegata. (Snow on the Mountain.)...5. Heterophylla.--An easily cultivated annual; very pretty...10. Ferns.--Fine mixed varieties...15. Feverfew.--Handsome double white flower...5. Gilia.--Handsome annuals. Many varieties mixed...4. Glove Amaranth.--"Bachelor's Buttons." Mixed colors...5. Gloxinia.--Greenhouse plants. Brilliant flowers. Mixed...25. Golden Rod.--Easily grown from seed. Beautiful flowers...5. Gourds.--All varieties mixed. Many handsome oddities...5.

[Right Column.] [table] [column heading: Per Pkt.] Gypsophila.--Elegans. Handsome small flowers. Mixed...5. Helichrysum.--The most valuable double everlasting, having large flowers. Mixed colors...5. Humulus.--(Hop.) New Japanese Variegated.--The leaves are strikingly variegated and marked. A pretty vine...10. Hyacinthus.--Candicans. 3 to 4 ft. high. White flowers...5. Lathyrus.--Latifolius. (Perennial Peas.) Free flowering...5. Linum.--(Flowering Flax.) Showy annual. Scarlet flowers...5. Lupinus.--Bright colored flowers. Fine bedding plant...5. Lychnis.--Haageana Hybrida.--Hardy perennial. Mixed...8. Martynia.--(Devil's Claws.) Gloxiana-like flowers...5. Oenothera.--(Evening Primrose.) Flowers open towards evening with a snap that will attract attention. Mixed...8. Oxalis.--Handsome basket or rockery plant...10. Primula.--Sinensis. (Chinese Primrose.) Mixed colors...25. Elation. (Polyanthus.)...10. Pyrethrum.--Golden Gem. Double; fine for edgings...5. Roseum. Plant from which Persian insect powder comes...8. Rhodanthe.--Maculata. One of the prettiest everlastings...10. Scarlet Runner Bean.--Dark scarlet flowers and pods...5. Sedum.--Suited for baskets and rockeries. Mixed varieties...5. Sweet Sultan.--Mixed colors...5. Thunbergia.--Rapid growing, free blooming vine; mixed...5. Venus' Looking Glass.--Handsome for masses. Double...5. Vinca.--Perennial; single; mixed colors. For pot or bed...5.

Special Mixtures Of Flower Seeds. [Left Column.] Many persons derive pleasure from watching the growth of a varied bed of flowers, entirely out of the usual trim garden style, while others desire a much more extended collection than their means will permit. To both of these classes the following special mixtures will appeal:

Mixture Of Fragrant Annuals.--Carefully made up from seeds of fragrant flowers only. A bed of these will give rich perfume throughout the day and evening while some of them are also suitable for cutting. Pkt. 10c.

Mixture Of Climbers.--This is a liberally filled packet of seed of many beautiful annual climbers, suitable for growing together. Pkt. 10c.

Wild Garden Mixture.--Over 400 kinds of such flower seeds as are suitable to be planted together; altogether forming a mass of bright colored flowers and beautiful foliage which is sure to interest and please. Our illustration will give some idea of the possibilities in growing flowers from this mixture. Select a light, rich soil, as free from weeds as possible; plant in this latitude about the first of May. Pkt. 5c, oz. 35c. [Image: Drawing/Illustration of a flower bed with blooming flowers of all kinds, tucked into the lower left corner.]

[Right Column.] International Novelties Mixed.--Each year we make a grand test of floral novelties, obtaining seed therefor from all parts of the world, and our trial fields exhibit a truly magnificent display of flowers never before grown here. A few of the new varieties did not do well with us, but they may prove valuable in other climates or on different soils, but by far the larger number are valuable acquisitions, and we would like to have all of our customers try them. We have saved seed of most of the varieties, but instead of listing them in our catalogue separately at 10 cents to 25 cents per packet, we have decided to mix them all together and offer our customers this grand assortment at the low price of 10c per pkt., 3 pkts. 25c. Low-Growing Annuals.--This mixture contains seeds of a great variety of low-growing annuals, few of which exceed four to six inches in height, and which, sown in beds of borders, present the appearance of Turkish rugs, carpeting the ground in their wide range of colorings and forms. Pkt. 10c. Mixed Biennials And Perennials.--About fifty varieties. Every garden should contain a good assortment, and it will be easily obtained in this way. Pkt. 10c. Flowers For Bouquets.--This mixture embraces seeds or annuals producing flowers suitable for cutting and for bouquets, nearly all of them having long stems. Planted in a section of the garden, this will furnish a constant supply of cut flowers. Pkt. 10c. Mixed Everlastings.--A grand assortment of all sorts of everlasting flowers, suitable for bouquets, etc. Pkt. 10c. Mixed Grasses.--A mixture of the ornamental grasses suitable to grow in masses. Makes a striking as well as useful collection. Valuable for making up into winter bouquets. These should be cut just as they come into bloom and dried in the shade. Very useful for working up with the everlastings into winter ornaments; they lend a grace and beauty not obtainable without them. Pkt. 5c. All of the above mixtures are carefully prepared from choice, fresh seeds, and cannot fail to give satisfaction. The packets are liberally filled, and in no other manner can so many seeds be obtained at such light cost.

Last edit 8 months ago by lelfrank


[Image: Icon of a hand with a finger pointing to the right.] Notice! These Collections are all put up ready for mailing and therefore cannot be changed or divided. We prepay the postage on all of them. [Background images:Large, illegible, light screens of drawings/illustrations; a vegetable, flower, shrub are placed diagonally from the top right corner, middle and lower left corner. Text overprinted on all images.]

[Upper Left Column.] Complete Garden Collection. A Bargain In Seeds. 35 Varieties For $1.00. All Good, Desirable Sorts. Sure to Please You. Consists of One Full Sized Packet Each Of Improved Golden Wax Beans, Old Homestead Pole Beans, Market Gardeners' Beet, Henderson's Snowball Cauliflower, Washington Wakefield Cabbage, Short Stem Drumhead Cabbage, Oxheart Carrot, Early Sunrise Corn, Golden Self-Blanching Celery, Country Gentleman Corn, Perfect White Spine Cucumber, Improved Ground Cherry, American Mammoth Brussels Sprouts, Page's Striped Rice Pop Corn, Iceberg Lettuce, Improved Hanson Lettuce, I. S. Co.'s Improved Green Nutmeg Musk Melon, Duke Jones Watermelon, Large Red Wethersfield Onion, Mammoth Prizetaker Onion, Nott's Excelsior Peas, Non Plus Ultra Radish, White Strasburg Summer Radish, Improved Table Guernsey Parsnip, Ruby King Pepper, Sibley Squash, Long Standing Spinach, Mammoth Sandwich Island Salsify, Market Gardener's Parsley, Early Minnesota Tomato, Matchless Tomato, White Egg Turnip, Purple Top Strap Leaf Turnip, Monarch Ruta Baga, and Vine Peach. Total 35 full sized packets sent postpaid for $1.00; at regular catalogue price they amount to $2.05.

[Text in small box, like ad, between columns.] How To Succeed. Plant Iowa Seed.

[Upper Right Column.] Prosperity Collection. To celebrate the return of prosperity (to the farmer) we offer the following which are just what should be in every farmer's garden. The quality is so superior, the quantity so large and the price is so low that it means prosperity to all who invest: All Seasons Cabbage, Extra Early Express Cabbage, Stowell's Improved Evergreen Sweet Corn, Iowa Mastodon Melon, Stringless Green Pod Beans, Danvers Carrots, Dewing's Beet, Medium Green Cucumber, Stowell's Evergreen Corn, Prizehead Lettuce, Iowa Mastodon Musk Melon, Wonderful Sugar Watermelon, Yellow Globe Danvers Onion, Guernsey Parsnip, Sweet Mountain Pepper, American Wonder Peas, Improved Chartier Radish, Hubbard Squash, Imperial Tomato and Purple Top Globe Turnip. In all 20 packets for only 50 cents, postpaid.

Small Fruit Collection. No matter how small your garden we are sure you will have room for a few fruit plants so as to have nice fresh fruit of your own growing. We offer 1 Moore's Early Grape, 1 Agawam Grape, 2 Currants, 2 Raspberries, and 25 Strawberries, assorted varieties. Value $1.90, for $1.00, postpaid. A splendid collection and one which should be in every yard in America where there is only a limited space for fruit.

[Middle, Left Column, border lines create boxes, like ads.] $1.00 for 25 cents. And Five Minutes Work. We want the names of your neighbors who buy seeds, and, if you will send us the addresses of five persons whom you can recommend as being interested in gardening or flowers we will send you the following assortment of seeds worth $1.00 for only 25 cents. Market Gardeners' Beet, Washington Wakefield Cabbage, Pink Aromatic Celery, Astro Cucumber, 30 varieties of Lettuce mixed, Iowa Mastodon Musk Melon, Canary Island Onion, Improved Guernsey Parsnip, 40 varieties of Radishes mixed, Honor Bright Tomato, Snowball Turnip and New Rainbow Pansy. Total 12 full-sized packets making a complete garden supply, worth $1.00, for 25 cents and the five names. Large, beautifully illustrated catalogue free. [Image: Drawing of assorted fresh vegetables, nested into the lower left corner of text box.] [Image: small box set in lower right corner of text box; A Nice Lawn. Easily and Cheaply Made by Sowing Our Seed. See Page 24.]

[Middle, Right column divided into 3 small boxes.]

Patriotic Collection. For Americans.... One packet each of the following flowers: American Banner Larkspur, Queen of the Isles Sweet Peas, American Flag Poppy, Beautiful Wild Rose (the state flower of Iowa), Golden Rod, (our national flower) International Mixed Pansy. In all 6 packets worth 57 cents for only 35 cents.

Gem Collection. Of Floral Novelties. One packet each of Japanese Morning Glory, Blue Solanum, Umbrella Palm, Mammoth Heliotrope, Early Dawn Cosmos, Golden Matchet, Mignonette and Royal Mixed Aster. All for 40 cents.

Novelty Collection. To enable you to test some of our novelties at a small expense, we offer one packet each of Sunrise Sweet Corn, Mougri, McCotter's Pride Melon, Atlas Pumpkin, Rose Turnip Radish, Canary Island Onion, Iowa Mastodon Melon, Astro Cucumber, Apple Pie Melon and Mignonette Lettuce. Ten packets tor 50c.

[Lower Left Column with text separated into boxes.] Flowers For Everybody.

50-Cent Popular Collection. Consists of one packet each of Sweet Alyssum, Aster, Balsam, Candytuft, Dianthus, Convolvulus, Cypress Vine, Canna, Cockscomb, Larkspur, Ice Plant, Mignonette, Nasturtium, Petunia, Pansy, Poppy, Phlox, Sweet Peas, Sunflower and Zinnia. Total 20 packets for 50c.

25-Cent Bargain Collection. Consists of one packet each of Petunia, Cypress Vine, Eschscholtzia, Balsam, Phlox, Aster, Pink, Pansy, Mignonette, Sweet Peas, Zinnia, and Verbena. Total 12 packets for 25c.

10 Cent Trial Collection. Consists of one packet each of Balsam, Candytuft, Pinks, Mignonette, Pansy and Sweet Peas. Total 6 packets for 10c.

Southern Collection. For the benefit of our many southern customers we have made up this collection of flowers which will stand the southern climate and keep up a bright show of colors. Their beauty and brilliancy and great variety will please you. One packet each of Antirrhinum, Datura, Mirabllis, Poppy, Morning Glory, Moonflower, Nasturtium, Larkspur, Mignonette, and Eschscholtzia. Ten packets for 30c.

Collection Of Shrubs. A chance for permanent improvement. Our selection of 10 choice hardy shrubs and hardy flowering plants for only $1.00.

[Lower Right Column with text separated into boxes.] 20 Beautiful Everblooming Plants, Prepaid for $1.00 That every flower lover in America may afford a collection or [of] greenhouse plants we have grown these 20 kinds in large quantities so that we might afford to send this large number for the very low price. They are all choice plants suitable either for house culture or outdoor vases or bedding. They are not little slips, but good plants which we are sure will please you. Please remember that they are all to be our selection of varieties; we cannot allow you to select at this price. Many of these plants are choice high priced sorts, of which we have a surplus at the time order is filled. 20 plants for $1.00.

Novelty Plant Collection. One strong plant each of A. Neuner Bouvardia, Rainbow Rose, Double New Life Geranum, Illumination Chrysanthemum, Chance Salvia, Hawkeye Giant Coleus, Rudbeckia and Eclipse Abutilon. In all eight charming plant novelties worth $1.35 for only 75 cents. Everyone who loves beautiful, rare flowers should have this collection.

Children's Collection . To encourage the children and induce them to begin having a garden "all their very own," we offer this collection, consisting of one packet each of Beet, Cucumber, Lettuce, Radish, Onion, Pop Corn, and Sunflower. In all seven full-sized packets postpaid for only 15 cents.

Last edit 8 months ago by lelfrank


52. Seed Catalogue And Garden Guide.

[Image: Drawing, close-up of a single bloom from the top, Caption-Double Dahlia.]

[Upper page, Right Column.] Flower Bulbs. Many of the most showy, attractive, inexpensive and easiest grown of all summer and autumn flowers are contained in this important class. Our bulbs are large and strong, and will be sent well packed, postpaid on receipt of price, except where noted. Discounts.--Your selection of bulbs to the amount of $1.20 at catalogue prices will be sent postpaid for $1.00, $2.50 for $2.00. Dahlias.--These showiest of flowers are becoming popular favorites. Specialists have been quietly at work improving them for many years past and the result has been some most grand varieties. Don't fail to try a few. There is such an endless variety that we think it best to list only a few sorts. Nymphaea.--(The Pink Water Lily Dahlia.) The flowers are of perfect form and exquisite finish, being soft, delicate, waxy and graceful. The color is a clear, bright shrimp pink, shading slightly darker toward the outer petals. The plant is very strong and vigorous, and produces the flowers in the greatest profusion. [Image: Drawing, leafy plant, Caption-Caladium.]

Snowball.--Large, double, pure white. Handsome. Hermit.--Dark crimson, curiously mottled with light pink. A "freak." Fern Leaf Beauty.--This grand novelty has fern-like foliage and flowers of creamy white with a distinct margin of crimson around each petal. Golden Ball.--A most beautiful, large, pure, deep yellow flower shaded with old gold. Perfectly double. Crimson King.--A large ball-shaped flower, of most handsome rich, dark crimson glowing color, very double. Unique.--A splendid novelty. Center pure yellow, shaded old gold, tipped and margined rose and shades of blue. Strong roots of any of above varieties 25c each, 5 for $1.00, $2.25 per doz. Plants of any 10c each, $1.00 per doz. Double Mixed Varieties.--Contains a good proportion of best scarlet, yellow and white varieties, besides many other shades which are most popular. Fancy Double Mixed.--The handsome tipped, striped, spotted and variegated sorts in a splendid mixture. Single Mixed.--Of much value for table or corsage bouquets. Mixed Cactus.--Flowers are very beautiful, though peculiar in form, somewhat resembling the blooms of the Cactus family. Many varieties. Strong roots of any of these mixtures 15c each, $1.50 per doz. Plants 10c each. Dahlia Book.--Complete; beautifully illustrated; price 50c. Free to any one ordering $2.50 worth of dahlias. Chinese Sacred Lily.--Very handsome. The flower is white, with a yellow tinted cup. The bulbs are large with from three to six various-sized offsets, and nearly every offset bears a flower stalk. Usually grown in a bowl of water. We can furnish them until the last of March, when the supply is usually exhausted and we do not have more until fall. Each 15c. Cinnamon Vine.--This beautiful climber is perfectly hardy, and a rapid grower; has beautiful heart-shaped, bright green leaves, and clusters of delicate white flowers. Large tubers for 10c, 3 for 25c; bulblets, per doz. 10c. Hyacinthus, Candicans.--Drooping, ivory white bell-shaped flowers of delicate fragrance. Suitable for cemetery. Each 5c; 3, 12c; doz. 40c. Apios, Tuberosa.--This is one of the most beautiful climbing vines. Grow very quickly and blooms profusely, bearing lovely clusters of rich, deep purple flowers. Each 5c; 3 for 10c; doz. 30c. Calla Lilies.--Very attractive tropical looking plants with elegant pure white flowers. Little Gem.--A true miniature specimen of the old Calla, rarely growing over 10 to 12 inches high. This is highly regarded in some places but has not proved a good bloomer at our place. Each 15c, 3 for 40c. Mammoth White.--The largest flowering variety and most majestic Superb white flowers. Monster bulbs, each 25c, 3 for 60c; medium size each 15c, 3 for 40c. Spotted.--Leaves are deep green, with numerous white spots, which give the plant a fine appearance. Can be planted out in the spring like a gladiolus, and produce pretty white flowers. Each 15c, 3 for 35c. [Image: Drawing of blooming flower bed, close up of a single stem with blossoms, Caption-Lily Of the Valley.]

[Lower page, Left Column.] Blackberry Lily.--Flowers orange color spotted with brown, about two inches in diameter. The blossoms are followed by seed clusters exactly like a blackberry in size, shape and color. Each 10c, 3 for 25c. Caladium, Esculentum.--(Elephant's Ear.) A splendid tropical plant growing 4 to 5 feet, with immense leaves beautifully veined and variegated with different shades of green. Very showy, leaves often growing 3 feet long. Of easy culture; roots can be stored in cellar in fall, and grow larger and more showy each year. Medium sized bulbs 10c, 3 for 25c; very large 30c, 3 for 75c. Canna.--These very handsome tropical-looking plants are unrivaled for fine effect on the lawn. Italia.--Large foliage, deep green, bordered white; very large iris-shaped flowers, bright red, bordered with golden-yellow. Belongs to what is called the orchid-flowered section. A grand novelty. 50 cents each. Burbank.--An improvement on the Austria as it stands the sun better. Very large foliage; grand spikes of large canary-yellow flowers, spotted in the throat with brownish-red. 50c each. Flamingo.--A superb, deep crimson variety with trusses of immense size. The individual flowers are four inches across, gracefully reflexed, and of fine, even rounded form. Each 25c. Alsace.--A grand new white variety and the first of this color. Everyone who likes nice cannas should try it. Each 35c. Rose of May.--Vigorous dwarf grower and the nearest approach to rose color. Each 35c. Charles Henderson--The richest deep crimson of any canna on our place, and a sort which charms everyone. Heads large, compact and symmetrical. Each 15c. Florence Vaughan.--A most striking and beautiful yellow canna, spotted with bright red. Each 20c. [Image: Drawing of a collection of lilly blooms, Caption-New Crozy Cannas. A. Blanc] Chicago.--Of the largest size; color a brilliant vermilion-scarlet, inclined to orange. Trusses of bloom quite erect, and well above the foliage. Each 20c. Madam Crozy.--The deepest vermilion red, gold bordered, truss is closely filled with flowers, and these flower spikes or heads follow each other so rapidly that the plant is always in bloom. Each 15c. Queen Charlotte.--A grand large-flowered, ever-blooming French Canna; distinct golden belt around each petal, center scarlet. Each 25c. Mixed French.--We have a grand assortment of all the best new varieties of French or Crozy cannas, at 10c each, $1.10 per doz. Oxalis.--Deipii Alba. Valuable for edging the borders of walks or flower beds have elegant foliage and pure white flowers, and as they bloom very quickly after planting, they furnish a neat attractive border all the season. Dozen 10c, 100 30c. Deipii Roesa.--Somewhat larger flowers and foliage than above. Leaves greatly resemble four-leaved clover; flowers rose color. Dozen 10c, 100 40c. Lasiandria.--Leaves more finely cut than the Deipii, and flowers rosy pink. Dozen 10c, 100 65c. Lily Of The Valley.--Well known and universally admired spring flowering plants; flowers bell-shaped, freely produced and powerfully fragrant. To grow in open ground, elect a partly shaded, rather moist situation and they are charming when grown in large patches, as their handsome green leaves and lovely sprays of flowers make a beautiful effect together. When once planted and established the crowns increase in number and the larger ones flower each year without attention. Now is the time to set out a bed of these delightful flowers. Our price is low for choice stock such as we send out. Each 5c, 3 for 12c, doz. 40c. Amaryllis, Atamasco.--Pink and white. Each 10c. Johnsonii.--Bears three to six brilliant red flowers striped with white. Each 50c. Formosissimi.--(Jacobean Lily.)--Dark velvet crimson. Bulbs may be potted any time in spring. Bloom year after year. Each 15c, 3 for 40c, doz. $1.25.

Last edit 8 months ago by lelfrank


Iowa Seed Company, Des Moines, Iowa. 53.

[Image, uppper left corner, along the edge of upper half of the page, Drawing of a stalk with three blooms, Caption-Gladiolus.

Choice Gladiolus. These are a specialty with us, and our fields devoted to them make a most magnificent sight each year, appearing at a distance a mass of bright colors. It is the most desirable of all bulbs, and claimed by many who are well acquainted with their varied beauty to be the flower of flowers. Our bulbs will produce immense spikes of bloom. Royal Queen.--We do not hesitate to call this by far the finest and largest flowering variety of gladiolus ever introduced. The bulb, or corm, is usually very large, producing a strong, stiff flower stalk about three feet high. The flower spike is very long and well filled out on all sides. The flowers are of a clear, pearly white ground, striped and splashed with a rich carmine, shading to a rosy purple, most beautifully blotched and marbled, and of a delicate velvety texture. It is not affected by the heat and blooms freely. The flowers measure four inches in diameter when in cup form, or six inches spread and are held upright on the spike. If you want something extra fine don't fail to try the Royal Queen. Each 20c, 3 for 50c. Grace.--A beautiful new variety of pure clear salmon color, bright violet center. Each 10c, 3 for 25c. Carrie.--Another new variety which originated on our grounds. A good sized spike and flower and the nearest purple known in gladiolus. Each 10c, 3 for 25c. Childsi.--A very peculiar new class of gladiolus comprising a great variety of new colors and markings. Each 10c, 3 for 25c. Meyerbeer.--Rose scarlet, amaranth red blotch. Each 10c, 3 for 25c. Salmon Pink.--A handsome new variety of pure salmon pink color. Attractive. Each 10c, 3 for 25c. Arsince.--Fine satiny rose with bright carmine. Brenchleyensis.--Deep vermilion scarlet. Ceres.--Beautiful blush white, marbled and striped with rose and carmine. Eugene Scribe.--Light pink, glazed with carmine. Isaac Buchanan.--Best of yellow varieties. Leander.--Flowers of a soft and delicate lilac color, shaded and spotted with carmine and has a distinct white band in each petal. Norma.--The best white variety. Ophir.--Dark yellow, mottled with purple. Princess of Wales.--White, blazed with carmine and rose, stained with deep carmine. Africane.--Dark slate-brown on scarlet ground streaked with salmon and pure white. Carnation.--Fleshy white, tinged carmine, blotched with purple. Pyramide.--Bright orange rose, extra fine. Rosita.--Delicate creamy rose, marbled with cherry. Lemoini.--Upper petals creamy white, tinted salmon red; lower ones spotted with deep purplish crimson, bordered with bright yellow. Marie Lemoini.--Upper divisions of a pale creamy color, flushed salmon lilac, the lower divisions spotted purplish violet, deep yellow border. Any of these varieties 5c each, 50c per dozen. [Short, Left Column.] Lemoini Mixed.--Each 5c, doz. 50c. Pink, Striped and Variegated Varieties.--Each 5c, doz. 50c. Red Varieties Mixed.--Each 5c, doz. 40c. Light and White Varieties Mixed.--Each 5c, doz. 50c. Choice Yellow Varieties Mixed.--Each 5c, doz. 50c. Fine Mixed.--Contains a nice assortment. Each 3c, doz. 25c. By express, $1.50 per 100. Choicest Mixture.--Made up mainly from best named varieties. Each 5c, doz. 40c. [short vertical line to separate text blocks.]

[Short, Right Column.] Collection Of Gladioli.--Six choice named varieties, our selection of sorts, but all labeled,containing an assortment of colors. Also one packet of gladiolus seed of our own growing, carefully hybridized so as to produce new varieties; will bloom second year; all for 25c postpaid.

[Short, Left Column, mid-page.] Maderia, or Mignonette Vine.--Ornamental climber of very rapid growth. Each 3c, doz. 30c, 100 by express $1.50. Freesia, Refracta Alba.--Small bulbs bearing peculiar clusters of white flowers of the most delicious fragrance, which last a long time even after being cut. Each 3c, doz. 20c. Cyclamen, Giganteum.--One of the finest plants in cultivation for winter blooming. The colors vary from the purest white to the brightest crimson and purple, some flowers beautifully spotted. Each 20c. Iris. (Fleur-de-Lis.)--One of the most satisfactory of flowers for garden culture, as the [they] are hardy and require very little care after once set out, and will produce a mass of flowers year after year.

[Short, Left Column, mid-page.] Yucca, Filamentosa.--A tropical looking plant, with long narrow leaves that remain green the entire year. It grows in clumps and throws up a flower stalk from three to four feet in height from which hang from one to two hundred creamy white, bell-shaped flowers. Strong two year plants. Each 25c, 3 for 65c. One year plants, 15c. Tuberose, Excelsior Pearl.--A greatly improved variety, having short stem and long spike filled with beautiful, large, perfectly double flowers of most delicious fragrance. Spikes frequently bear 30 to 50 flowers, remaining in bloom for a long time. They are always wax-like, pure white, and are unsurpassed for buttonhole bouquets. Don't fail to order a few. Choice bulbs, postpaid, each 5c, doz. 35c.

[Lower, Left Column.] Kaempferi.--Marvels of beauty and stateliness. Think of a plant sending up a dozen flower spikes, each spike bearing two to four blossoms eight or ten inches across, and of the most delicate and beautiful colors, markings and combinations. Think of a bed of all colors--white, indigo, violet, lavender, mauve, sky blue, royal purple, blush, yellow, etc. Your imagination can conceive of nothing grander, and they are even more grand than your imagination can portray. The king of hardy perennial plants. Once planted in your garden they are a joy for a lifetime, blooming profusely in June and July. Either double or single, mixed. Each 15c, 2 for 25c, doz. $1.25.

[Image: Drawing, single plant with clusters of blooms, Caption-Auratum Lily.] Pumila.--Dwarf, early flowering, light blue, purple and yellow mixed. Splendid for edgings. Doz. 30c; 100 $2. German.--The true "Fleur-de-Lis," the national flower of France; perfectly hardy; grow and bloom luxuriantly anywhere, particularly in moist situations. Mixed colors. Each 10c, 3 for 25c. Paeonies. These are very beautiful, showy and easily cultivated plants, blooming from the beginning of May to the end of July. They should have a place in every garden. We offer best sorts, mixed colors. Each 25c, doz. $2.50.

[Image: Drawing, along lower right edge of page, closeup of a bloom, long stalk with blooms at the top, Caption-Pearl Tuberose.]

Lilies. No class of plants capable of being cultivated out of doors possess so many charms; rich and varied in color, stately and handsome in habit profuse in variety, and of delicious fragrance. They thrive best in dry, rich soil, where water will not stand in winter. Coral Lily.--The flowers are a brilliant crimson, and have a peculiar waxy or coral-like appearance, quite distinct from all other flowers. Each 15c, 3 for 40c, doz. $1.50. Candidum.--The pure white garden or Easter lily; flowers snow white; hardy and free blooming. Each 10c, 3 for 25c. Auratum, or Japanese Gold Banded Lily.--This is justly entitled to the name often given it--The Queen of Lilies--and it is decidedly the most beautiful of all lilies. The immense flowers are deliciously fragrant. The large white petals are thickly spotted with chocolate crimson and have a bright golden yellow band through the center of each. This magnificent lily succeeds well everywhere. Each 20c, 3 for 50c. Speciosum Album.--Large, pure white flowers of great substance, beautifully recurved. For garden or pot culture. Each 15c, 3 for 40c. Speciosum Roseum.--Pure white ground stained and spotted rose. Very beautiful. Each 15c, 3 for 40c. Harrisii.--(The Bermuda Easter Lily.) Immense, pure white trumpets with a very delicate pervading fragrance. Each 20c, 3 for 50c. Lemon Lily.--It is not a true lily as the bulb is of different shape. The flower is 3 inches in diameter. The color is entirely different from all other sorts, being a clear lemon yellow. Delightful lemon fragrance. Each 20c, 3 for 50c. Winter Blooming Bulbs. Some of the most beautiful and fragrant of all the flowers grown belong to this class, such as the Hyacinth, Tulip, Narcissus, Crocus, etc. Our bulbs, which are grown by one or the best bulb growers in Holland, arrive in this country about Sept. 15. Send for fall catalogue.

Last edit 8 months ago by lelfrank
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