33rd Annual Catalogue Iowa Seed Co (Image of white rose with yellow centre) America (Image of red rose with white fringe tips) Roger Lamberlin (Image of stem of 6 pink roses and buds) Dorothy Perkins (Image of pure white rose) Snowflake (Image of yellow rose with orange tips) England's Favorite
"Seedsmen to the American People" Anniversary Rose Collection These Six roses for 75 cents (Image of red rose with blended white coloring) Hallowe'en
[Image - lady holding a large bouquet of roses. She is smelling a rose. This is embedded in right side of the Anniversary Rose Collection article. It is bordered all the way around with flowers. The picture is captioned with 'I LOVE ROSES, DON'T YOU?']
Anniversary Rose Collection.
We this year celebrate our anniversary of a third century in the seed business and we want to make it the best season that we ever had. We have therefore gathered together some of the best novelties in all lines, things which we are sure everyone will want, and especially this rose collection, shown in colors on the front cover of this book, and as we have propagated many thousands of the roses we have made prices very low.
AMERICA.--One of the finest climbing roses ever sent out. It is a vigorous grower and the freest bloomer that we know of, blooming not only in the spring, like other sorts, but all summer and fall, and producing immense numbers of the large beautiful buds and flowers. Color a handsome blush white, shaded with creamy yellow at center. Each 20c. Strong large plants 40c each prepaid.
ENGLAND'S FAVORITE.--When traveling in northern England we were greatly impressed with this new rose. It is a very hardy, rapid climbing variety, the plants being well laden with flowers of medium size and peculiar color as shown on the cover of this book. The color of the flower is decidedly unique, being of a beautiful golden yellow, shading at the center to a decided copper color or reddish yellow, making a most rich combination of colors. It is a climbing tea rose of delightful fragrance as well as lovely color and combines so many good points that we are sure that every lover of roses will want several of them. We cannot say too much in its favor. Each 20c. Strong large plants 40c each prepaid.
ROGER LAMBERLIN.--The most exquisitely beautiful and rich colored rose ever sent out and in fact it is so very different from all other varieties that very few persons suspect that it is a rose. The petals are curiously fringed. Color rich, dark, glowing crimson, beautifully margined with white. Each 20c.
DORTHY PERKINS.--In its foliage, growth and habit of blooming in immense clusters it is remarkably like Crimson Rambler, but the flowers are more double and of a beautiful shell-pink color. It is of a quite upright habit, making a growth of ten to fifteen feet often in a single season. Very hardy and sure to be satisfactory. Each 20c.
HALLOWE'EN.--This charming new variety might well be called a striped Meteor Rose as it is of the same fine large size and perfect form as the Meteor, while the dark rich crimson color of each petal is freely and distinctly striped pure white and pink. The flowers are very double and bloom in endless profusion both in summer and winter. It is quite hardy and lives over winter in the open ground with but slight protection. This is the only distinctly striped ever blooming rose that we know of. It is a great beauty, has sweet fragrance and creates a sensation wherever seen. Each 15c.
SNOW FLAKE.--This lovely white tea rose is the freest flowering white rose we have ever seen and for a pot plant it cannot be excelled. On one plant 143 flowers and buds were counted in a single day and the plant was only nine months old. Everyone should have one of these elegant free blooming roses as there is no white rose which is superior to it. Each 15c.
The Entire Collection of Six Unequaled Roses for 75 Cents. Any 3 for 40 Cents.
(Image - wavy line to separate next articles)
[Second half of page - 4 articles about the company, splitting the page into quarters. 1st article - ABOUT OURSELVES. on left upper corner; Image of 3 story brick store front seperating of 'OUR RETAIL STORE-44x133Ft.' 2nd article OUR STORE. on right upper corner. 3rd article MAIL ORDER BUILDING. on left bottom corner with image of brick 3 story 'MAIL ORDER BUILDING.' imbedded in the article. 4th article OUR GREENHOUSES. on right bottom corner with illustration of 'OUR GREENHOUSES.' imbedded in the article.]
Almost every one in Iowa who uses seeds knows the Iowa Seed Company and our Choice Iowa Seeds are sown in every neighborhood in the state, but as this catalogue goes to many in all parts of the world who have not dealt with us, a few words about our business may help us to become better acquainted. This business was established in 1870--thirty-three years ago--and it has grown until now it occupies a very prominent place in the seed trade of the country. The business has been under the same management for many years past, the present manager having been connected with the company for 26 years. During all this time we have been constantly in close touch with the farmers and gardeners and know what will prove the most satisfactory in the various localities. Success in the seed trade depends almost entirely on the confidence of the people, and our customers have learned that they can rely implicitly on us. What more can you ask? Please give us a trial order this year and test the superior merits of our Choice Iowa Seeds.
(Image: in centre of page, showing three story brick building "Iowa Seeds". Directly below that is a description "OUR RETAIL STORE - 44 x 133 Ft.")
The Iowa Seed Store is so well known in Des Moines that it would be difficult to find even a child in this city of 75,00 inhabitants who does not know its location. It occupies the large building at 613-615 Locust Street, within three or four blocks of the postoffice, express offices and principal railroad passenger stations. The large store room is full of interest to everyone who has a farm or garden, or who loves flowers, and the bird and gold fish department always interest the children. Here are also located the offices and correspondence department. During our busy season last spring we received 2,000 to 5,000 letters every day and it required fifteen typewriters to answer the correspondence. We are always glad to have our customers call and examine our stock and manner of doing business. We have no secrets and freely invite everyone to inspect all departments.
Store and Office Iowa Phone........No. 600. [Store and Office] Mutual Phone......No. 789. Mail Order Dept. [Mutual Phone] No. 889.--2 rings. Greenhouses [Mutual Phone] No. 736.--3 rings. Warehouse [Mutual Phone] No. 889. Managers Residence [Mutual Phone] No. 736.--2 rings. Farm Office [Mutual Phone] No. 793.--3 rings.
Our trade has increased so constantly that in 1900 we were compelled to look for larger quarters and we purchased the ground at 208, 210, 212, South Eighth St., about six blocks from the s[t]ore and erected thereon a large building specially arranged to accommodate our rapidly growing trade. The railway tracks beside the building give us unexcelled facilities for handling carload lots, and we are centrally located between the various freight depots, so that small shipments can be made promptly. Our machinery is operated by four electric motors, and we claim that our mills for cleaning seeds cannot be surpassed. We can readily fill 3,000 to 4,000 orders per day, in this building, and they are handled in such a careful way that errors seldom occur. Most of our employees have been with us many years and appreciate the importance of each order, no matter whether small or large, and no "green hands" are permitted to handle seeds in bulk. (Image: of three storied large building with a lot of windows and signs saying IOWA SEED COMPANY and IOWA SEED CO. MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT)
(Image - Wavy line to separate articles)
NOTICE. These catalogues are quite expensive and should you receive more than one kindly hand the extra copy to some one interested in having a good garden. We will be glad to mail a copy of this book to any of your friends who wish it.
Last summer we secured a large tract of ground right in the city, convenient to electric street car line and fronting on Kingman Boulevard, one of the finest driving streets in the city. To this location we have moved our greenhouses and built much larger ones and are devoting twelve acres to flowers. There is no place equal to it we think in the entire west. The greenhouses which were built and are operated by the Iowa Seed Co. are devoted exclusively to growing plants for the mail order trade, and they contain a greater variety of plants than any other greenhouse in the west. Many hundred plant orders are filled daily during the busy season, all small plant orders being mailed direct from the branch postoffice nearby. (Image: Arial view sketch of several greenhouses and a smoke stack chimney with "OUR GREENHOUSES" byline)
(Image - Wavy line to separate articles)
SEEDS THAT GROW. It is not sufficient to be assured that seeds will grow, for weed seeds will grow. The important point is what will they produce. Vitality is important but quality is pre-eminent. Thousands of customers in all parts of the country agree that our seeds are unsurpassed if not superior to all others.
Iowa Printing Co., Printers, Des Moines, Iowa.
1870--1903 Thirtythree Years Successful Business! DES MOINES, IOWA, January, 1903.
Hearty Greetings and Good Wishes Are hereby extended to our Friends and Customers who have favored us with their orders during the past year and thus helped us to have the best and most prosperous season that we have ever experienced. Thirty-three years, A Third of a Century, is along time and this long continued success proves that there is a feeling of growing confidence on the part of the public, in our establishment, for without it we could not succeed. We shall strive to continue to merit your confidence and approval by using every effort to secure the best results in growing and selecting the choicest, purest and most reliable seeds and prove to you that our motto, "Only one quality, THE BEST," is well taken. We know that our Choice Iowa Seeds are unsurpassed, that our prices are right and our promptness and care in filling orders make many friends. In almost every neighborhood in America our seeds are known and used and our highest ambition is to deserve the title which has been applied to us, namely: "SEEDSMEN TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE."
Read What Prominent Men Say. They are a proof of merit. Such testimonials cannot be bought. "I have bought seeds of you for several years past and have found them very satisfactory. I have used them on my own farm and also sold them to others and have had no complaints. Have also purchased some, from other firms, but could not depend on them as on yours.--R. J. Johnson, Humboldt, Iowa, President Iowa State Agricultural Society. "I am pleased to state that all seeds, both garden and field, that I have bought of your firm during the past twelve years have been perfectly satisfactory, and I am always pleased to recommend the Iowa Seed Company to any and all who are in need of anything in their line."--M. J. Wragg, Waukee, Iowa, President Iowa State Horticultural Society.
The gardening public and farmers everywhere are requested to thoroughly examine all parts of this book, which we have enlarged, thoroughly revised and re-written this year and tried to make of practical value to everyone. Notice the many new and improved varieties which we are offering this year and instead of devoting your entire crop to the old sorts, we are sure that it will pay you to add both to the quality and yield by planting the newer kinds that we recommend. We grow our own seeds, either on our own place or have them grown from carefully selected stock seeds and it requires the entire seed crop from about 6,200 acres to supply our trade. The soil and climate of Iowa are specially adapted to growing and maturing most seed crops, still there are some varieties which will produce better seed in other localities and we spend a large part of the summer and fall in traveling around among our growers inspecting the growing crop. Again thanking you for past favors, respectfully soliciting a continuance of your patronage and wishing you a happy and prosperous new year, we remain, Your friends, IOWA SEED COMPANY. M. KURTZWEIL, President. CHAS. N. PAGE, Treasurer and Manager.
Very few Seed Dealers can Equal this record. I have bought seeds every year from your company since 1871, after Mr. Fuller started the business at Des Moines; have always found your seeds good.--W. S. Maxwell, Lawndale, Texas. I have been a customer of the Iowa Seed Co. since 1875 and always intend to be so long as they prove as satisfactory as in the past. Both they and their seeds are reliable.--J. C. Jessup, Fairmount, Indiana. This is my 29th year getting seeds from your firm and they are all O. K. We are back in "Peerless Old Iowa," again after four years in California and eight years in Arkansas.--Bryant Graves, Lenox, Iowa.
SUGGESTIONS TO CUSTOMERS. ORDER EARLY.--The best time to order is just as soon as you receive this catalogue, as we can always give your orders more of our personal attention if they come in before the rush of the spring trade. Please use the order sheet as it makes it more convenient for us in filling orders. Terms are invariably cash with order as we keep no book accounts in our mail order department, and the expense of sending goods C. O. D. is quite large. Postage stamps received as cash. SHIPPING.--There are five express companies and fifteen railroad lines at Des Moines, so that quick shipments can be made to any town in the United States. It is well to remember that express charges are usually much higher on heavy goods, and you should order them sent by fast freight. CHARGES PREPAID.--All Vegetable and Flower Seeds, Bulbs and Plants, except those noted, are sent prepaid by mail or express by the quickest and most direct routes unless ordered otherwise, and we guarantee their safe arrival. Seeds sold by the peck or bushel, field seeds, potatoes, implements and other heavy goods are sent by freight or express, purchaser paying charges. OUR PRICES.--Our constant aim is to make the highest quality the first consideration, and next to put our prices as low as good reliable seed can be sold. DISCOUNTS.--On all orders for seeds in packets the purchaser may select twenty-five cents' worth extra for each one dollar sent us. This refers only to seeds in packets, not in bulk. Each year we put up thousands of packets of seeds for free distribution among our customers, by adding liberally of them to orders. We will allow you a discount of ten cents per pound on vegetable seeds, such as are listed as prepaid, if you are willing to have them sent by express or freight at your expense. SMALL ORDERS.--If you only want a single packet, do not hesitate to send for it. We take as much pains to fill small orders promptly and correctly as we do large ones. Orders for Flower Plants and Nursery Stock, however, must amount to at least fifty cents. PLANT ORDERS.--Orders for plants will be filled as early in spring as we consider it safe to send them. If ordered for immediate shipment in severe weather they will be sent at purchaser's risk. WHAT WE GUARANTEE.--That all money sent us for seed shall reach us if sent by registered letter, P. O., or express money order or bank draft, made payable to our order. That your order will be filled promptly and well. That goods ordered will reach you safely. Keep a copy of your order. Sometimes persons think they have ordered articles which they have omitted, and blame us for not sending them. OUR RESPONSIBILITY.-- As this book will probably go into the hands of many who are unacquainted with us, this question will naturally arise, and in answer to same we refer you, by permission, to the Valley National Bank of this city, to the postmaster, or to any of the various express companies.
ABOUT WARRANTING.--We thoroughly test all our seeds and nothing is sent out which we do not believe to be good in every respect. When it is considered how many are the contingencies on which the success of any crop depends, such as sowing too deep or too shallow, too wet or dry soil, unfavorable weather, insects, etc., our customers will readily see that it would be sheer folly for anyone to warrant them to produce a perfect crop, and we want it plainly understood that while we exercise great care to have all seeds pure and reliable, and also true to name, we do not give any warranty, express or implied. If the purchaser does not accept the seeds on these terms and conditions, they are to be returned at once, and the money that has been paid for same will be refunded. No officer, agent or employee of this company is authorized to make any warranty whatsoever. However, we have so much confidence in our seeds that we hereby agree to refill any retail order for vegetable or flower seeds free of charge should they prove otherwise than as we represent them. We know of no responsible seed firm in the world which guarantees seeds any further than this. Compare with other seed catalogues and you will find that we are right. MARKET GARDENERS and others who buy vegetable seeds in bulk to the amount of $5.00 or more, are requested to send for our Market Gardeners' Price List. This list for market gardeners is intended only for large buyers, and is exclusively for those who order vegetable seeds alone by weight or measure amounting to $5.00 or over. Club orders which call for this amount of bulk seeds altogether are entitled to these prices. PREPAID RAILROAD STATIONS.--Many of our farmer customers live at Prepaid Railroad Stations, where there are no agents. In such cases we must request them to send sufficient money to prepay freight charges on heavy shipments, also in cases where perishable or other goods are ordered to be sent by freight or express to such great distances that cost of transportation will nearly or quite equal the value of goods. OUR GERMAN FRIENDS will be pleased to notice that we also issue a catalogue in the German language, and we will take pleasure in sending a copy free on request. Tell your German neighbors about it. [Paragraph written in German.] FOREIGN ORDERS.--Our trade with European countries, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the West Indies and other foreign countries, is increasing constantly, and while it is still somewhat expensive and slow to send large shipments by freight, small lots can be sent by mail quite easily. We are willing to prepay the postage on all vegetable and flower seeds offered by the packet or ounce, at the prices named in this catalogue, to Canada, Mexico, all parts of Europe, and all countries of the Postal Union. Not more than 12 ounces can be sent in each package.
VEGETABLE SEEDS. Our stock of vegetable seeds we are sure cannot be excelled either in quality or selection by any firm in the country, as we watch our growing crops with great care, taking pains to isolate and keep pure and true to name. Every variety listed is desirable and has our recommendation. Our packets are, we believe, as well filled as any reliable seed dealer's in the United States, and in fact, a comparison has shown that they contain more seed on the average, than those of any other firm whose packets we have secured. We pay the postage at these prices, except on Beans, Peas and Corn at the peck or bushel rates. We make it a rule to carefully test all seeds as soon as received from the grower, or as soon as they are brought in from our seed farms. We also carry on extensive trials on our grounds by which we are enabled to offer only those strains of seeds which come up to the standard of purity and excellence, and are of the highest vitality, and the result is that we very rarely have complaints as our Choice Iowa Seeds are sure to please.
ASPARAGUS. One ounce will sow forty feet of drill. Asparagus is so easily grown and such a large quantity is produced on a small amount of ground that every garden should contain a bed. A bed ten feet square requiring 50 plants will give an abundant supply for any ordinary family. Soak the seed 14 hours in tepid water; sow early in spring, in rows a foot apart; keep clean by frequent weeding and hoeing. Ask for circular giving instructions for making an asparagus bed. COLUMBIAN MAMMOTH WHITE.--A new and entirely distinct variety, that produces shoots which are white and stay white as long as fit for use. It is more robust and vigorous in habit, and throws up larger shoots and fully as many of them as Conover's Colossal, and requires no earthing up in order to furnish the white shoots so much sought after. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c, lb. 75c. PALMETTO.--Stalks frequently measure two inches in diameter, and, even when twelve inches long, are perfectly tender when cooked. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 20c, lb. 60c. CONOVER'S COLOSSAL.--The standard variety. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 15c, lb. 40c. ASPARAGUS ROOTS.--We can furnish strong roots of either the Palmetto or Conover's Colossal at 35c per dozen; $1.25 per 100. Columbian Mammoth White 40c per dozen; $1.50 per 100 postpaid. Ask for price in quantity.
ARTICHOKE. This vegetable is a great delicacy, highly valued in all parts of Europe, and also one of their most prominent table vegetables in California and other parts of this country. It is a perennial producing the large flower heads, which are the part eaten, the second season and every year thereafter. The young stalks are also sometimes tied and blanched like celery, but they are not equal to the flower heads. Cook like asparagus and serve with cream or butter sauce. Sow seed early in hot-beds or box in the house, and when weather becomes settled transplant in rows four feet apart and two feet in the row. When started early it sometimes blooms the first year. LARGE GREEN GLOBE.--The best variety for general use; buds large; scales green; very thick and fleshy. Pkt. 10c, oz. 35c, 1/4 lb. $1.00. ARTICHOKE ROOTS.--These are an entirely different plant from the above and used mainly for stock food. See description in Farm Seed Department. Per lb. 30c, 3 lbs. 75c, postpaid. By freight pk. 40c, bu. $1.25.
BORECOLE, or KALE. One ounce will produce about 3000 plants. A hardier vegetable than cabbage; excellent for greens during winter and spring; splendid winter food for poultry. Is improved by frost. Cultivate same as cabbage. For winter, sow in September, and treat as Spinach, giving it a light covering of straw or litter to protect from severe cold.
EXTRA CURLED MOSBACH.--Fine crimped leaves; light green color; admirable for garnishing. Best for cooking. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 40c, lb. $1.25. DWARF GERMAN GREEN.--Popular. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c, lb. 75c. THOUSAND HEADED.--Grown mainly for forage. See description elsewhere. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 20c, lb. 65c.
BROCCOLI. One ounce will produce about 3000 plants. Growth and habit like the Cauliflower, except that it is more hardy, and the heads are not as compact. Cultivate the same as Cauliflower. EARLY PURPLE CAPE.--A popular sort; heads well and is very hardy. Pkt. 5c, oz. 35c. EARLY LARGE WHITE.--Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c.
CORN SALAD. One ounce will sow about 20 square feet. A nice winter salad. Sow in September in drills. Just before cold weather cover with straw or leaves. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c.
BRUSSELS SPROUTS. One ounce will produce about 3000 plants. Of the cabbage family, producing numerous heads on the stem of most delicious quality, as well as a cabbage-like head at the top. If you have never grown it, try it this year and you will be pleased. Use and cultivation same as winter cabbage. AMERICAN MAMMOTH.--A new and greatly superior variety of American growth which forms heads ready for picking about three weeks earlier than other varieties. It has the additional merit of making stronger plants and more heads. A profitable crop for market gardeners. Pkt. 5c, oz. 30c, 1/4 lb. $1.00. ENGLISH.--Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 40c.
CURLED CHERVIL. An ounce will sow 100 feet of drill. Leaves used in soups and salads. They have a pleasant aromatic taste which is greatly liked. Cultivate like parsley. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 40c.
GERMAN CATALOGUE.--Please ask for a copy of our German Seed Catalogue, if you can read that language more readily than English.
BEANS. Dwarf Bush Varieties. One quart will sow 100 feet of drill. Dwarf or Bush beans require no support, and should be planted in drills an inch and a half deep and drop the beans three inches apart in the drills. Beans are tender annuals, and cannot be planted until danger of frost is past. A sandy loam is the best. The half pint packages will be found very desirable for small families. We furnish pints at one-half the quart price. Packets contain about two ounces. Price includes postage except at peck and half-peck rates. Deduct 15c from quart rate if to be shipped by express. EARLY PROLIFIC BROAD.--See novelties. Per pkt. 10c, 1/2 pt. 20c, qt. 65c. IMPROVED EARLY VALENTINE.--About ten days earlier than the common Early Valentine. In addition to this it is more robust and vigorous, and produces the true, round, curved pods very abundantly. Unexcelled in quality and uniformity of ripening, nearly the whole crop can be taken at one picking, usually within 35 days after planting. Pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 15c, qt. 45c; by express or freight, 1/2 peck 75c, peck $1.35.
EARLY MOHAWK.--Very early and will stand more cold than most bush varieties. Vines large and stout with very large coarse leaves; will stand a slight frost. This variety is largely grown in the southern states for northern markets. The pods are from 5 to 6 inches long; the seeds, when ripe, drab color with purple spots. Pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 15c, qt. 40c. By express, 1/2 pk. 70c, pk. $1.25. STRINGLESS GREEN POD BUSH.--The only stringless green pod bush bean in cultivation. Consequently it surpasses all others in crisp, tender flavor. The finely shaped, long, green pods are absolutely stringless, and are ready to market two weeks earlier than the Valentines. It is of immense value, not only to the market gardener but also to the amateur who seeks a rare quality early for the home table. Pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 15c, qt. 50c; by express, 1/2 pk. 85c, pk. $1.50.
IMPROVED GOLDEN WAX.--In spite of all the new sorts of beans being introduced every year, our trade calls for more Golden Wax than any other variety. This great popularity is due largely to the fact that the variety we have is a great improvement on the old Golden Wax having larger pods and being much more prolific. This improved stock is one of the handsomest beans we have ever seen, the pods being of dark, rich golden yellow color and of perfect shape. For family or market you can make no mistake in planting them. Pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 15c, qt. 50c; by exp. 1/2 pk. 90c, pk. $1.60. EARLY REFUGEE or THOUSAND TO ONE.--Most prolific green podded sort, thick and fleshy. Pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 15c, qt. 45c; by express, 1/2 pk. 75c, pk. $1.40. LONG YELLOW SIX WEEKS--Very early and prolific; long, green, tender, flat pods; matures quickly. Pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 15c, qt. 40c; by express, 1/2 pk. 70c, pk. $1.25. DAVIS WHITE WAX.--A new white, rustless, productive, wax-podded bean; pods flat, very long, white, straight and handsome; seeds clear white; excels all others in hardiness and productiveness. Valuable for market gardener's and canner's use. Pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 15c, qt. 50c; by express, 1/2 pk. $1.00, pk. $1.75.
BURPEE'S BUSH LIMA.--A dwarf or bush form of the true large Lima which is of great value. They are of bush form, growing 18 to 20 inches high, of stout and erect growth, yet branching and vigorous. An immense yielder, each bush bearing from 50 to 200 handsome large pods, well filled with very large beans of luscious flavor. Does not always mature dry shelled beans in this latitude, but you are sure of a good crop of green ones. Pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 20c, qt. 60c; by express 1/2 pk. $1.25, pk. $2.25. CHALLENGE BLACK WAX.--Earlier, more productive and of better quality than the old Black Wax. Pods tender, round, fleshy and stringless. Pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 15c, qt. 50c; by express, 1/2 pk. $1.00, pk. $1.75. CALIFORNIA BRANCH or PROLIFIC TREE.--This is quite a valuable variety for field culture. Grows about 20 inches high, has stiff, upright branches and bears immensely, sometimes yields 45 bu. per acre. The beans closely resemble the White Navy. Pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 12c, qt. 35c; by exp. 1/2 pk. 65c, pk. $1.15.
HENDERSON'S BUSH LIMA.--Grows in compact bush form, producing enormous crops of delicious Lima beaus which can be as easily gathered as the common garden bush bean; Is at least two weelts earlier than any of ttw climbing Limas, produces a continuous crop from the middle of July until frost. Enormously productive. Pkt.5c, Y. pt. 15c, qt. src; by express Y. pk. $1.10, pk. $2.00.
WARDWELL'S KIDNEY WAX.--One of the earliest. hardiest and most productive of all Wax Beans; a week earlier than the Golden Wax, yields one third more, and almost free from rust and spots. Pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 15c, qt. 50c; by exp. 1/2 pk. $1.00, pk. $1.75. SCARLET FLAGEOLET WAX.--The pods are often a foot in length, exceedingly succulent, stringless and tender. Pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 15c, qt. 50c; by exp. 1/2 pk. $1.00, pk. $1.75. LARGE WHITE MARROW.--Excellent as a shelled bean. The beans are ivory white and double as large as the Navy. Pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 15c, qt. 40c; By exp. 1/2 pk. 70c, pk. $1.25.