One of the handsomest vines in existence for growing in window boxes, hanging baskets, trailing from pots, rockeries, etc. Our cut does not do it justice. The long trailing stems of glossy green leaves are broadly margined and variegated with white and they are always bright and pretty. Plants are of the easiest culture, will stand neglect and mistreatment and grow very rapidly. Does well either in a sunny place or in shade. Blue flowers. We most highly recommend it. Each, 10c; large size, 25c.
[column headings: VARIETY. BY MAIL POSTPAID. Ounce. ¼ lb. Lb. By Exp., 5 pounds or more @.]
Apple. .10. .25. .75. .50.
Ash, White. .10. .20. .60. .40.
Box Elder. .10. .20. .60. .40.
Catalpa, Hardy. .10. .25. .80. .65.
Locust, Black. .10. .25. .75. .60.
Locust, Honey. .10. .25. .75 .60.
Mulberry, Russian. .35. $1.00. $3.25. $3.00.
Osage Orange. .10. .20. .60. .45.
Tree of Heaven. .10. 25. .75. .60.
All of the above seeds 5 cents per packet.
LUCILE.--This most promising new variety which is shown in colors on the back cover of this book, is we think the finest red variety ever offered. It is a seedling of Wyoming Red, with which it has much in common--as color, quality, season, health, hardiness and appearance of leaf and wood, but the vine grows to twice the size of Wyoming Red, and yields triple the fruit in both size and quantity. The Lucile ripens early, between Moore's Early and Worden, and is of a beautiful bright red color, large and compact as Worden and nearly the same shape. Its skin is thin but tough, and it is therefore a good shipper. It never drops its berries and the fruit is of sweet delicious flavor. The Lucile is a most vigorous grower and enormous bearer, equal to the Niagara in this respect, but it ripens up all its wood to the tips, under a load of fruit, where the Niagara would not ripen over one-half. It has never been known to winter kill and is probably as hardy as any variety in America. The Lucile will, one season with another, yield as many tons to the acre as either the Concord, Worden or Niagara. It has often borne four large clusters on a single shoot. We recommend it for both amateur and market culture, but particularly for the latter. The Lucile is a grand good grape for the extreme north, where early, extra hardy varieties are needed. Each 50c; doz. $4.00.
Nothing that has ever been brought to our notice in the plant line has caused half the commotion that this wonderful Lemon has. It is a true ever-bearing variety. On a plant six feet high no less than eighty-nine of these ponderous Lemons were growing at one time. It was a beautiful sight to see. The tree was blooming, and at the same time had fruit in all stages of development, from the size of a pea up to the ripe fruit, showing it to be a true ever-bearer. Blossoms waxy white and as fragrant as orange blossoms. Fruit has been taken from this tree weighing over four pounds. The lemons have very thin rind for such large fruit. It is the juiciest of all lemons, makes delicious lemonade, and for culinary purposes cannot be excelled. It is not uncommon to make twelve lemon pies from one lemon. Ponderosa Lemon is sure to become popular when it is known. It fruits when quite small, and makes a lovely house plant. Everybody can grow their own lemons; it will fruit freely the second year. Each 20c.
One of the most desirable of all climbing plants. Will climb up a trellis 10 or 12 feet high in a season and cover it all over with pretty leafage and large clusters of handsome flowers. The flowers are 3 to 4 inches across, and the colors a remarkable combination of red, white and blue shades. The form of the flowers, though much reduced in size, is well shown in the engraving herewith. It is better to take plants in in the autumn, but if left out a light covering of leaves or garden litter should be put over the roots before severe freezing to keep them from injury. Each 15c.
This novelty in Gladiolus was originated by Mr. John Kurtzweil, the noted gladioli specialist of this city, from a carefully made cross of older sorts. We consider it the best bright red variety ever offered. The spikes are unusually large and filled with immense flowers, sometimes 10 or 12 open at one time. The flower is of the most intense flame red color, exceedingly brilliant and has therefore been aptly named, after the noted volcano, Mount Pelee. Everyone who grows Gladioli should try it. Each 15c.
(Agathoea Coelestis.)
A strikingly beautiful flowering plant that should be found in every flower garden. The plants grow about 1½ feet high, of branching habit, producing an abundance of clear sky blue flowers. It makes a very pretty object for summer decoration in the garden, and is equally dosirable [desirable] for the house in the winter, grown in pots or window boxes. Plants are fairly loaded with the flowers which are very desirable for cutting. Each 10c.
June 6--Plants arrived in good shape and I am much pleased with them. Thank you for the extras.--Mrs. A. E. C. Gilmore, Crafton, Penn.
April 12--The roses and plants came to hand in fine condition.--Frank H. Owen, Marion, Ohio.
If you only knew the enjoyment you would have from a bed of strawberries we are sure you would delay no longer. A bed 6x10 feet will accommodate two dozen plants. This grand new variety has proved to be one of the most vigorous growing and productive varieties ever sent out and of excellent keeping qualities thus making it of great value for shipping. The fruit is very large and although somewhat irregular in shape is attractive and of most excellent quality. Price 50c per dozen; 2 doz. 75c; 100, $2.25 by mail, postpaid. By express, not prepaid, per 100, $1.75.
Undoubtedly the finest raspberry yet introduced. It is a purple cap, not so dark as Shaffer or Columbia, but more of a red color and much larger and firmer than either of these varieties; don't crumble, stand up well in shipping, the quality is excellent, either on the table fresh, or canned, it produces very large crops, stands drought or extreme cold splendid, makes strong, healthy plants from tips, sends up very strong, healthy canes. Its points of superiority are hardiness, vigorous growth, productiveness and quality. It is the most productive raspberry, red or black, we ever saw, and beats anything for standing dry, hot weather we know of. It was a wonder, for fruit, to everyone who saw it. Each 25c, dozen $2.00.
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