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These are now, and deservedly, the most fashionable of all autumn flowers. All these varieties are excellent for pot culture, and are the best of their class.
ILLUMINATION.--A grand new variety of most robust, sturdy growth and claimed to be the best white yet introduced. Plant is erect; branching so as to make a perfect shaped bush, covered with a great number of beautiful snow white flowers which are full and deep. Each 15c.
MAJOR BONNAFFON.--Bright clear yellow; the best for all purposes. Produces flowers six to seven inches across on straight stiff stems of good length. An ideal Chrysanthemum, and should be included in every collection. Each 15c.
GEO. S. KOLB.--A very pretty early white sort; dwarf with nice, stiff stems. Fine for sprays. Each 10c.
MARION HENDERSON.--The earliest golden yellow; center incurved, outer petals reflexed, flowers six inches in diameter. Each 10c.
GETTYSBURG.--This variety excels in its color, as Golden Wedding does in yellow. Deep, rich crimson, which in the flower itself is soft and velvet-like. Outer petals are broad and drooping; have a lustrous sheen in the sunlight. Each 10c.
CASCO.--A beautiful quilled variety of clear wine color. One of the most desirable. Each 15c.


GLORY OF THE PACIFIC.--The earliest flowering light pink variety. Each 10c.
MRS. HENRY ROBINSON.--A perfect form of exceptional merit, large and well finished, medium early white, blooming with us October 5th. Fine substance; very lasting. Each 10c.
GOLDEN WEDDING.--Of a rich golden yellow color, intense, dazzling, flowers 10 to 12 inches in diameter; petals broad and long, double to center. Each 15c.
SILVER WEDDING.--Very much like the above but of pure silvery white. A grand novelty. Each 20c.
PHILADELPHIA.--A magnificent variety of graceful, globular form, color white, illuminated with lemon yellow, giving it a peculiarly pleasing appearance not seen in any other variety. Each 10c.
PHENOMENAL.--Clear chamois yellow shading pink at base of petals. An enormous flower with broad incurved petals. Flower, while very large, is never coarse. Each 15c.
GOLDEN GATE.--Tawny yellow, distinct strikingly handsome spreading flowers slightly whorled; regular form, stout stem, broad, long petals, fine exhibition bloom. Each 10c.
WILLOW BROOK.--Early; profuse bloomer; pure white. Each 15c.
IVORY.--One of very best varieties for pot culture or cut flowers. Vigorous compact grower and makes handsome specimen with very little training. Pure white flowers of exquisite form and finish. Each 10c.
ELSIE DORDAN.--An early small flowered sort of soft lilac pink changing to white. Each 10c.
PIERCEY'S SEEDLING.--A dwarf small flowered sort of pretty yellow color changing to bronze pink. Each 10c.



PINK IVORY.--A sport from Ivory, the most popular of all white chrysanthemums; identical with Ivory in every respect except color, which is a beautiful shell pink. Each 15c.
MRS. PERRIN.--Wonderfully clear, bright pink, the brightest shade of pink yet produced in chrysanthemums; globular incurved form with satiny finish. Each 10c.
FISHER'S TORCH.--Heads the procession; color is bright red, passing to richest velvety crimson, the flame-like flower borne at the end of the long, stiff stem gives it the appearance of a flaming brand, hence its name, "Fisher's Torch." Each 15c.
WM. H. LINCOLN.--A magnificent golden yellow variety with straight, flat spreading petals. If you want an extra fine specimen plant, this is the variety. Each 10c.
IORA.--Beautiful disheveled exhibition variety of light salmon pink. Each 10c.
BRONZE BRIDE.--Early ponpon variety of rosy bronze. Ea. 10c.
AUTUMN GLORY.--Grand exhibition variety. There is nothing like it in color; deep reddish salmon upon opening and gradually changing to a soft shrimp pink when fully finished. Each 10c.
MRS. O. P. BASSETT.--An immense incurved variety of light canary yellow color. Each 10c.
LADY HARRIETT.--Pleasing shade of pink. Flowers large and incurved. Grand new variety which will please everyone. Each 15c.

CHRISTMAS EVE.--The latest of all white chrysanthemums. Flowers of immense size borne on long stems, and very desirable both as a pot plant and for cutting, as they are good keepers. Each 15c.
TIMOTHY EATON.--A globular Japanese Incurved variety of perfect form and growth. Color, pure white when fully developed. A prize winner at all shows last fall. Each 15c.

The flowers of this class are large and graceful, having a fine downy appearance, produced by the glandular hairs on the petals.
LOUIS BOEHMER.--The splendid new pink Ostrich Plume Chrysanthemum. Grand flowers of globular form; petals broad and lasting and thickly covered with fine downy hairs so much admired. Color deep rich pink; solid and fine. Strong and vigorous plant. Each 10c.
CHILD OF TWO WORLDS.--An exquisitely beautiful variety like above but pure snowy white. Each 10c.
GOLDEN PLUME.--A clear golden yellow, without any shading; flowers large and incurved, heavy petals. Each 10c.
BRONZE PLUME.--A beautiful bronze variety. Each 10c.
One plant each of the above four Ostrich Plume Varieties for 30 cents.



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