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[image] SOLANUM.

SOLANUM--Jasminoides Grand.--This beautiful plant is of trailing or climbing habit, but if desired can be cut back to a bush form. It has star-shaped flowers, borne in large clusters or panicles frequently a foot across. They are pure white with violet tinge on the back; it is equally a good bloomer in summer and winter, and is wonderfully effective when planted to cover a low wall or trellis, showing hundreds of magnificent panicles of bloom which remain perfect a long time before fading. Each 10c; 6 for 50c.
SALVIA-- Splendens.--One of the finest of all bedding plants, being completely covered in autumn with long spikes of dazzling scarlet flowers, remaining in bloom until cut down by frost. Each 10c, per dozen 75c.
SALVIA--White.--Like above, with white flowers. Each 10c.
SALVIA--Chance.--A novelty with beautifully striped red and white flowers. Each 15c, dozen $1.20.
SALVIA--Golden.--Handsome yellow leaved variety with brilliant scarlet flowers. Each 10c, dozen $1.00.
SALVIA--Silver Spot.--Foliage green, spotted clear white. Each 15c, doz. $1.25.
SALVIA--Clara Bedman.--A dwarf, early and very free blooming variety, the plants appearing to be almost completely hidden by the mass of brilliant scarlet flowers. Fine for rows or borders. Each 10c, dozen $1.00.
SEDUM--(Stonecrop.)--Six varieties. Each 10c, doz. 75c.
SAXAFRAGA--The well-known, much used old basket plant, with long strawberry-like runners. Each 10c.
LOBELIA.--Pretty and well known. Each 10 cents.
SWAINSONIA--White.--A most beautiful new climbing plant. The habit of growth is extremely graceful and the vine trained up at the side of a window or on a trellis, presents a lovely sight of light green, feathery foliage, and a splendid profusion of pure white sprays of flowers resembling Sweet Peas in form. Easily grown and under favorable conditions is almost a perpetual bloomer. Each 10c.
SWAINSONIA.--Pink.--A beautiful new sort quite similar to above, except that flowers are a clear pink color. Each 15c.
SHOWER OF GOLD--(Genista.)--A most desirable plant which has been given the name "Shower of Gold" or "Fountain of Gold" from its peculiar fountain shape and brilliant color. The drooping branches are covered with delicate sage-green foliage, and every twig is tipped with a long raceme of exquisite pea-shaped blossoms of a pure canary color, almost hiding the foliage. Each 10c.
SMILAX.--Well known handsome climber and the most popular of all vines with the florists. Each 10c.



PLUMBAGO--Capensis.--No plant in our greenhouse has caused more exelamations [exclamations] of delight than these beautiful heavenly blue Plumbagoes. They are most excellent pot plants, flowering freely at all times of the year. South of Central Missouri they are hardy in the open ground, and make desirable garden plants. Flowers are borne in large clusters and are exceedingly beautiful in color. They are of very easy culture, growing in any situation as freely as Geraniums. In fact few pot plants can be found that will prove so easy to manage, and furnish such an abundance of exceedingly handsome flowers. They are of a rare shade of light azure blue. Each 10c.
PLUMBAGO--Lady Larpent--The plants are strong, upright in habit, growing to a height of twelve to fifteen inches in compact clumps, and from the middle of July until severe frost are covered with lovely rich violet blue colored flowers, borne in close terminal heads. Each 20c.
PHEASANT'S BREAST ALOE.--An elegant appearing, slow growing plant, highly prized wherever its true value is known. Each 25c, large 75c.
SANTOLINA.--A very pretty, dwarf-growing little evergreen shrub. The foliage is finely cut and of a silvery gray color, thus making it particularly useful and valuable for edgings and ribbon beds, as it contrasts finely with plants of darker color or larger leaves like Coleus. Each 10c, doz. 75c.
SANSEVERIA--(Zelanica.)--A singular plant, eminently adapted for decorative purposes in parlors, etc. Dark green, beautifully striped crosswise with white. Has white flowers. Each 15c; large size 50c.

PARIS DAISY--White.--A French improvement on the old White Marguerite which has for years been so popular. Is of much larger size and will produce ten times as many flowers. Each 10c.
PARIS DAISY--Yellow.--Similar to the above, but of a very pretty canary yellow color. Blooms freely and continuously if flowers are cut frequently. Each 10c.
PARIS DAISY--Blue.--A striking beautiful flowering plant, producing an abundance of clear sky blue flowers. Plants are fairly loaded with the flowers, which are very desirable for cutting. Each 10c.

STROBILANTHE--Royal Purple.--An excellent bedding plant as well as a beautiful foliage plant for pot culture. It forms a compact bush 18 inches high, with leaves 6 to 9 inches long; of a beautiful, metallic purple, shading into light rose, with a light green margin, a combination unapproached by any other plant. The flowers are violet blue, borne in immense racemes. Each 15c.

Everybody likes Verbenas, as no one can help enjoying the sight of a nice bed carpeted with the dark green leaves and brilliant blossoms. The following mammoth flowering varieties blooms freely and have the finest colors.


Mrs. Cleveland--Largest and sweetest of all, of dazzling snow white color, makes very large plants and large foliage. Willie Desmond--Brilliant red with small white eye. Turquoise--A beautiful shade of turquoise blue with white eye. Francis--Extra large pink with white eye. Aurora Borealis--Beautifully and irregularly striped white, pink, crimson and scarlet. White Beauty--Very large flower, large truss, and pure white. American Flag--Pure white, tipped with most brilliant crimson. Climaxer--Extra large flower of bright scarlet; really dazzling when in full bloom. Beauty of Oxford--The most popular pink variety; color rich and flower of immense size. Blue Boy--Of pure, deep, heavenly blue color. Machadon--Of deep, velvety, blood red color. Sambo--The nearest pure black that appears in verbenas, has just a slight shading of maroon. Princess--A handsome wine colored flower. Dolores--Tho [The] richest deep purple color.
Any of the above Verbenas 10c each, 75c per doz. One plant each of the 14 kinds for $1.00. Mixed verbenas 50c per doz.



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