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We consider this not only the most popular but also the most satisfactory of all flowers and therefore we make roses a leading specialty and are now devoting more space in our greenhouses and more land in our fields to roses than ever before as the trade has each year far exceeded our stock. As we do not grow cut flowers and our rose growing is exclusively for the production of young plants we are enabled to use the best and most healthy wood in our propagations and not stems that have been exhausted by the production of flowers. Our soil here is well adapted to rose culture and we are sure that customers will find our plants specially strong, healthy and vigorous. The varieties we list are the choicest selections out of several hundred varieties. We omit all inferior sorts and such kinds as experience has proved to be not generally satisfactory. Every variety listed has our most hearty recommendation. The dormant plants offered are large two year old, outdoor grown.
Roses are sent by mail or express prepaid in perfect condition to the most distant parts of the United States and also to some foreign countries. Directions for Rose Culture sent with every package. We furnish one dozen of any variety at the price of ten.

EMILIE GONIN.--There was no rose at our place this year which attracted more attention than this grand new variety. Creamy white, tinted with orange yellow at the base of petals, while the tips of the petals are reflected and broadly margined with bright carmine crimson. Each 15c.
MAMAM COCHET.--Has rich, healthy foliage and large flowers on long, straight stems; color deep rosy pink, the inner side of petals silvery rose. Equally valuuable [valuable] for pot culture or outdoor planting. Each 15c.
Strong dormant plants 35c.

HALLOWEEN.--A beautiful new variety resembling the Meteor in shape, but the flowers are of dark crimson color, distinctly striped with pink and pure white. It is a hardy, ever-blooming variety. See colored illustration on cover of this book. Each 15c.
SNOWFLAKE.--The freest flowering pure white rose that we know of. Unequaled as a pot plant. Each 15c.


Above four grand Roses for 35c.

SOUVENIR DE WOOTON.--Color a beautiful shade of velvety crimson, equal to the noted General Jacqueminot, deliciously fragrant, a constant and most prolific bloomer, and the full open flowers are frequently six inches across. Each 10c. Dormant 30c.
BRIDE.--This is undoubtedly one of the finest white roses ever offered. The buds are very large of exquisite form and the full flower very double, measuring from 3½ to 4 inches in diameter. The color is a very delicate creamy white. Each 10c.
BRIDESMAID.--An exquisite bright clear pink, a lovely shade; flowers very large and perfectly double. The buds are large and solid, with long, stiff stems and handsome glossy foliage. Strong, healthy growing, free from disease. Each 10c.
PERLE DES JARDINS.--Fine straw-yellow; very large and perfect. Blooms freely and we consider it one of the most satisfactory varieties. Each 10c.


METEOR.--Perfect shaped flowers, on nice, long stems. They are of large size, very double and perfect in shape both when in bud and when fully expanded. The color is rich velvety crimson, exceedingly bright and attractive. The plant is of vigorous growth, and very free flowering. Each 10c.
SUNSET.--This exquisite orange yellow variety, shaded ruddy copper color, "a sunset glow," is one of the finest Tea Roses grown. The flowers are large and double. Fragrant, strong growing and free flowering. Each 15c.
CHAMPION OF THE WORLD.--The champion bloomer, commencing to bloom as soon as potted from the propagating bench, and continues in the greatest profusion all the time. It is claimed that one plant of it will produce more flowers during the year than ten plants of any Tea Rose. Blossoms are perfectly double to the center, of good shape; color a degree of loveliness which few roses can equal, rich, deep, rosy pink. Each 15c. Dormant 30c.

Small roses which are marvels of grace and beauty; bloom in clusters of 25 to 50 on a single stem.
MOSELLA.--A choice novelty. Flowers very double, ball-shaped and open like a Camelia flower. The petals are tinted white, on beautiful light yellow ground, extending to the middle of petal. Each 15c.
PRINCESS BONNIE.--Another charming novelty; flowers large and perfectly formed; a rich, solid crimson. Each 10c.
LITTLE WHITE PET.--Very handsome, pure white; perfect shape. Hardy. Each 10c.
MIGNONETTE.--Clear, soft pink, passing to white, tinged with pale rose. The flowers full and regular, perfectly double, delightfully perfumed. Each 10c.
CLOTHILDE SOUPERT.--This hybrid polyantha Tea Rose has become one of the most popular. Flowers full double, pure white, shading to a center of rosy pink. Blooms constantly. Each 10c.



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