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LIBERTY.--A grand new Hybrid Tea of warm, deep, rich crimson color. Flowers of immense size and borne in great profusion. It has been thoroughly tested and is recommended as one of the most beautiful ever-blooming crimson roses yet produced, particularly suited for garden planting and also for forcing and green house culture. Each 20c.
GOLDEN GATE.--This is a beautiful free blooming and healthy Tea Rose that we can rcommend [recommend] to everyone desiring large flowers, long stems and continuous bloom. The buds are long and pointed, opening out into a well shaped flower of creamy white, delicately tinged with golden yellow and bright rose color. Each 10c.
MADAM HOSTE.--Creamy white, with amber center, a prodigious bloomer. Each 10c.
RAINBOW.--An elegant striped Tea Rose; strong, healthy growth and exceedingly free flowering habit. The buds are large on strong stiff stems. Color is a lovely shade of pink, striped and mottled in a most unique manner with intense crimson, and elegantly colored with rich golden amber at center and base of petals. It makes beautiful buds, and the flowers are extra large, very sweet and of great depth and substance. A most charming variety. Each 15c.
ADMIRAL DEWEY.--Flowers are extra large, full, double and globular in form, with heavy thick petals. Color of flowers is a delicate shade of pink, delightfully fringed. A strong grower and free-flowering rose. Each 15c.
BARONESS ROTHSCHILD.--A magnificent rose of rich satiny pink. Each 15c.
HERMOSA.--An excellent rose, blooms in fine clusters; large, very double and fragrant; color a beautiful clear rose; hardy, one of the best. Each 10c.
BEAUTY INCONSTANT.--A wonderful new variety, producing flowers of many shades of pink, red, crimson and yellow, all on the same bush at once of indescribable beauty. Each 15c.
VERDIFLORA.--The wonderful green rose which cannot fail to attract attention and cause surprise wherever seen. It is a perfect flower with deep green petals and a free bloomer. A curiosity. Each 15c.
KAISERIN AUGUSTA VICTORIA.--The finest white ever-blooming hardy garden rose. A Hybrid Tea Rose, soft pearly white, lightly tinted with lemon in the center, just enough to relieve the white, remarkably fragrant, a strong, healthy grower. The beautiful, perfectly shaped flowers are borne in profusion on long, graceful stems. Each 15c.
BON SILENE.--An old semi-double favorite of delicious fragrance. Color deep rose, sometimes rosy crimson. Each 10c.
HELEN CAMBIER.--A lovely copery [coppery]-yellow Hybrid Tea. It is a French novelty of vigorous growth and a free bloomer both for winter and summer. Each 15c.
HELEN GOULD.--Color, crimson. Each 15c. Large plants from 4-inch pots, each 40c.
PRESIDENT CARNOT.--Magnificent new Hybrid Tea Rose, which we consider one of the daintiest and most charming and fragrant roses in cultivation. Color soft, creamy fawn, overlaid with delicate pink. As the rose expands it discloses a heart of most exquisite blending of cream and glowing pink imaginable. Each 15c. Large two year old plants 35c.

[image] RAINBOW.

[image] LIBERTY.

MARCHIONESS OF LORNE.--Of an exceedingly rich, rose color, slightly shaded in the center with vivid carmine. They are large and very sweet, full and finely cup-shaped. Remarkable for its truly perpetual habit, every shoot being crowned with a flower bud. Each 15c. Dormant 30c.
VICK'S CAPRICE.--Perfectly hardy. The flowers are large, ground color soft, satiny-pink, distinctly striped and dashed with white and carmine. It is beautiful in the bud form, being quite long and pointed. Each 15c.
CAPTAIN CHRISTY.--Very double; color, fresh, delicate pink. Each 15c. Dormant 35c.
FRANCES E. WILLARD.--One of the startling new roses of recent date. A very handsome variety and quite distinct. It has gigantic flowers. Color, pure white. Each 20c. Dormant 40c.
PERLE DES BLANCHES.--Pure white, sometimes tinted pink. Early. Each 15c. Dormant 30c.
DUKE OF EDINBURGH.--Large and full; bright scarlet crimson, shaded maroon. Sturdy, compact growth. Each 15c. Dormant 25c.
BLACK PRINCE.--Very dark, rich, velvety crimson, passing to intense maroon, shaded black. One of the darkest roses, very handsome. Each 15c. Dormant 35c.
LADY HELEN STEWART.--Large round solid flowers, very fragrant; color bright crimson, flamed with scarlet, very beautiful. Each 15c. Dormant 30c.
THE QUEEN--It is pure snow white, makes good, finely-formed buds, is quite full, showing the center but slightly when fully open. The petals are thick and of good substance, opens well, is very sweet and has proven valuable both for forcing and open ground planting. Each 15c.


These hardy and lasting Roses creep over the ground like Ivy. The leaves are glossy dark green. The flowers are borne in clusters profusely during July and August. Used extensively for covering graves, rock work, embankments, etc.
EVERGREEN GEM.--A single plant four years old covered a space of 240 square feet, with long shoots and completely covering the ground with its bright, glossy foliage, which is not only evergreen, out growing during mild weather in Winter. Flowers are creamy white; perfectly double and of a delightful Sweet Briar fragrance. Each 15c. Dormant 30c.
SOUTH ORANGE PERFECTION.--Produces multitudes of the most perfectly formed double flowers; color, soft blush pink at tips. Each 15c. Dormant 25c.
WHITE MEMORIAL. Wichuriana.--The finest rose for cemetery planting. Has dark green leaves, and creeps on the ground like an ivy rapidly branching and quickly covers any surface. The flowers are single, pure white with golden yellow stamens; perfectly hardy. Each 10c. Strong, dormant plants 25c.
GARDENIA.--Buds bright yellow, open flowers cream color, 3 to 3½ inches in diameter, incurving towards evening to the shape and color of a Cape Jessamine, hence its name; delightfully fragrant and freely produced. Each 10c. Dormant 25c.
JERSEY BEAUTY.--Extremely vigorous grower, foliage thick, of leathery substance, flowers large, single, three inches in diameter, opening pale yellow, with clusters of bright yellow stamens. Fragrant and produced in greatest profusion, covering the plant entirely. Each 10c. Dormant 25c.
UNIVERSAL FAVORITE.--The blooms are very abundant, of large size, double, of a beautiful rosy-pink, and delightfully fragrant. Each 10c. Dormant 25c.
Set of 6 Evergreen Memorial Roses for only 50 cts.


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