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The most satisfactory of all flowering plants, making a permanent improvement which is constantly growing in value. Nothing is more beautiful than a nice hedge of these roses. In the newer varieties the season of bloom is extended throughout the summer although the grandest show of flowers is still made in the spring and autumn. The lower priced roses below named are growing plants, from pots, while the larger sizes are strong, hardy, out door grown plants which have been kept dormant. These can be planted outside early in spring, before it is safe to set out plants that are growing in pots, and are ready to begin blooming almost as soon as set out. We can supply these from the time this catalogue is issued up to May 15th. The following varieties have proved to be the most satisfactory and we have discarded many varieties largely advertised by others, believing that it is to our customers' interest to plant only the best. REMEMBER WE PREPAY THE POSTAGE or express charges on all these plants at prices named.
GLORIE DE MARGOTTIN.--This grand new Hybrid Perpetual Rose is believed to be one of the very finest varieties of recent years. Flowers very large, of symmetrical form, somewhat globular, very full and deliciously scented. The color is a clear dazzling red. Certainly one of the most brilliant roses ever seen. It is a free bloomer and vigorous grower, of great beauty and wonderful color. Each 15c. Dormant 30c.
AMERICAN BEAUTY.--One of the best and most valuable roses, both for garden and house culture. Color rosy crimson, exquisitely shaded and very handsome. Extra large full flowers, and fine buds, very hardy, a constant bloomer. Each 15c. Dormant 35c.
BARON DE BONSTETTEN.--The Black Rose.--Has splendid large flowers, very double and full. The color of this rose is a rich dark red, passing to a deep velvety maroon, nearly black. It is highly scented and very beautiful. Each 15c. Dormant 35c.
ROGER LAMBERLIN.--One of the most remarkable roses ever brought out. Petals are beautifully fringed and edged with clear white, while body of flower is a rich dark glowing crimson. You never saw a rose like it. Each 20c. Dormant 50c.
DINSMORE--We cannot praise this enough. Always in bloom, with large, finely imbricated flowers of a rich, bright crimson. Bushy and compact. Each 15c. Dormant 30c.
MRS. JOHN LAING--This rose for outdoor planting is undoubtedly the finest rose introduced for many years. Color a beautiful, soft pink, with most delicious fragrance; very double and of large size. A constant bloomer. Each 15c. Dormant 30c.
MARECHAL P. WILDER.--Large, semi-globular flowers, full and double. Bright scarlet crimson, shaded with maroon. Elegant. Dormant 30c.

GENERAL JACQUEMINOT.--One of the grandest roses in existence. Sure to delight every lover of the beautiful, as nothing can surpass them in beauty. Color a rich dazzling scarlet, shaded with deep, velvety crimson, making a superb glowing color. Flowers large; free bloomer. Each 15c. Dormant 30c.
MAGNA CHARTA.--Dark pink; very pretty. Each 15c. Dormant 30c.
JUBILEE.--One of the grandest hardy perpetual blooming varieties. Color dark crimson shaded velvety maroon, flowers sometimes six inches in diameter. Each 15c. Dormant 30c.
JOHN HOPPER.--Most reliable and satisfactory Rose; flowers large, regular and full, brilliant rose, shaded rich crimson; very sweet. Each 15c. Dormant 30c.
PAUL NEYRON.--Double flowers of shining carmine pink, largest rose known, perfectly grand. Each 15c. Dormant 30c.
ULRICH BRUNNER.--Rich, glowing crimson scarlet; flowers exquisite shape. Each 15c. Dormant 30c.
GENERAL WASHINGTON.--Brilliant crimson, very rich and beautiful; large, perfectly double and free bloomer. Each 15c. Dormant 30c.
DUCHESS OF ALBANY.--Deep pink, very large and full, highly perfumed; of strong, healthy growth, blooms abundantly. Each 15c. Dormant 30c.
COQUETTE DES ALPS.--One of finest Hybrid Perpetuals; flower large, full, finely formed, pure white; profuse bloomer. Each 15c. Dormant 30c.


MAD. MASSON.--Superb. Blooms all the time. Large, full and double flowers. Color distinct bright rose. Dormant 30c.
MAD. CHARLES WOOD.--Large, double flowers. Bright fiery scarlet, passing to rosy crimson, shaded maroon. Dormant 30c.
PRINCE CAMILLE DE ROHAN.--A fine rose of rich velvety crimson, passing to maroon, shaded black. Dormant 35c.
MADAME PLANTIER.--Flowers borne in great profusion, pure white, hardy as an oak, and as certain to grow as grass. Blooms in June. Each 15c. Dormant 25c.
PERSIAN YELLOW.--Perfectly hardy; flowers double and full, deep golden yellow in color. Blooms very freely in June. Dormant 35c.
ENGLISH SWEET BRIAR.--(Lord Penzance Hybrids.)--Flowers bright pink, white crimson and yellow. They are single, but the exquisite fragrance of the flowers, leaves and young branches in spring frequently perfume a whole neighborhood. Dormant 30c.

MOSS ROSES.--Acknowledged queen of all roses ; moss-covered stems and buds show off delicate loveliness of blossom to great advantage. Hardy, bloom freely, of easiest culture and succeed on any soil. We can furnish strong, dormant plants at prices named.
Crested Moss.--Deep pink colored buds, surrounded with a mossy fringe; fine. Ea. 35c.
Crimson Globe.--Fine large flowers, deep rich crimson, richly mossed. Each 35c.
White Moss.--Beautiful. Each 35[c].


FRANCOIS LEVET.--Elegantly formed, very full and double, the color is a distinct and handsome shade of clear coral rose, delightfully fragrant. Each 15c. Dormant 35c.

The La France Roses are certainty the nearest perfection of flowers. Distinctive characteristics of the set are the true La Frauce [France] fragrance and their beautiful form. They are hardy, free blooming and in every way desirable.
LA FRANCE.--Of beautiful form, both in bud and in full bloom; very large, full and globular; a most constant bloomer. The color is a pink or silvery rose--a satiny sheen as it has been termed. Each 15c. Dormant 30c.
WHITE LA FRANCE.--It is identical with La France except the color. It is pearly white, sometimes tinted fawn. Each 10c. Dormant 30c.
STRIPED LA FRANCE.--Imagine a lovely rose with the shape and fragrance of La France, of a rich creamy pink, with a silvery gloss, the whole beautifully etched and streaked with delicate carmine. Each 15c. Dormant 30c.
RED LA FRANCE.--Deep rose pink hue. Flowers are produced in wonderful profusion upon long stems; are very large, double and of superb form. Each 10c. Dormant 30c.
The Set of Four for only 35 Cents.



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