

Needs Review



[Image entitled, "IOWA GOLD MINE The Deepest Grained, Purest Yellow Corn in Existence. NOTICE THE SMALL COB AND DEPTH OF GRAIN"

[Left Column] IOWA GOLD MINE CORN. MOST POPULAR VARIETY OF YELLOW CORN IN THE WORLD. Everyone wbo has tried it is enthusIastic in the praise of tbis splendid variety wbich we introduced in 1892. Iowa is not called a gold mining state, but in tbls grand variety the farmers of this country will find a veritable mine of weaith. It bas received the most cordial endorsement as tbe best and most profitable variety ever grown. It is early, ripening a few days later than Pride of tbe North. Ears are not large, but of good size and symmetrical; color a brigbt golden yellow, as handsome as a twenty dollar gold coin just from the mint; grain is very deep, cob small and tberefore dries out very quickly. Seventy pounds of ear corn makes 62 to 63 pounds of shelled corn, and in haullng to market it weighs out five bushels more to the wagon load than common varIeties in the same size wagon. We have shelled selected ears of this variety whlch produced 64 pounds of shelled corn and only 6 pounds of cobs to to the bushel. This is an unparalled record. It cannot be equaled by any other corn In tbe world. Tbousands of our customers say that they consIder it the ne plus ultra in corn; that it would be impossible to attain any nearer perfection. It matures perfectly, even in southern Minnesota. We can most confidently recommend it as the acme of perfection, and stake out reputation on its pleasing everyone who tries it. One carload lot of 400 bushels of Iowa Gold Mine corn was carefully weighed, and after shelling it was rewelghed and there was just 456 bushels. Just think of it--a gain of 14 bushels to the 100. Remember if you want pure Iowa Gold Mine Corn you must purchase it direct from us . If you purchase from your local dealer insist on seeIng that our label is on every bag, plainly marked IOWA SEED COMPANY. It will pay you to change your seed, and don't fall to at least see a sample of Iowa Gold Mine before buying elsewhere. Pkt. 5c, lb. 25c, 3 Ibs. 60c, postpaid, by freight, pk. 60c, bu. $1.75 2 bu. or more @ $1.60 per bu. Ask for prices in quantity. ~~~~~~~~~~ FIRST AMONG 20 MILLIONS. It amounts to something to stand at the head of one's profession in any city; it amounts to vastly more to stand at the head in the entire state; and it is, therefore, no wonder the people of Des Moines take pride in the Iowa Seed Store, whicch is not ony the largest in Iowa, but there is no seed store west of Iowa, way on to the Pacific coast which compares with it in size or volume of trade. The Iowa Seed Company may therefore be said to stand First Among 20 Million People.--Their trade has extended to almost every postoffice in the country, and even in New England and the Atlantic coast states where competition is very strong from old established eastern seed dealers. ~~~~~~~~~~~

[Right Column]

WHAT PRACTICAL FARMERS SAY. Tbe Iowa Gold Mine Corn yielded three, times as much as any other variety. Think it is tbe best corn I have ever seen.--C. H. Shearer, McHenry county, Illinois.

Have just harvested the Iowa Gold Mine and it is a grand corn. Our farmer is enthusiastic over it. The type and color are perfect.-- J. H . Beagley, Ford county, Ill.

The Iowa Gold Mine Corn is the very best I ever saw and it Is well adapted to tbis climate.--S. F. Reynolds, Dane county, Wis.

I bought some Iowa Gold Mine Corn of you and it is the best corn I ever used in my life.--Ernest Bolko, Monroe county, N.Y.

I bought of you several bushels of Iowa Gold Mine Corn tbat have proven very satisfactory.--Harry D. Burress, Green county, Ill.

I grew 480 bushels of your Iowa Gold Mine Corn on four acres last year. An average of 120 bushels to tbe acre.--W. W. Preston, Warren county, Iowa.

Your Iowa Gold Mine Corn was early, stood tbe drouth remarkably well and produced 500 busbels of good sound corn. My nelghbors, with as good or better conditions, either failed entirely or had only soft corn. I never made a more profitable investment in my life.--F. H. Furneaux, Arapahoe county, Colo.

Ten bushels of Iowa Gold Mine Corn purchased from you made a good stand and vigorous growth and has matured two weeks ahead of any other. We are now husking it and it far exceeds our expectations, the yield being decidedly larger than any other corn and it the brightest yellow color I ever saw.--O. E. Shonneman, Montgomery county, Iowa.

I am glad I planted all my field with your seed corn this year. The Iowa Gold Mine surprises everyone here by its deep grain and small cob, and it shells out about six Ibs. to tbe bushel more tban other sorts.--John W. Ernst, Floyd county, Iowa.

The Iowa Gold Mine Corn proved very satisfactory. It eared better than any other variety I have ever seen. The ears are better filled with deep graIns of golden yellow corn, and I can say that it is more than it is claimed to be.--D. A. Rose, Washington county, Iowa.



Tbls variety orIginated wlth A. L. Goddard. of Kossuth county, Iowa, about 20 years ago, and sprang at once into prominence as the earliest of all yellow dent corns. Tbe ears are 7 to 8 inches long with small cob and kernel; seventy pounds of ears will make sixty pounds of shelled corn; color bright orange and very uniform. Will ripen in 90 days and matures in this latitude when planted in June. Good soil is capable of producing four or five good stalks to the hill and many stalks have two ears each. This will enable one to get as large a crop of corn as with a large eared variety and much more fodder. Pk. 60c, bu. $1.75; two bu. or more @ 1.60


Last edit 7 days ago by jbrown500




A GRAND NOVELTY in field corn, introduced by the Iowa Seed Company, and it is by far the earliest dent corn in existence, and also the largest eared early corn. It Is earlier than Pride of tbe North and a much ~tter cropper. Tbls new variety of corn Is tbe result of a scientific hy' brldlzatlon made fifteen years ago by a practical seed com grower, and this has be4in followed by carllfnl selection each year since, the object being to obtain tbe earliest corn In the world. The corn Is of a very strong, vigorous character, growing more rapidly than any other variety from tbe day It Is planted. Its quick growth really surprises one with the speed with Which It hurries on to make ears. The stalks usually have from nine to eleven blades, while most ordinary corn has thirteen blades. These leaves are quite broad, of a dark emerald green, healthy color. This corn has been planted as late as June 26th and yielded a splendid crop, earlier than Pride of the North, which was p:anted at tbe same time. We claim tbat It wl\l mature any year In elgbty to elghty·five days. The ears are mucb larger than Pride of the North, not as rOllgh or haclded, thus making It easier to handle, and the yield Is 25 to 35 per cent more than Pride of the North under the same conditions. An average bushel of seventy pounds wl\l make sixty pounds of shelled corn. It has for years been selected from stalks which set the ears three feet or less from the ground and this has a IAndilncy to make It earlier. Fully 40 per cent of·the stalks produce two good ears. It Is the farmers' reliance every year. The originator has taken the first prize for early yellow corn at every fair at which It has been exhibited. Don't fall to plant at least a small quantity and thus obtain your seed for another season. Per lb. 25c, 3lbs. 6Oc, postpaid; by freight or express, pk. 6Oc, bu. $1.75, 2 bu. or more @$1.60.

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Last year I purchased some of your Farmers' Reliance com and was very much pleased with the splendid crop, a~ It yielded 400 bushels of ears from three acres of ,ground. Your corn Is al1 that you recommend It to be.-H. Brown, AshtabuLa county, Ohio.


Your Farmers' Reliance Is the earliest corn I have ever seen or grown, maturing In eighty days, being ten days to two weeks earlier than Pride <If the North and yields double as much per acre.-H. H . Oonnell, Powesheilc county, Iowa .


There Is no telling wben we.wl1l have a sbort season and early killing frost In.,the :f,all, and In sucb a case farmers who bave tbelr fields planted wltb an early maturing variety are truly fortunate. j The trouble with most extra ea~l y sorts, however, Is that they are too small and "nubblny," but tbls new variety Is of unusual length, our illustration showing an ear 151ncbes long, but the average Is about 12 Inches. Its peculfar shape, wblch Is different from any other sort, suggests tbe name. It matures fully as early as Pride of the 'North, Is double the size and yield's a far larger crop, which Is ripe and hard before there Is a tbought of frost, thus making a variety that It will pay to "tie to." Stalks are of medium height, strong and not easily blown down. Grain Is not as deep as soIDe of our otber varieties. but It Is the corn of corns for selling on the marl,et, as a wagon load of It Is as pretty as a picture. We recommend It hlgh~ to customers In Nortbern Iowa, Minnesota, the Dakotas and other nortbern states, feeling sure tbat It will please everyone. Order early, &i there Is sure to be a great demand. Per )lkt. 5c, lb. 25c, a Ibs. 6Oc, postpaid. By freight per pk. 65c, bushel $200, 2 busbels or more @ $1.75.

"I planted the Longfellow Dent Corn May 5tb on good bottom land. I had a gOOdl Tbe seed corn I bougbt of you last spring was tbe best Instand and It was out of danger from frost Sept. 1st. I just now measured an ear lay. vestment I ever made. It t>roduced fully double as much as inches long with sixteen rows. Many are 12 Incbes, few less than 11 Inches long. A that of my neighbors and It Is of the finest quaUty.-W. O. good business corn. As president of the first Corn Club organized In Iowa and a life- McHenry, Crawford county, Iowa. lonl( corn grower, I venture the opinion that this long eared corn is for the farmer a better and more satisfactory type than any of the show corns."- W. P . Dawson, Oherokee county, Iowa. J


A white fieM corn which bas the largest grains with the smallest cob of any white corn ever Introduced. So large are the grains and so extremely small Is tbe cob tbat on an ear broken In half a single grain will almost cover the cob section completely . It is of strong, vigorous growth and yields splenJld crops on IIgbt soil, and Is a desirable variety wbere tbe season is long enough to matnre It, but we do not recommend It nortb of Southern Iowa, although It produced a good crop last year forty miles north of DAs Moines. This variety matures In about one bundred and tblrty-flve days. Per pkt. 5c, lb. 25c, 3lbs. 6Oc, postpaid; bV frelgbt, pk. 65c, bu. $2.00, 2 bu. or more @ $1.85; 10 uu. @



"On tbls estate, comprising about 22,000 ac:re$, tbere was grown this year nearly 10,000 acres of corn, Ineiudlng almost all known standard sorts. suited to this latitude, and we consider that of the white varieties the low A Sn.vER MINE Is the purest and In all respects the mOot satisfactory of all."- W. A. Bichet, Manager. 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a

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EVERyc!grOwer hast!waystodo It. He can Increase the yield per acre, or he caR put In more acres. Tbe ~ ~ farmer wbo wants more corn will do well to study tbe first method before be ~ decides on the latter. Good seed Is the first essential to a bigger yield of better ~ corn, therefore plant tbe Iowa Seed Company's Improved varieties and add 20 ~ ~I to 50 per cent to your crop. ~~~~~T~~~~~~~~~~~~~


I purcbased from you 10 bushels of Pride of the N.orth corn forplsntlng and am very mnch pleased with the variety and Its yield.-S. W. Oallanan, Kossuth county, Iowa.


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Needs Review




[Left Column]

IMPROVED EARLY MASTODON. For about 15 years past Clark's Early Mastodon corn has been a prominent variety, owing to its productiveness and large sized ear. In the celebrated American Agriculturist's corn contest in 1889, Early Mastodon outyielded every other yellow corn In America. Mr. Alfred Rose, of New York state raising 213 bushels of shelled corn to the acre. It was, however, rather late, and was frequently caught and greatly injured by early frost. For ten years past, however, one of our most careful, painstaking seed growers in central Iowa has been selecting it to obtain the earliest maturity possible and still retain its large sized ear and great productiveness. His success has been remarkable, and we now have an improved variety with mammoth ear, much smaller cob and deep grain. The but of the ear Is not so disproportionately large, it dries out quickly and ripens easily in 110 days, while it requires 130 days for the old variety. Ears are quite even in size and four of them weighing 6 3/4 pounds took first prize at fair. Farmers who delight in a handsome, large eared variety, will be pleased with the Mastodon, and when the crop Is harvested no one can fail to be delighted with the yield. The corn has a strong, rapid, vigorous growth, and it is also desirable for fodder purposes. Pkt. 5c, lb. 25c; 3lbs. 60c, postpaid; by freight, pk. 60c; bu. $1,75; 2 bush. or more @ $1.60.

IMPROVED EARLY YELLOW FLINT. An eight rowed yellow flint variety with ears from 10 to 15 inches long, 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 inches in diameter, and are well filled out to the extreme end of cob. The cob Is small and the kernel large and broad, ripens in 75 to 85 days. This corn Is well [Image entitled, "IMPROVED EARLY YELLOW FLINT"] adapted to the northwest and Is said to produce 200 bushels of ears to the acre in Massachusetts. Has given excellent results in Minnesota and other northern states. Excellent for ensilage and is often used here for re-planting, planting. Pkt. 5c, lb. 25c, 3 lbs. 60c, postpaid; by freight, pk. 65c, bu. $2.00, 2 bus. or more @ $1.85.

SANFORD'S EARLY WHITE FLINT. This standard variety is considered the best flint corn on the market. The ears are of unusual length 12 to 15 inches and of handsome shape, flinty white color. Plant is of sturdy, vigorous growth; the leaves are very broad and succulent, and it is therefore of great value for fodder and ensilage as well as for a grain crop. The stalks usually bear 2 or 3 long ears. You will be pleased with it if you like flint corn. Pkt. 5c; lb. 25c; 3 Ibs. 60c, postpaid. By freight pk 65c; bush. $2 00; 2 bush or more @ $1 85.

[Image entitled, "SANFORD'S WHITE FLINT."]

"I bought half a bushel SlIver Mine Corn of you in 1902 and it yielded 100 bushels to the acre, and last spring I saved enough seed out of it to plant 115 acres of It. I think It is the best corn for this part of the state."--E. Jansen, Cass county, Ia.

"Enclosed please find my seed order for this spring. Last spring I purchased some Iowa Gold Mine Corn of you, which did exceedingly well here. I took three premiums on it at three different county fairs."--Dr. A. N. Wilbur, Adams county, Ohio.

[Right Column]

IOWA YELLOW DENT. We always advlse farmers to select the best named varieties in buying seed corn, and believe it pays them in the long run. This year, however, there are thousands of farmers in need of seed corn, and their main object is to secure at a low price a nice grade of good yellow corn which Is well matured, thoroughly tested, of strong vltallty, and will produce a good crop of sound corn. While this corn Is not equal to our best named varieties, still we believe you will find It superior to nine-tenths of the corn offered by other dealers. At our price It will cost you only about 15 cents per acre to plant your fields with this variety and it will pay you well to order sufficient for your planting. Pk. 5c, bu. $1.25, 2 bus. or more @ $1.15, 10 bus. or more $10.00.

"I planted the Mastodon Corn received from you on May 26th, it grew 10 to 12 ft. high, biggest ears I ever saw.--I. C. Tapley, Floyd county, Iowa.

"The seventy acres of corn we planted with seed from your firm Is the best field corn in this county. It runs from two to three ears on each stalk."--D. M. McKindley, Kane county, Ills.


Beyond doubt the best fodder corn, either to feed green right from the field, to put up for the silo. or to cure and stack away. It Is a pure white corn, cropping as high as 45 tons of fodder per acre. It is sweet, tender and juicy, and furnishes more nourishment than any other variety; has short joints and therefore an abundance of leaves, and grows to a fair height, but not over-large and coarse-stalked as some varieties. It is adapted to every section of the counlry, although it does not ripen here, usually It matures enough to come in full milk, which is just the right state to cut. Makes an excellent grain crop In Missouri and throughout the south. Ears 8 1/2 to 10 inches long. 16 rows, kernels deep and broad, and pure white on a red cob. Quite popular with dairy farmers. Per pkt. 5c, lb. 25c, 3lbs. 60c, postpaid; by freight, per pk. 60c, bu. $1.75, 2 bu. or more @ $1.60, 5 bus. or more @ $1.50.


It is from this wild variety that all of our cultivated sorts have sprung. The ears are of fair size and each individual kernel or grain is covered with a husk and all is enclosed in an outer husk like common corn. In some of the wild and uncultivated parts of Mexico, the Primitive or natural corn can still be found growing wild. It is quite curious and valuable for exhibition purposes, and attracts great attention wherever it is seen. Some stalks bear as many as 20 ears. Per pkt. 10c. Specimen ear for 40c, postpaid.

[Image entitled, "PRIMITIVE OR HUSK CORN."]


DWARF EMERALD.--Thls new variety which we introduced is the result of a cross between Dwarf Evergreen and California Golden. Stalk is short, brush long, straight and of handsome green color, almost all of it being suitable for hurl. Per lb. 30c, 3lbs. 75c; by freight, 101bs. $1.50, 25lbs. $3.00,100 lbs. $9.00.

CALIFORNIA GOLDEN.--Carefully selected and improved so that the brush is straight and long, a very large proportion of it being suitable for hurl. Of fine quality, light green color, turning to light yellow when allowed to become too ripe. Per lb. 25c, 3Ibs. 65c; by freight 10 Ibs. 60c, 25lbs. $1.25, 100 Ibs. $4.00.

EVERGREEN.--Largely grown in western states. Brush noted for fine quality, good length and handsome appearance. Per lb. 25c, 3lbs. 65c; by freight, 10 lbs. 65c, 25lbs. $1.40, 100 lbs. $4.50.

DWARF.--Popular in some sections; matures late. Per lb. 25c, 3 lbs 65c; by freight, 10 lbs. 75c, 25 lbs. $1.50, 100 lbs. $5.00.


Last edit 6 days ago by jbrown500
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