


Status: Incomplete

[Image, Top left - A large stone in a garden setting inscribed with the words ESTABLISHED 1865]

Fortyeight Years Successful

Des Moines, Iowa, January, 1913.

To Our Customers:
The year 1912 was the most successful in the history of our house, and for this we are extremely grateful to our thousands of friends, who have made this possible with their confidence and patronage. We are delighted, too, with the thought that our patrons have harvested bountiful crops because it means that there will be a continued advance in the standard of living among our people and an added appreciation of the purity and quality of our CHOICE IOWA SEEDS.

The people of the United States are continuosly advancing and are demanding in all lines better service. Competition among business houses is no longer simply a question of selling price but the larger competition is now based on quality. It is in this competition we want a place, and it is with a view to giving friends and patrons better gardens, better farms, and better homes that we want to be known as


We want )'our trade on the combined barll. Of quality and
price: Quality tI.el. pdel' next. 'Ve have bel'n In buainellll
many yean!. we .re growe ra or .eed. and we know whal COU
of production III all It \ '11..11" from yell. 10 yea r. We know
whlLt II co.t. to maintain and Increue our plant and "'hal It
COIIt. t o operate eacb .e..... on. \\'e might furnllh eeeda at
as JOIl will DOle hr tbe followlnll";
lower prlcea If we would b. con tent 10 lAve all the crop. for
aeed In"ead or cullln~ clon-Iy to maintain I'xcellenee and
purUy; If we were willing 10 employ chea p. unakilled labo.
and lorego the work required to elean and grade our 81oeka;
Ir WI' would reduce lh\' luma of monl')" expended to keep our
plant to Ita hlsheat etllelency and for Iha purpoa\'ll of 1\'IIIIng
and crop Inapeetlon. ,\'ll believe that our rrlend a ... ant Ih e
\'I'fy beal lIenlee they can obtain. and a.e willing to pay a
fair price to. luch aervlce " honeatly rendered. W. know
from tUta covl'flng many yea .. Ihal our ae""l are nOI auT·
pUal'd In quality and Ihal lor Ihe quality Riven our prlcl'l
Aft.er lb.e IflOd am'l'N e:Qlrllne 11, tHt Ie, or b . .el~ IMpeeled and
are very low. You don't wanl poor 'I'eda at any price. and
t.u~ b, \baSUl\e Seed iMI""I'tor. tbe State lk....I1I!1~. 0 ' tbe D. S.
all 'I'e uk III a mooe.nle return ror our etl'orla 10 lupply nut
Departmeat of A/rrk:III1U"," TIKI! ~ bolh~JudUt. If their rePQf"l,
qua.lIty . took .. not only In aeedll bUI In all the varioul linea
0. test !II !lOt ~l$f""I0", or If for 1111' ...»OD. 0' wltbout aDY ~
we handle. Our Croll'l thll year aTO gl'ne.ally good. though
8OD.,,,,, want toO return lballOed toD~ wllblD teD da)-. f.-om date re10m", few Iteml are rathl'r ShOTt, hut we belle\'e we have
ech·ed. we wm ... tum )·ou. !n01I"7 ,lTI)'lIlnl:r wltbout Qlllbbllll8".
ample IItockl ror our trade. and .ollc lt your ordeTa. believing
Can .... ' olra. be f.lre.1
yOU will be more than aatl.ned with reaulta.
~:. T. Pr:'IICII:. !nd "Ioe Pru..
J. N. ALBaiOIlT. Trea8.
0110. L. K!;1KTZWEJL, Sec.
CII...I..8- N. P.f.O" PTI.".

,oe"",A",,,,,,-=S,a,',,,e III_11orderlDft
Seed Oorn, Clo'l'c. seed. Or anr o~be.
from UI. ... 'OU .re prol.eCtOO hr our


Plant Orde nJ: OrQ", .. fOr p'a",- will be 1I11A<! as e&rb III II.e .0Ti....
.. w,,8(ln.Id~. IIMre J08t'nd Ihcm. It on:!",""" to. hn·
wea,IIe. u.e)' will be Mill al pnmb&ller', rI.1<..
S mall Ord ers: We lalle palaa to 1111 order8 prompll7 and corTe('l1r.
nO mat,er If only for b,n 0 ... pacllelol aeeda. but we
f"t(tUeII'lb., p'Qnl ord,ra &mQnut 10 ..
allel ""rae.., •• OCI<
~ .'1.....1 r.o O!ell\l." olhe ....11Ie tbo,.tII IIll<101.la 1_ 10 ua.
Wl!,hal... blpmellt III M'I'OrIl


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