


Status: Complete

[image1: beans] BEANS [image2: beans]
[caption1:] STRINGLESS GREEN POD DWARF BUSH VARIETIES: (One pound [will] sow 50 feet of drill.) Dwarf or bush beans require no support and may be planted in drills or hills. They do best if not crowded. Beans are tender annuals and cannot be planted until danger of frost is past. Do not plant more than two inches deep. Never cultivate when the plants are wet. [caption2:] IMPROVED GOLDEN WAX
IMPROVED GOLDEN WAX: The most popular variety and this popularity is due largely to the fact that the strain we have is a great improvement on the old Golden Wax, having larger pods and being more prolific. This improved stock is one of the handsomest beans we have ever seen, the pods a rich golden yellow color and of perfect shape and rust proof. Best for family or market garden. Packet $0.10, 1/4 lb $0.15 lb, $0.50 postpaid. Not prepaid: 3 lbs $1.20, 10 lbs $3.80, 25 lbs or over $0.35 per lb.
CHALLENGE BLACK WAX: This strain of Black Wax is in our opinion superior to that generally offered. Pods tender, round, fleshy and stringless. (See illustration below.) Packet $0.10, 1/4 lb $0.15, lb $0.50 postpaid. Not prepaid: 3 lbs $1.20, 10 lbs $3.80, 25 lbs or over $0.35 per lb.
STRINGLESS GREEN POD: A stringless green pod bush bean. Surpasses all others in crips, tender flavor. Finely shaped, long green pods, absolutely stringless; ready to market two weeks earlier than Valentines. Of immense value to market gardeners and amateurs who seek an early bean. Packet $0.10, 1/4 lb $0.15 lb, $0.50 postpaid. Not prepaid: 3 lbs $1.20, 10 lbs $3.50, 25 lbs or over $0.30 per lb. [image3: beans] BRITTLE WAX: Claimed to be earlier than Golden Wax. Plant is a strong grower with large foliage and very productive. Pods are nearly straight, rather broad, solid and four to six inches long. Pods are stringless and the quality is excellent. Packet $0.10, 1/4 lb $0.15, lb $0.60 postpaid. Not prepaid: 3 lbs $1.50, 10 lbs $4.50, 25 lbs or over $0.40 per lb.
BOUNTIFUL: Vines strong, upright, abundant heavy foliage. The pods are thick and broad and entirely stringless, and produced in greater profusion than any other bush bean. Resembles Yellow Six Weeks in habit of growth. Packet $0.10, 1/4 lb $0.15, lb $0.50 postpaid. Not prepaid: 3 lbs $1.20, 10 lbs $3.50, 25 lbs or over $0.30 per lb. [caption3:] BRITTLE WAX DAVIS WHITE WAX: The best white seeded wax-pod variety. While other sorts may have superior qualities this bean does not show discoloration when cooked, and for that reason is preferred for canning. Packet $0.10, 1/4 lb $0.15, lb $0.60 postpaid. Not prepaid: 3 lbs $1.50.
FULL MEASURE: A new variety which is a cross of Refugee and Yosemite Mammoth Wax. Is very prolific and the pods are large, handsome, of dark green color, and entirely stringless. Matures as early and equal in quality to Stringless Green Pod, surpassing that variety in productiveness. Packet $0.10, 1/4 lb $0.15, lb $0.50 postpaid.
[image4: beans] IMPROVED EARLY VALENTINE: Standard green pod variety. Produces the true, round curved pods abundantly. Unexcelled in quality and uniformity of ripening; nearly the whole crop can be taken at one picking, usually within 35 days after planting. Packet $0.10, 1/4 lb $0.15, lb $0.50 postpaid. Not prepaid: 3 lbs $1.20, 10 lbs $3.50, 25 lbs or over $0.30 per lb. [image5: beans]
[caption4:] CHALLENGE BLACK WAX IMPROVED NAVY, or Boston Pea: An improvement over the old-time Navy Bean. Packet $0.10, 1/4 lb $0.15, lb $0.35 postpaid. Not prepaid: 3 lbs $0.75, 10 lbs $2.25, 25 lbs or over $0.20 per lb. [caption5:] IMPROVED EARLY VALENTINE
PROLIFIC TREE, or California Branch: A valuable variety for field culture. Grows about 20 inches high, has stiff, upright branches and bears immensely. The beans resemble White Navy. Packet $0.10, 1/4 lb $0.15, lb $0.35 postpaid. Not prepaid: 3 lbs $0.75, 10 lbs $2.25, 25 lbs or over $0.20 per lb.

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