Golden Harvest 1900





Golden Harvest Catalogue of Seeds Plants Bulbs for Fall Planting

Iowa Seed Co. Des Moines, Iowa.

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Golden Harvest Catalogue

To Our Customers:

The success of the seed dealer depends on the success of his customers and in looking over our spring order it is pleasing to note that they not only averaged larger in size than previous years, but there were also far more of them than ever before. and we therefore most sincerely thank our customers for having given us the most prosperous season that we have ever had. The people have learned to have confidence in our Choice Iowa Seeds and know that they can be depended on. This small catalogue is sent to only a few of our customers whom we believe would be specially intereested in it, and we request that you thoroughly examine all parts of this brief list.

There are many things which can be planted to advantage in the fall and everyone who loves flowers should set out at least one bed of Dutch Bulbs for early spring blooming. They prolong the season of garden flowers about two months. They are also the main dependence for winter blooming in the house. Autumn is also a favorable season for making lawns and setting out strawberry plants.

There wlll be an immense demand for seed wheat this year owing to the fact that our special varieties of winter wheat have yielded so immensely during the past three seasons when compared to the older sorts. The average yield of wheat in this state for the past ten years has been only fourteen bushels per acre, but our improved Turkish Red Winter Wheat produced the wonderful, prodigious crop of SIXTY BUSHELS PEP ACRE lacking only twelve pounds. Just think of that for a crop; fifty-nine and four-fifths bushels per acre on a carefully measured field.

START RIGHT this year by purchasing our best Defiance Turkish Red Seed Wheat and prepare for a big crop in 1903. There will be a great call for it. Order early.

PERMANENT PASTURES Fall is undoubtedly THE season for sowing most kinds of grass seeds. Unless the weather is extremely dry they usually do better than when sown in the spring; they have the advantage of several months' growing weather, they come up early and vigorously in the spring and make a full crop the first year. Read our description of the various kinds and especially of our mixtures for permanent pastures and meadows and don't fail to try them this year.

SUGGESTIONS TO CUSTOMERS Please order early. We ship all heavy goods by freight by the most direct and cheapest route, unless otherwise Instructed Our prices in this catalogue include cost of bags for shipping in and delivering on cars at Des Moines. Purchaser pays tbe freight,but as wheat is shipped at fourth class and timothy and clover at third rates,the cost of transportation is small. Our terms are Cash with order. We refer you by permission to the Valley National Bank of this city, or to any commercial agency as to our responsibility. We do not care to make shipments C. O. D. unless at least one-third of the amount is sent with order as a guarantee of good faith. If you prefer, however, you can have your banker or some responsible merchant there guarantee payment and you can pay on arrival of goods. We prepay postage on plants and bulbs.

ABOUT WARRANTING. -We thoroughly test all our seeds and nothing is sent out that we do not believe to be good in every respect. Still, when it is considered how many are the contingencies on which the success of any crop depends, such as sowing too deep or too shallow, too wet or dry soil, unfavorable weather, insects, etc,our customers will readily see that it would be sheer folly for anyone to warrant them to grow and produce a perfect crop, and we want it plainly understood that while we exercise great care to have all seeds pure and reliable, and also true to name, we give no warranty express or implied.

Our experience of over a QUARTER OF A CENTURY in the seed business should convince you of our ability to please customers.

IOWA SEED CO., Des Moines, Iowa.

GERMAN SEED CATALOGUE.-Published In January, ask for a copy If Interested.

Dwarf Essex Rape The great summer and autumn crop. Of comparatively recent introduction in this country, but has proved to be tbe MOST VALUABLE FORAGE PLANT IN EXISTEXCE for many sections of tho country. It is easily grown everywhere, can be sown early with a grain crop, but is usually sown in June or July in a field with corn or potatoes for summer or faIl pasture. Can be sown as late as September, as it is ready for pasturing in about a month after sowing. It produces a wonderful amount of feed. While it is the ideal food for sheep, still it is of equal value for hogs and cattle, as they are very fond of it, and it is extremely cheap, having yielded twenty tons of fodder per acre. It is well to make several sowings during the season. Can be sown in stubble after oats, wheat, etc., and makes a fine fall pasture. Our seed is the best quality imported direct from Essex, England, and cannot be surpassed. Per pkt. 5c. lb. 30c, 3 Lbs. 75c, postpaid. By freight; 5 lbs. 30c. 10 lbs. 80c, 25 lbs. $1.75, 100 lbs. $6.50.

Last edit 8 months ago by jamesw


SEED WHEAT. There are thousands of farmers in every county in Iowa and also in the surrounding states who think they cannot grow wheat profitably simply because they have tried some of the old worn out varieties with little success. During the past few years many farmers have proved that there was more

[First Column] Money in Growing Wheat than in any other crop, and it all comes from sowing the improved varieties that we are offering. The advantage of growing winter wheat lies in the fact that the ground can be prepared and seed sown at a time when most of the farmers have time to spare and the crop thereafter takes care of itself until harvest. It is a great advantage to have the crop in so that it will not take time during the busy spring season. Another thing is that our varieties of winter wheat usually far outyield any kind of spring wheat. They mature early and thus escape some disastrous summer storms. They are heard and make a choice quality of flour.

The advantage of using the new and improved varieties cannot be overestimated. Hon. Isaac Morton is authority for the statement that "One quart of a new variety of wheat taken into Preble county, Ohio, had in nine years benefited the farmers of that county more than $100,000.00 over what they would have had if they had continued raising the old varieties." Just think of the wonderful increase which would add that immense amount to the value of the crop without added expense to an improved variety of wheat will bring rich returns and may the foundation for a gain in your own crop which will amount to thousands of dollars. There are many eastern varieties, however, which in spite of the eloquent descriptions, high testimonials and great records inother localities, prove utter failures here, as our soil and elimate are not at all adapted to their culture. On the other hand any variety which will withstand the severe seasons here will almost without exception prove of superior merit elsewhere.

[Picture to the right of column one] DEFIANCE WINTER WHEAT.

[Column One] DON'T SOW WHEAT of the old worn out varieties, which are not as reliable as they used to be. Don't sow wheat that has not been thoroughly recleaned. Our electric cleaning machinery cannot be surpassed. Change your seed this year by obtaining your seed wheat from some place away from your

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