Beard, Betsey : Coroner's Inquisition, Arlington County





District of Columbia Alexandria County Sct. Inquisition taken and indented at the House of Shucks in the County aforesaid the 17 day of March 1824 before Chr. Neale one of the Coroners of the United States for the County aforesaid, upon the view of the Body of Betsey Beard - late of the County aforesaid, then and there lying dead, and upon the oaths and affirmations of Saml. Mark, Charles Pascoe, L. Masterson, Jno. Johnson Ths Prettyman, Jno. H. Runnelly, Horace Field, Jno Potter, Jno. C. Groverman, Jno Furlong, Ths. Mount, Js. C. Barry, B. E. Harrison, Js. English & Rt. Brocket Junr good and lawful Men of the County aforesaid, who being sworn and charged to enquire on the part of the said United States, when, where and after what manner the said Betsy Beard came to her death, do say upon their oaths and affirmations by intemperance. Given from under our hands & seals this 17th day of March 1824 John Furlong {Seal} Thomas Mount {Seal} Jas C Barry {Seal} B. E. Harrison {Seal} James English {Seal} Robt. Brocket {Seal} Samuel Mark, Foreman {Seal} Charles Pascoe {Seal} Laughlin Masterson {Seal} John Johnson {Seal} Thomas G. Prettyman {Seal} J. H. Runnelly {Seal} Horace Field {Seal} John Potter {Seal} John C. Groverman {Seal} Chr. Neale Coroner {Seal}

Last edit about 1 month ago by kmh33469


Inquisition on Betsey Beard Mar. [March] 17 1824


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