Eleven [gap] Nov. 1st, 1933 Four Miles South-East from Shenandoah, County of Page, State of Virginia
An inquisition, held by Dr. Virgil Hammer, Corner of said County, upon the view of the body of Dessie Meadows, lying where dead. The following witnesses, being summoned & duly sworn to inquire when where & by what means she came to her death. 1st witness: John W. Meadows, deposes as follows: Elkton P.R.F.D no/. age 48. Occupation Farmer Question: When did you last see your daughter alive? Answer: 12 Oclock noon yesterday where my son and I ate dinner with her. She was cheerful. Question: Where did you go after dinner? Who was with you? Answer: I went to pick up potatoes. My son and Archie Lam were with me. Question: When did you get home?
Answer: About 5 P.M. I stopped to feed my chickens that were between the potato patch and the house. My son went to the house to help sister was usual. He Came back in a hurry, saying, "Father, Dessie is dead." He went back again and called to me that she was shot. I called the man that was assisting us, he got of by the horse and came in the house with us. Question: Did your daughter visit around much? Answer. Yes - but only to go to Church. Question: Was she a blue nature? Answer: No, very cheerful at all times. Question: When did you first know your son had a pistol? Answer-About a month ago and he kept it upstairs under his pillow. He told me he bought it at Winchester where he had been picking apples. John W. Meadows.
2nd Witness: Russell Meadows, deposes as follows: Elkton, Va R.F.D.Wol. age 20 Occupation Farmhand. Question: Where did you last see your sister alive? Was she despondent? Answer. yesterday at noon, and she seemed to be cheeerful and happy. After dinner she went with her eggs to get oil and I did not see her anymore until I came home and found her in the steps dead but not cold. She got my pistol I think. I found it on the bed. Question: Did you have this pistol registered? Answer: No. [indent] Russell Meadows
3rd Witness: Sam Raymond Meadows. Deposes as follows: Elkton Va R.F.D. Age 30 Question: Did you know Dessie Meadows? Answer: Yes. Question: Did she get along with her father and brother? ans: yes, ahs e he was always cheerful. [indent] Sam Raymond Meadows
4th Witness: Mrs Dorthy Lam, deposes as follows: Elkton Va R.F.D. age 42 Occupation: Housework
Question: When did you last see Dessie Meadows alive? Answer: yesterday about 3.30P.M. at her grandmothers. Question: Was she cheerful? Answer: Yes. She went to meet the truck for oil. She was always friendly and talkative. Question: Do you think anyone shother? Answer: No. [indent] Dorthy Lam.
5th Witness: Archie Lam. deposes as follows: Elkton Va age 22 -Occupation farmer. Question: When did you see Dessie last alive? Answer: At her grandmother's about 1P.m. yesterday she was cheerful. I helped to dig potatoes for her father. Question: Did you hear any shot? Answer: No. I left on my horse and her brother came running saying to his father that Dessie had killed herself. We found her in the steps dead.
[indent] Archie Lam.
After viewing the body and hearing these witnesses, I do say that Dessie Meadows came to her death by a pistol shot either suicidal or accidental on October 31, 1933. Given under my hand and seal this the 1st day of November 1933.
[indent] Virgil Hammer [indent] Coroner of Page Co. Virginia