McKnight, Rebecca: Coroner's Inquisition, Page County



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An inquisition taken at one of Page Shenk's Cottages For Tourists, about four and one half miles east of Luray, Page County, Virginia at 1:40 A.M. on the 8th of September, in the year of 1944 , before George M. Long, Coroner of the said county, upon the view of the body of Mrs. Rebecca Mcknight, age 54, of 4586 G Street, Philadelphia, Pa., there lying dead. Joseph J. , husband, of the same address, states that his wife called him about 1 A. M. and complained of shortness of breath, within afew minutes she had expired. Upon the evidence given by the husband and examination of the above body the Coroner is of the opinion that the above Mrs. Rebecca Mcknight came to her death from natural causes of disease, a coronary thromboasis, a heart condition, which was fatal in this case shortly after 1 A. M. on the above date. Signed:[doctors signature] George H. Long, M.D. Coroner of the County of the page, in the state of Virginia Stept. 8, 1944 [ Water mark behind doctors signature was illegible]

Last edit 28 days ago by Sidney.Moser
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Inquisition Mrs. Rebecca M Knight Sept 8, 1944 Filed in the clerk's Office Page County Circuit Court Sept. 9 1944 Testes Edne E. Harper Deputy Clerk

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Last edit 28 days ago by Sidney.Moser
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