Naturalization Records

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Naturalization Records

Naturalization records typically include affidavits, reports for naturalization, declarations of intent to become United States citizens, and notices of application for admission of citizenship. The reports are narrative accounts made by applicants summarizing their journey to the United States. The declarations of intent record the person's name, place of birth, age, country of previous citizenship, renunciation of allegiance and fidelity to the nation of which the person is currently a citizen, and the date the intention was sworn. Also found in the collection are affidavits filed with the reports and declarations. They were given by individuals who knew the applicant and could vouch for their loyalty to the United States. This collection consists of loose naturalization records and legislative petitions held by the Library of Virginia. It does not represent all of the naturalization records in the Library's collection, many of which are not digitized. See the Naturalization Records for Virginians research guide to learn more about these records and to access records held by other institutions.


Fenary, Patrick: Naturalization Record, Richmond City

Fenary, Patrick: Naturalization Record, Richmond City

2 pages: 50% complete (100% transcribed, 50% needs review)
Kelly, Timothy: Naturalization Record, Richmond City

Kelly, Timothy: Naturalization Record, Richmond City

2 pages: 50% complete (100% transcribed, 50% needs review)
Kenker, Peter David: Naturalization Record, Richmond City

Kenker, Peter David: Naturalization Record, Richmond City

2 pages: 50% complete (100% transcribed, 50% needs review)
King, Windling: Naturalization Record, Richmond City

King, Windling: Naturalization Record, Richmond City

2 pages: 50% complete (100% transcribed, 50% needs review)
Klein, Joseph: Naturalization Record, Richmond City

Klein, Joseph: Naturalization Record, Richmond City

2 pages: 50% complete (100% transcribed, 50% needs review)
Kneckstedt, Hinrich: Naturalization Record, Richmond City

Kneckstedt, Hinrich: Naturalization Record, Richmond City

3 pages: 0% complete (100% transcribed, 100% needs review)
Knop, Julius Henry: Naturalization Record, Richmond City

Knop, Julius Henry: Naturalization Record, Richmond City

3 pages: 0% complete (100% transcribed, 100% needs review)
Kreft, Christopher: Naturalization Record, Richmond City

Kreft, Christopher: Naturalization Record, Richmond City

2 pages: 0% complete (100% transcribed, 100% needs review)
Lehmann, Adolph: Naturalization Record, Richmond City

Lehmann, Adolph: Naturalization Record, Richmond City

2 pages: 0% complete (0% transcribed)
Displaying works 1 - 10 of 70 in total

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