


Status: Complete

First Name Middle Name Last Name Alias Registration number Date of registration Age Gender Color Height- Feet Height - Inches Physical description Free status Where emancipated Who emancipated Previous place of registration Date of birth Place of birth Name of mother Additional information
Jenny Bowman 477 1823-03-12 17 Female Dark Complexion 5 1 has a scar under her right Jaw bone born free/free born
William Bowman 478 1823-03-12 20 bright complexion 5 6 a scar on the first joint of the fore finger of the left hand born free/free born
William Abba 479 1823-03-12 43 Male Black 5 2.375 a scar on his right eyebrow and one on the left of his forehead emancipated H. Featherstone Senr
Joshua Scott 480 1823-03-13 40 Bright Yellow complexion 5 6.25 Blue eyes and straight hair born free/free born
Polly Bowman 481 1823-03-13 34 Female Bright Yellow 5 A mole on the right side of her nose born free/free born
Mary Ann Edwards 482 1823-03-13 50 Bright Yellow 5 4 has no apparent scar or flesh mar born free/free born
Geo: Banks 483 1823-03-13 21 Male Mulatto 5 9.25 A scar under his right eye emancipated by will Alexander Banks
John Brown Edwards 484 1823-03-13 26 Male Bright Yellow 5 9.375 A scar on the end of his chin and one on the end of his middle finger of the left hand born free/free born
Thomas Banks 485 1823-05-12 23 Male Mulatto 5 10.5 A scar on the out side of his right hand emancipated by will Alexander Banks decd
John Stewart 486 1823-06-09 18 Male Dark brown 5 8 A scar on both of his knees and one over his right eye born free/free born
Polly Smith 487 1823-07-14 36 brown 5 6.5 A scar on the left wrist born free/free born
Susan Smith 488 1823-07-14 19 Female Dark brown 5 0.75 A small mole on her forehead, and a scar on the right side of the right eye born free/free born
Judy Martin 489 1823-07-14 21 Female Dark brown 5 5.5 A scar on the outside of her left arm, one over the left eye born free/free born
Betsey Fendley 490 1823-07-14 27 Light Brown 4 8.5 A scar on the left arm born free/free born
Nancy Smith 491 1823-07-14 55 Mulatto 5 2 Several scars on the left arm born free/free born

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