First Name | Middle Name | Last Name | Alias | Registration number | Date of registration | Age | Gender | Color | Height- Feet | Height - Inches | Physical description | Free status | Where emancipated | Who emancipated | Previous place of registration | Date of birth | Place of birth | Name of mother | Additional information |
Chody | Grimes | 431 | 1841-05-17 | 39 | Female | yellow complexion or mulatto | 5 | 1.5 | has 2 moles on the right side of her chin has a scar on the under part of her left arm several small ones on the same arm. One small scar over left eye brow, one on the chin and a small one on her right arm no other worthy notice | ||||||||||
Henry | [illegible] | 432 | 1841-06-16 | 39 | Male | mul. [mulatto] | 5 | 5.5 | has longed curled hair, high cheek bones, quite a long forehead, a small [illegible] or gap between his upper fore teeth. Has a scar on the left great toe the nail of which is nearly gone. No other scars on head face or hands worthy of notice. | emancipated by deed | Ro. P. Waller Exer. of Benja. [Benjamin] C. Waller dead | Consent to remain as freeman in county 20th June 1840. Registered 16 Nov 1840. | |||||||
Margaret | Banks | 433 | 1841-06-21 | 23 | Female | tawney | 5 | 6 | has a scar on the inner part of the left arm and has long bushy hair no other scar on head face or hand worthy notice. |
First Name | Middle Name | Last Name | Alias | Registration number | Date of registration | Age | Gender | Color | Height- Feet | Height - Inches | Physical description | Free status | Where emancipated | Who emancipated | Previous place of registration | Date of birth | Place of birth | Name of mother | Additional information |
Thomas | Combs | 434 | 1841-06-21 | 21 | Male | mulatto | 5 | 9 | has a small scar on the left side of the forehead and has one on the side of his right foot, long hair no other scars worthy notice. | Renewed 24th July 1844. | |||||||||
James | Combs | 435 | 1841-06-21 | 21 | Male | mulatto | 5 | 8 | has two small scars on the left wrist and one on the right arm. his hair is nearly straight. no other scars worthy notice. | Renewed 18th July 1856. | |||||||||
Alley | Alice Roberts | 435 | 1841-08-16 | 22 | Female | mulatto | 5 | 1 | has thick pouting lips large teeth black eyes, a small scar on the centre of the forehead and a small mole on the left side of the chin no other scar worthy notice | ||||||||||
Matilda | Banks | 436 | 1841-08-18 | 22 | Female | bright mulatto | 5 | 5.5 | has a scar just above the left eye also one on the back of the left hand, has thick lips & gentle pleasant countenance no other scars worthy notice. | born free/free born |
First Name | Middle Name | Last Name | Alias | Registration number | Date of registration | Age | Gender | Color | Height- Feet | Height - Inches | Physical description | Free status | Where emancipated | Who emancipated | Previous place of registration | Date of birth | Place of birth | Name of mother | Additional information |
Susanna | Jenkins | Flemming | 437 | 1841-08-16 | 26 | Female | 5 | 4 | has long bushy hair, very likely with a small mole. On the left cheek has a small scar on the inner part of the left wrist no other scars worthy notice | born free/free born | |||||||||
James | Roberts | 438 | 1842-02-21 | 17 | Male | light complexion | 5 | broad flat nose, fine bushy hair. Has a scar on the outside of left leg above the ancle - no other visible scars worthy of notice. | born free/free born | born of free parents | |||||||||
Adolphus | Houston | Jadah | 439 | 22 | Male | bright mulatto | 5 | 9.25 | has two scars on the inner part of his right leg. one on his right hip & the nail on the fore finger of his right hand has been injured. He has light full eyes with thick eye brows & a full [illegible] of hair which is inclined to curl- no other scars on head face or hands worthy of notice. | born free/free born | York County | born of free parents | |||||||
Wm. [William] | Ash | 440 | 1843-04-17 | 22 | Male | dark complexion | 5 | 5.5 | has a scar over the right eye brow & one on the under part of right wrist, [illegible] [illegible] - no other scars on the head face or hands worthy of notice. | ||||||||||
Stephen | Hill | 441 | 1843-06-19 | 21 | Male | dark complexion | 5 | 6.75 | Has a scar on the right side of his forehead & a burn on the right arm long bushy hair rather a [illegible] countenance no other scar on the head face on hand worthy of notice. |
First Name | Middle Name | Last Name | Alias | Registration number | Date of registration | Age | Gender | Color | Height- Feet | Height - Inches | Physical description | Free status | Where emancipated | Who emancipated | Previous place of registration | Date of birth | Place of birth | Name of mother | Additional information |
Legrande | [Orvill] | 442 | 1843-07-17 | 24 | Male | bright mulatto | 5 | 3.25 | long straight black hair, large whiskers, light grey eyes; scar on right thumb, one on left arm, small ones on right breast resembling moles, tons near the toes of left foot, wears ear rings | born free/free born | York County | born of free parents, 24 or 25 years old | |||||||
Ann | Maria | Jenkins | 443 | 1843-11-20 | 25 | Male | very dark | large full eyes, scar on left shoulder, one on left of breast, scar on foot and on right thumb | born free/free born | York County | between 25 and 30 years old | ||||||||
Faithy | Williams | 444 | 1844-02-19 | 26 | Female | tauny complexion | 5 | 8.25 | has [illegible] full face, lost one of her front upper teeth & has a scar on under lip; no other scars on head face or hands worth noting | York County | renewed 10 Sept. 1851 | ||||||||
[Cary] | Cole | 445 | 1844-02-19 | 21 | Male | very black | 5 | 9 | full eyes, large features & short hair; has a long scar on under lip, a small scar on left hand, long on right arm; no other scars on head face or hands worth noting | renewed 27th April 1847; renewed 15 [Apl] 1850 | |||||||||
John | Williams | 446 | 1844-02-19 | 25 | Male | tauny complexion | 5 | 11.5 | quite a full face, scar on right wrist & one on left foot; no other scars on head face or hands worth noticing |
First Name | Middle Name | Last Name | Alias | Registration number | Date of registration | Age | Gender | Color | Height- Feet | Height - Inches | Physical description | Free status | Where emancipated | Who emancipated | Previous place of registration | Date of birth | Place of birth | Name of mother | Additional information |
Joanna | Jenkins | 447 | 1844-05-20 | 25 | Female | very black | 5 | 5.5 | scar on right hand & one on left foot, bushy hair; no other scars on head face or hands worthy of note | York County | |||||||||
William | Webb | 448 | 1844-05-20 | 21 | Male | black | 5 | 11 | has bushy hair, has a long scar on right arm & one on left arm & a scar on forehead | York County | |||||||||
John | Alvis | 449 | 1844-05-20 | 21 | Male | tauny complexion | 5 | 11.5 | has a scar on right arm | York County | |||||||||
Charlotte | Bowser | 450 | 1844-08-19 | 21 | Female | tauny complexion | 4 | 11 | has long hair which she wears tucked up with a comb, has a small scar on right elbow | born free/free born | York County | born of free parents | |||||||
John | Francis | 451 | 1844-08-19 | 27 | Male | tauny complexion | 5 | 10.75 | long hair, scar on right cheek | York County | |||||||||
Susan | Banks | 452 | 1844-08-19 | 27 | Female | tauny complexion | 5 | 2 | long hair, no scars | York County | |||||||||
Martha | Hopson | 453 | 1844-10-21 | 24 | Female | mulatto | 5 | 0 | long hair, has a scar on left side of chin | York County |