York Co. "Register of Free Negroes", 1831-1850



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First Name Middle Name Last Name Alias Registration number Date of registration Age Gender Color Height- Feet Height - Inches Physical description Free status Where emancipated Who emancipated Previous place of registration Date of birth Place of birth Name of mother Additional information
Chody Grimes 431 1841-05-17 39 Female yellow complexion or mulatto 5 1.5 has 2 moles on the right side of her chin has a scar on the under part of her left arm several small ones on the same arm. One small scar over left eye brow, one on the chin and a small one on her right arm no other worthy notice
Henry [illegible] 432 1841-06-16 39 Male mul. [mulatto] 5 5.5 has longed curled hair, high cheek bones, quite a long forehead, a small [illegible] or gap between his upper fore teeth. Has a scar on the left great toe the nail of which is nearly gone. No other scars on head face or hands worthy of notice. emancipated by deed Ro. P. Waller Exer. of Benja. [Benjamin] C. Waller dead Consent to remain as freeman in county 20th June 1840. Registered 16 Nov 1840.
Margaret Banks 433 1841-06-21 23 Female tawney 5 6 has a scar on the inner part of the left arm and has long bushy hair no other scar on head face or hand worthy notice.
Last edit about 1 year ago by Rpyles
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First Name Middle Name Last Name Alias Registration number Date of registration Age Gender Color Height- Feet Height - Inches Physical description Free status Where emancipated Who emancipated Previous place of registration Date of birth Place of birth Name of mother Additional information
Thomas Combs 434 1841-06-21 21 Male mulatto 5 9 has a small scar on the left side of the forehead and has one on the side of his right foot, long hair no other scars worthy notice. Renewed 24th July 1844.
James Combs 435 1841-06-21 21 Male mulatto 5 8 has two small scars on the left wrist and one on the right arm. his hair is nearly straight. no other scars worthy notice. Renewed 18th July 1856.
Alley Alice Roberts 435 1841-08-16 22 Female mulatto 5 1 has thick pouting lips large teeth black eyes, a small scar on the centre of the forehead and a small mole on the left side of the chin no other scar worthy notice
Matilda Banks 436 1841-08-18 22 Female bright mulatto 5 5.5 has a scar just above the left eye also one on the back of the left hand, has thick lips & gentle pleasant countenance no other scars worthy notice. born free/free born
Last edit about 1 year ago by Rpyles
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First Name Middle Name Last Name Alias Registration number Date of registration Age Gender Color Height- Feet Height - Inches Physical description Free status Where emancipated Who emancipated Previous place of registration Date of birth Place of birth Name of mother Additional information
Susanna Jenkins Flemming 437 1841-08-16 26 Female 5 4 has long bushy hair, very likely with a small mole. On the left cheek has a small scar on the inner part of the left wrist no other scars worthy notice born free/free born
James Roberts 438 1842-02-21 17 Male light complexion 5 broad flat nose, fine bushy hair. Has a scar on the outside of left leg above the ancle - no other visible scars worthy of notice. born free/free born born of free parents
Adolphus Houston Jadah 439 22 Male bright mulatto 5 9.25 has two scars on the inner part of his right leg. one on his right hip & the nail on the fore finger of his right hand has been injured. He has light full eyes with thick eye brows & a full [illegible] of hair which is inclined to curl- no other scars on head face or hands worthy of notice. born free/free born York County born of free parents
Wm. [William] Ash 440 1843-04-17 22 Male dark complexion 5 5.5 has a scar over the right eye brow & one on the under part of right wrist, [illegible] [illegible] - no other scars on the head face or hands worthy of notice.
Stephen Hill 441 1843-06-19 21 Male dark complexion 5 6.75 Has a scar on the right side of his forehead & a burn on the right arm long bushy hair rather a [illegible] countenance no other scar on the head face on hand worthy of notice.
Last edit about 1 year ago by Rpyles


First Name Middle Name Last Name Alias Registration number Date of registration Age Gender Color Height- Feet Height - Inches Physical description Free status Where emancipated Who emancipated Previous place of registration Date of birth Place of birth Name of mother Additional information
Legrande [Orvill] 442 1843-07-17 24 Male bright mulatto 5 3.25 long straight black hair, large whiskers, light grey eyes; scar on right thumb, one on left arm, small ones on right breast resembling moles, tons near the toes of left foot, wears ear rings born free/free born York County born of free parents, 24 or 25 years old
Ann Maria Jenkins 443 1843-11-20 25 Male very dark large full eyes, scar on left shoulder, one on left of breast, scar on foot and on right thumb born free/free born York County between 25 and 30 years old
Faithy Williams 444 1844-02-19 26 Female tauny complexion 5 8.25 has [illegible] full face, lost one of her front upper teeth & has a scar on under lip; no other scars on head face or hands worth noting York County renewed 10 Sept. 1851
[Cary] Cole 445 1844-02-19 21 Male very black 5 9 full eyes, large features & short hair; has a long scar on under lip, a small scar on left hand, long on right arm; no other scars on head face or hands worth noting renewed 27th April 1847; renewed 15 [Apl] 1850
John Williams 446 1844-02-19 25 Male tauny complexion 5 11.5 quite a full face, scar on right wrist & one on left foot; no other scars on head face or hands worth noticing
Last edit about 1 year ago by Lydia, LVA


First Name Middle Name Last Name Alias Registration number Date of registration Age Gender Color Height- Feet Height - Inches Physical description Free status Where emancipated Who emancipated Previous place of registration Date of birth Place of birth Name of mother Additional information
Joanna Jenkins 447 1844-05-20 25 Female very black 5 5.5 scar on right hand & one on left foot, bushy hair; no other scars on head face or hands worthy of note York County
William Webb 448 1844-05-20 21 Male black 5 11 has bushy hair, has a long scar on right arm & one on left arm & a scar on forehead York County
John Alvis 449 1844-05-20 21 Male tauny complexion 5 11.5 has a scar on right arm York County
Charlotte Bowser 450 1844-08-19 21 Female tauny complexion 4 11 has long hair which she wears tucked up with a comb, has a small scar on right elbow born free/free born York County born of free parents
John Francis 451 1844-08-19 27 Male tauny complexion 5 10.75 long hair, scar on right cheek York County
Susan Banks 452 1844-08-19 27 Female tauny complexion 5 2 long hair, no scars York County
Martha Hopson 453 1844-10-21 24 Female mulatto 5 0 long hair, has a scar on left side of chin York County
Last edit about 1 year ago by Lydia, LVA
Displaying pages 41 - 45 of 81 in total