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First Name Middle Name Last Name Alias Registration number Date of registration Age Gender Color Height- Feet Height - Inches Physical description Free status Where emancipated Who emancipated Previous place of registration Date of birth Place of birth Name of mother Additional information
Abram Upshur 1638 1859-08-29 dark chestnut 5 8.5 none born free/free born 1838 Acc. Co.
Isaac Tunnell 1639 1859-08-29 dark chestnut 5 9.25 a scar over the left eye emancipated by will Acc. Co. 31 Oct 1853 Hy Tunnell 1832 No permissions granted
Margarit Logan 1640 1859-08-29 light chestnut 5 1.5 none emancipated by deed Acc. Co. 3 Apr 1851 Mary A. S. Logan 1829
Bill Poulson 1641 1859-08-29 chestnut 5 11 a scar on the forehead and another on the left wrist born free/free born 1813 Acc. Co.
Eliza Ann George 1642 1859-08-31 mulatto 4 11.75 none born free/free born 1842 Acc. Co.
Dennis Beavans 1643 1859-09-26 chestnut 5 4.25 none born free/free born 1823 Acc. Co.
Harriet Hateny 1644 1859-09-26 mulatto 5 3 none born free/free born 1826 Acc. Co.
William Harmon 1645 1859-09-26 yellow 5 10 a scar on the middle finger of the right hand near where the finger joins the hand born free/free born 1837 Acc. Co.
Leah Curtis 1646 1859-10-31 yellow 5 4.25 a small scar on the upper lip born free/free born 1824 Acc. Co.
Peter Bayly 1647 1859-10-31 dark chestnut 5 8.25 a small scar on the right hand, near the knuckle of the fore finger born free/free born - Acc. Co.
Edmund Downing 1648 1859-11-28 chestnut 5 4.5 a scar just under the mouth born free/free born 1830 Acc. Co.
Betsey Scarborough 1649 1859-11-28 chestnut 5 3 none born free/free born 1833 Acc. Co.
Bede Burton 1650 1859-11-29 dark chestnut 5 11 none emancipated by will Acco. Co. Thos. Burton 1838 Permission granted 29 of Nov 1859
Mary Burton 1651 1859-11-29 yellow 5 6 none born free/free born 1818 Acc. Co.

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