


Status: Page Status Transcribed

First Name Middle Name Last Name Alias Registration number Date of registration Age Gender Color Height- Feet Height - Inches Physical description Free status Where emancipated Who emancipated Previous place of registration Date of birth Place of birth Name of mother Additional information
Henry Corn 1042 1820-03-06 22 Male dark complection 5 5.25 a mark in the palm of his right hand a scar on right side upper part of his throat, a pit on his left cheek bone & a mark just above it near the out corner of his eye born free/free born Petersburg Re entered 2 July 1821 description same as above, 1st Jany 1824, 6 Decr 1824
Arena Giles 1043 1820-03-06 15 Female brown complection 5 1 a brown mark on right side of her nose near the corner of her Eye; several marks on her right Cheek & holes in her Ears born free/free born Petersburg Belinda Giles see 5th Octo 1830
Robert Giles 1044 1820-03-06 9 Male rather light brown complection a very light mole near the centre of upper part of his breast & one on right side of his neck just above the shoulder born free/free born 0000-01-00 Petersburg Belinda Giles renewed 13 Oct 1830
William Giles 1045 1820-03-06 7 Male rather light brown complection a slight car near the corner his left eye one on the cheek below same eye & one on his breast a little to the left from the centre born free/free born 0000-09-00 Petersburg Belinda Giles renewed 13 Jany 1835
Cornelius Giles 1046 1820-03-06 5 Male rather light brown complection has a slight scar on upper part his breast rather to the right towards the shoulder born free/free born 0000-09-00 Petersburg Belinda Giles renewed see no. 2346
Isaac Giles 1047 1820-03-06 1 Male brown complection high forehead, a slight mark or scar about midway from the left eye brow & upper part of his forehead born free/free born Petersburg Belinda Giles

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