


Status: Page Status Transcribed

First Name Middle Name Last Name Alias Registration number Date of registration Age Gender Color Height- Feet Height - Inches Physical description Free status Where emancipated Who emancipated Previous place of registration Date of birth Place of birth Name of mother Additional information
Jane Aba 1926 1831-09-13 21 Female dark complexion 4 9.5 woman of colour; has a scar on the right side of her breast born free/free born Chesterfield County Born free as appears by a certificate from the Clerk of Chesterfield County Court. Renewed 30 June 1835. Renewed 16 Mar 1838. Renewed 22 June 1844--scar over her right eye. Renewed 8 July 1851--by order of Court--scar [illegible] wart right wrist
Peggy Aba 1927 1831-09-13 43 Female dark brown complexion 4 11.5 woman of colour; has a scar on her forehead and one on her right arm near the elbow born free/free born Chesterfield County Born free as appears by a certificate from the Clerk of Chesterfield County Court.
Captain Aba 1928 1831-09-13 16 Male dark complexion 5 1.5 boy of colour; has a scar on his right arm, and another on his left thumb born free/free born Chesterfield County Peggy Aba Born free as appears by a certificate from the Clerk of Chesterfield County Court. Registered at the request of his said mother, a free woman of colour and under whose charge he is.
Abram Aba 1929 1831-09-13 13 Male dark brown complexion boy of colour; has a scar on each of his fore fingers at the first joint born free/free born Chesterfield County Peggy Aba Born free as appears by a certificate from the Clerk of Chesterfield County Court. Registered at the request of his said mother, a free woman of colour and under whose charge he is.

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