


Status: Page Status Transcribed

First Name Middle Name Last Name Alias Registration number Date of registration Age Gender Color Height- Feet Height - Inches Physical description Free status Where emancipated Who emancipated Previous place of registration Date of birth Place of birth Name of mother Additional information
Mary Ann Guilliam 2057 1831-10-03 24 Female very light complection 5 6 Small brown mole on the inner or upper side her left arm near the shoulder, with long strait dark brown hair, black eyes & very light complection such as would admit her passing as a white woman where not known born free/free born Prince George County 24 yrs old 9th March last.
Dancey Brown 2058 1831-10-04 39 Male brownish complection 5 8.25 Has a small scar in his left eye brown and three others but much larger on the outside of his left leg . born free/free born Richmond City Hustings Court
Robert Harris 2059 1831-10-04 21 Male Dark Brown Complexion 5 7.25 Has a scar on the right side of is forehead and another on the lower part of his neck to the front. born free/free born And was born free as a appears by the oath of Mary Ann Davis.
Mary Ann Mason Arnott 2060 1831-10-04 15 Female Very Light Complexion Has a faint scar near the centre of her forehead and is much freckled in the face & on back of her hand her wrist. born free/free born Petersburg City Sally Mason

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