June 24. Miss Lizzie J. Williams Leavenworth Kansas.
I am happy to inform you that at a meeting of the Regents of the Kan. State Acricultural College yesterday, it was Resolved that Miss Lizzie J. Williams of Vassar College--class of 69--be employed as a Teacher of Drawing and Tutor, at a salary of $1000. per year.
Your work will begin Sep 5. 1871. and payments will be made quarterly.
Wishing you health & prosperity I remain Respectfully R. D. Parker Sec.
Manhattan July 10. 1871
Prof J.S. Hougham
Dear Sir, At a meetingof the Board of Regents, July 6. It was "Res that the chair in the institution known as that of Agricult be combined with that of Farm Superintendent and designated as the "Chair of Practical Age and Farm Sup." also
Res that the chair occupied by Prof Hougham be designated as the chair of Agricultural Chemistry, Mechanic Arts, and Commercial Science, and that his salary shall be the same as that of Profs Mudge Lee and Platt. also
Res that the present place of residence of Prof Hougham be designated as the place of residence of the Professor of Practical Agrand Farm Sup. and that Professor Hougham be requested to vacate the same whenever it shall be required for the Professor of Agriculture.
With Kinds regards Yours Truly R. D. Parker Sec.
Aug 7. 1871.
Mrs H.V. Worden
Dear Madam, at the meeting of the Board of Regents. Aug 2nd, it was voted that the compensation of the teacher in music be $400. with fees as per schedule, per annum; and that Mrs Worden be the teacher in instrumental music.
Respectfully R.D. Parker Sec.
Manhattan, Kansas Aug 7.1871
Major Fred E. Miller,
Dear Sir, I am happy to announce that by action of the Board of Regents Aug 2d. you were chosen Professor of Practical Agriculture, and Farm Superintendent in the Kans. State Agl. College, with salary of $1800. per annum.
R.D. Parker Sec. of the Board