Manhattan Kansas Nov 9. 1871
Capt. [Chas?] B. [Stivers?]
Dear Sir, I have delayed that I might
communicate with other Regents.
The Chair of Civil Engineering was intended
to cover the higher mathematics; it was also
designed to meet the practical want of young
men in this railroad age of the West ; in
Training for surveying and railroad engineer-
ing. Through lack of preparatory schools
many of our students are young, and
backward in their studies. The classes in
arithmetic, alegebra and geometry are large,
and with other necessary things fully [?]
the strength of our present teacher of maths.
Some will go higher if we provide teaching,
this is now done by our Prof of Nat. Sci. but
the work is too heavy. Professors can select their
own text books. The salary is $1800, paid quarterly.
Respectfully, R. D. Parker
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