Aug. 14, 1897
To the Board of Education,
Larned, Ks.
Mr. George Doll, who I understand is an applicant for the position
of assistant principal in your school, is a graduate of this [institution?]
of the class of 1897. An inspectio
fice shown him to have done good wo
I regard him as a young man of
pose, and sterling moral character;
in the school room
Aug. 14, 1847
Mr. George Doll,
Larned, Ks.
Dear Sir,
Yours of the 11th is at hand. I have just written your sister
to the effect that a mistake had been made in classifying her in the cat-
alog below the third year.
The death you mention is certainly sad, and in fact a horrible one.
Enclosed please find a testimonial regarding your character and work.
I trust you may be able to secure the positon.
Graduates of the K. S. A. C. are like others required to take
the examination before teaching in the schools of Manhattan.
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