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Aug. 27, 1897.
Mr. Homer Derr,
Baldwin, Ks.
Dear Sir,
Your letters to Rev. R. J. Phipps have been referred to me for
reply. I regret that such opportunities as you seek are limited, even
here, where they are perhaps more numerous than in most colleges.
Should we be able to do anything for you, I shall be glad to inform you.
Sincerely yours,

Aug. 27, 1897.
Mr. J. C. Ruppenthal, Jr.,
Russell, Ks.
My Dear Sir,
Your very encouraging favor of the 26th inst.. is at hand. Let me
say in reply that bookkeeping is taught in every term of the year, and
that advanced work in this study will be available to these who have
completed the elementary work. Further, that altho we have laid out a
course of study, we do not propose to make of it a procrustean bed-
stead, but shall permit variations when good reasons for making such
changes are offered.
I take pleasure in sending copies of our last Industrialist, as
requested, to your brothers. I should be very glad to see them, and
also your sister, in the college, and trust that they may see it to their
interest to come. We send them also catalogs.
Very truly yours,

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