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Aug. 27, 1897.
Dr. J. H. Pugh,
Independence, Ks.
Dear Sir,
Yours of the 25th concerning mineral water is at hand. Your letter,
together with the water, will be turned over to our chemist for analy-
sis, and he will report to you the results.
Very truly yours,

Aug. 27, 1897.
Hon. W. E. Bush,
Secretary of State,
Dear Sir,
I have the honor to acknowledge herewidth the receipt from your of-
fice of the list of state officers, heads of departments and boards.
Permit me to thank you for the same, and to remain
Very sincerely yours,

Aug. 27, 1897.
Mr. H. S. Westgate,
Westgate, Ks.
Dear Sir,
Your favor of the 23d is at hand. I am in receipt of a recent let-
ter from your son, J. M. Westgate, regarding his work in the institution,
and trust that should he finally decide to return we may be able to
provide him with some work, as he desires.

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