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4 revisions
Sp at May 15, 2023 12:30 AM


28/01/2022, 09:08 Hakkasan Abu Dhabi Menus 1615 Puro Quebranta 40% 30ml 57 Lapostolle Muscat 40% 30ml 57 Takam Quebranta 40% 30ml 55 ............................................................................................................ Single Malt Lowland Auchentoshan 12 yrs 40% 30ml 74 Auchentoshan 21 yrs 43% 30ml 192 Auchentoshan Three Wood 43% 30ml 84 Rosebank 1982, 25 yrs 61.4% 30ml 408 ............................................................................................................ Single Malt Highland Dalmore 12 yrs 40% 30ml 99 Dalmore 15 yrs 40% 30ml 128 Dalmore 18 yrs 43% 30ml 246 Dalmore Cigar Malt 44% 30ml 158 Dalmore 1966, 40 yrs 40% 30ml 24483 Dalmore Candela 50 yrs 45% 30ml 9837 Dalmore Crystal Decnter 50 yrs 52.8% 100ml 19100 Dalwhinnie 15 yrs 43 30ml 74 Galwhinnie 10 yrs 40% 30ml 57 https;//menus.hakkasan.com/hakkasan-abu-dhabi/ 24/70

28/01/2022, 09:08 Hakkasan Abu Dhabi Menus

1615 Puro Quebranta 40% 30ml 57

Lapostolle Muscat 40% 30ml 57

Takam Quebranta 40% 30ml 55

Single Malt

Auchentoshan 12 yrs 40% 30ml 74

Auchentoshan 21 yrs 43% 30ml 192

Auchentoshan Three Wood 43% 30ml 84

Rosebank 1982, 25 yrs 61.4% 30ml 408

Single Malt

Dalmore 12 yrs 40% 30ml 99

Dalmore 15 yrs 40% 30ml 128

Dalmore 18 yrs 43% 30ml 246

Dalmore Cigar Malt 44% 30ml 158

Dalmore 1966, 40 yrs 40% 30ml 24483

Dalmore Candela 50 yrs 45% 30ml 9837

Dalmore Crystal Decnter 50 yrs 52.8% 100ml 19100

Dalwhinnie 15 yrs 43 30ml 74

Galwhinnie 10 yrs 40% 30ml 57

https;//menus.hakkasan.com/hakkasan-abu-dhabi/ 24/70


28/01/2022, 09:08 Hakkasan Abu Dhabi Menus https;//menus.hakkasan.com/hakkasan-abu-dhabi/ 24/70

28/01/2022, 09:08 Hakkasan Abu Dhabi Menus

https;//menus.hakkasan.com/hakkasan-abu-dhabi/ 24/70