Letter from Benson John Lossing to Fitz-Greene Halleck

This is a scanned version of the original document in the Abernethy Manuscripts Collection at Middlebury College.




If you have honored me with a peep into my past you have presumed that I am notorious for notes explanatory, and it may be, notes in [ ?]. I have just renewed my acquaintance with Jim [?] Redfield's very next [ ?] of your children of [ ?] years, and for the fourth time have fallen in love with your Fanny though she "was younger once, than she is now, and Fanny being notable, I desire to annotate her. Will you oblige me by informing me in what year she was born in your "imagination"? I do not not wish you to "get yourself in trouble by revealing A secret of this sort" only tell me the date of the poem. I am a Knickerbocker, "born out of [ ?] - Dutch to the core, but a [ ?] of the city only 13, 14 years thru a man alluded to in Fanny whose [ ?] I cannot "locate." Well you have the Kinders to inform me who the following named gentlemen were (or are, if they are living?) Lynch [ ?] xxlll, Bristed 25, Pell 39, Bogart 49, Gautin 52 (crossed out 110), Miller Pell & Dr. Graham 61 McIntyre 64, Mergo Windown 66, John McCourt 102, Eastburn's rooms 145. I know this, from a stranger, who has pressed your hand but once, (in Harpers a few months ago), is making very free, and is asking a great deal from [ ?] and [ ?], [ ? heat.] I plead in excuse, my love for Fanny, and "the way I have" of making marginal notes in my library books, when the subject warrants it. I shall feel grateful to you for a response to this.

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For Explanations See "[Cruakus?]"

XXII Lynch. [Dominic?] celebrated wine dealer Stanza XXV. [Prested?] Work on the U.S. " XXIX Guillie Work an aeronaut " XXXII. [Gelston?] Collector of the [port?] " XXXIX Natl. Advocate - Pell's "Review". See "[Cwalkus.] " " " XLVII Baehr. Fashionable Tailor in Wall St. " XLIX {Bogart. Potash [illegible] " {Lang John. " LI Allen Stephen " LII Gautier Ice cream Saloon , near Elysian fields [Hoboken?] " LIII McNeven Dr. Wm James [Qun Rinboss] Dr. Nicholas " LIV Doctor Graham " LVIII [Feanen?] } - Horn & Waite Ashe } Englishman " LX Woodworth The Poet " Dr. Farmer wrote rhymes Moses Scott " LXIV [Swartwout?] } The Defaulter [Iron?] Mays } Lt [Infantry?[ in [illegible] Gen'l. Laight Militia Gen in [illegible] War LXV Clinton's "Order" LXVI Mr Charles. Ventriloquist & Slight of hand Judge Spencer [illegible] Mead President of the Merchants Banks " LXVIII. Dr. Griscom John [illegible] Museum [Tayce?] [illegible] [commission?]

Murderer, prominent Politician, & [Abraham?] [illegible] with [Zargee?]

Last edit over 1 year ago by jmphillips
Needs Review


"Ode to [Hunbut?]."

Old Bank rose from foot of [Visy?] St to Hoboken Present Washington Market was Bear Market.

114. Whale. Daving teacher

116. [Sirnfine?]. Newton [Manyin?] 138. [Lamner?]. Carrige [Makin?] Earbnon; Rooms, Cir of Pine St. and Broadwy. Bookstore - afterwad Carville. Home Dr of Syphillis.

[Peere?] Van Wyck. ~ lawyer

M-2 81

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