Untitled Page 13




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O.N. = old-number (S.C. - student coll. R 13)
Date etc Locality Donor or purchase
19[5?]9 - 1937 Greenwich, N.Y. R.S. Tefft '40.
1850? ON 654 Sudbury, Ont Rev. Severance Coll. for C.B. Adams
1961 (S.C # 60b) Brandon-Forestdale B. Baldwin and Min. class L. Green, clay, Moser, Wallace, Bill and Kasvinsky. '62 class
1934 etc? Fall Min. Class Fall Trip Old Mine for FeS_ n. of Sodalite-Syenite replace. in ls? H. Ridlon, W. David, BMS
inclusions of anorthosite [diagram of specimen with labels] rock garnet inclusion anorthosite Tahawus, N.Y. Explored etc Adirondacks 1940-44 by Ivan Hagar Mr. Wheeler geol. and
same same Open-pit-mine-Archean rocks Largest Ti mine (ilmenite in U.S. Min class - 59, 40, '47, '48 etc. Mr. Wheeler min class - 1949-1958.
(a) 1949 1947-1956? (a) Tahawus, N.Y. Adirondacks (a) Mr Wheeler + Min classes 1947-1958
(b) to give outline (b (b) of ore body - also 1950-64 use air born - magnetometers etc. (b) Mr Wheele [ets?] see above
Summer 6/1934 Cobalt. Ont. mines rocks - Huronian? Congls - [Oowganda?] B.M Schmidt 1925-1965
e - epigenetic - veins dodecahedron forms P 1931 C78a conglomerate (Tillite) - some Tunaberg Sweden. Keewatin? and Timiskaming [sq.?] Ward's Rochester (9/65)
surface Cobalt Ont. area B.M.S 1934 (C79a O.N. 121 Nipissing Mine, Cobalt, Ont. A.E.Burt) (C79 - 3 specs )
[diagram of rock layers with labels] Huronian whitewater 1926 Lopolith Keeweenaw?n? Frood, Frood Extension - Coniston Creighton-Coppercliff, [mand-ni Corp limited?] Am. I. Ni Co Sudbury - up to 1950 - [So+ofc of Hi - ore.?] Cobalt, Ont. 2 spec.
(C89 purchase 1928? 1930s? Riddle, Oregon purchase Ward's Rochester (S.C. Number 1896 - under N.Y. " C82 (5a) " selicates
P[1?] Wards 1931 Jackson Co., N.C. 1931 - Ward's Rochester
? ? ? Adams Coll?
1930s purchase? Butte, Mont. (possibly from Philipsburg, Mont. area? BMS 9/65) purchase in 1930s
ON 295 " 1847-50? Anaconda, Mont. Plainfield, Mass " " C.B. Adams Coll.
O.N> 589. - (probably) Cummington, Mass. " " " coll. }1847-50s
purchase 1931 Ward's Rochester W. Cummington purchase 1931
O.N. 237. [cull?] - started May 18, 1839 Swanton, VT. ??? (for C88a probably Ohio. Ky. C.B. Adams - Coll. " " " began in 1815/1839

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